Ex-Pennsylvania Senator Who Won Iowa Rick Santorum: "We birthed a nation from nothing...there isn't much Native American culture in American culture"

OK, while I don't care about Rick Santorum one way or the other and I'm not a huge proponent of canceling someone over his lack of understanding of our history., that statement may as well have said that the white race created this country and owns it by birthright.

Racist? No. A complete retard? Yes...but I've always thought that about Santorum.
Take a careful look at your own racist tendencies, here. You used the term "white race" - but Santorum didn't. He just said "We". So that can also very well be including other Americans who came here who are not white. Could include blacks from Africa. Asians from Asia, and Latin Americans from Latin America.

We know cowardly cucks like you are too afraid to say what you really mean -- so you rely on this bitch ass passive aggressive talk.....

"He didn't say white......." -- while at the same time whining about white replacement theory....
OK, while I don't care about Rick Santorum one way or the other and I'm not a huge proponent of canceling someone over his lack of understanding of our history., that statement may as well have said that the white race created this country and owns it by birthright.

Racist? No. A complete retard? Yes...but I've always thought that about Santorum.
Take a careful look at your own racist tendencies, here. You used the term "white race" - but Santorum didn't. He just said "We". So that can also very well be including other Americans who came here who are not white. Could include blacks from Africa. Asians from Asia, and Latin Americans from Latin America.

Doesn't matter. He implied it by totally toeing the whole "we built America" line and dismissing the Native American influence. Almost like they don't matter.
Again, I don't think he's racist. Just another, conservative idiot.
Americans are people of all races and backgrounds....can you show me anywhere it says there is a race requirement to be an American??

Including those Native Americans you want to minimize so much
That's what I just said in Post # 9. Maybe you should slow down your posting a little. And you have no call to accuse me of "wanting" to minimize native Americans. As I said in the OP, "Just because something may be unflattering to an ethnic group, doesn't make it racist."
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Americans are people of all races and backgrounds....can you show me anywhere it says there is a race requirement to be an American??

Including those Native Americans you want to minimize so much
That's what I just said in Post # 9. Maybe you should slow down you posting a little. And you have no call to accuse me of "wanting" to minimize native Americans. As I said in the OP, "Just because something may be unflattering to an ethnic group, doesn't make it racist."
So why the need to say "we built this from nothing" as if Native Americans didn't exist??

The reason the early settlers settled at places like Patuxet is because that land was already CULTIVATED (complete with irrigation and housing structures) before they even arrived.....Why??

Because someone had already ACTUALLY BUILT IT from nothing...

The whole narrative is designed to minimize REAL CONTRIBUTIONS from ALL AMERICANS and you know it....
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes.

Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun.

Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
Way to move those goal posts there cuck

No one said Native American culture is dominant since the settlers pretty much tried to erase their culture....

But somehow in spite of all that, pieces of that culture still remains --- or do you think we eat foods like corn, squash, blueberries, pumpkins, etc because Europeans brought it here?

People eat whatever food is available. If pumpkins weren't available in Europe, that doesn't mean that they are part of injun culture. I doubt the indians made pumpkin pies with whipped cream on thanksgiving before the Honky came to these shores.
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes. Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun. Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
Well no one said dominant and talking about teepees is ignorant. They were used by the inhabitants of the Plains and not by tribes in other areas. You should just shut up and talk about things of which you have actual knowledge, though I suspect meeting that criterion would seriously slow down your posting rate.

We know cowardly cucks like you are too afraid to say what you really mean -- so you rely on this bitch ass passive aggressive talk.....

"He didn't say white......." -- while at the same time whining about white replacement theory....
Maybe you might try taking a course in reading comprehension, asshole. NO IT DOES INCLUDE "the NATIVE AMERICANS WHO WERE ALREADY HERE". Santorum was talking about only those people who "came here". Buy a dictionary, dumbo.

Now whatever it is that your "white replacement theory" babbling is supposed to mean (sorry I speak American English, not Leftist Lunacy), it has no relation or impact on the OP, or anything else I've said, other than to indicate some anti-white racist tendencies coming from you.
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes.

Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun.

Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
Way to move those goal posts there cuck

No one said Native American culture is dominant since the settlers pretty much tried to erase their culture....

But somehow in spite of all that, pieces of that culture still remains --- or do you think we eat foods like corn, squash, blueberries, pumpkins, etc because Europeans brought it here?

People eat whatever food is available. If pumpkins weren't available in Europe, that doesn't mean that they are part of injun culture. I doubt the indians made pumpkin pies with whipped cream on thanksgiving before the Honky came to these shores.
Native Americans ate pumpkins....as well as the other foods I described....and so did Euros......because that is how "SOCIETIES" work......

Speaking of pies...the first existence of "pies" came from Africa.....so Euros don't have a monopoly on pies either....

Why is the fact that America prospered from the contributions of all people bother you so much?? are you that much of an insecure cuck that you have to tell yourself "Yea, America had other people here ...but Mommy loves me best" over and over again??

We know cowardly cucks like you are too afraid to say what you really mean -- so you rely on this bitch ass passive aggressive talk.....

"He didn't say white......." -- while at the same time whining about white replacement theory....
Maybe you might try taking a course in reading comprehension, asshole. NO IT DOES INCLUDE "the NATIVE AMERICANS WHO WERE ALREADY HERE". Santorum was talking about only those people who "came here". Buy a dictionary, dumbo.

Now whatever it is that your "white replacement theory" babbling is supposed to mean (sorry I speak American English, not Leftist Lunacy), it has no relation or impact on the OP, or anything else I've said, other than to indicate some anti-white racist tendencies coming from you.
and those people who came here didn't build everything from nothing....you do understand that right??
Doesn't matter. He implied it by totally toeing the whole "we built America" line and dismissing the Native American influence. Almost like they don't matter.
Again, I don't think he's racist. Just another, conservative idiot.
No, you have no standing to be saying what Santorum implied. If he wanted to mean "white", he could have said that. He just said "We came here". That implies nothing, and it covers all those people who "came here".

You are displaying the very same racist tendencies that the OP just talked about. Yes, he did dismiss the Native American influence, and correctly so, as a factual statement, without trying to put anything more into it, as you're trying to do.

We know cowardly cucks like you are too afraid to say what you really mean -- so you rely on this bitch ass passive aggressive talk.....

"He didn't say white......." -- while at the same time whining about white replacement theory....
Maybe you might try taking a course in reading comprehension, asshole. NO IT DOES INCLUDE "the NATIVE AMERICANS WHO WERE ALREADY HERE". Santorum was talking about only those people who "came here". Buy a dictionary, dumbo.

Now whatever it is that your "white replacement theory" babbling is supposed to mean (sorry I speak American English, not Leftist Lunacy), it has no relation or impact on the OP, or anything else I've said, other than to indicate some anti-white racist tendencies coming from you.

That's Tucker's babbling, not mine. As to your statements, I picked this one out of your OP.
Kinda speaks to the whole "dismissal" point of Santorum's ill timed comments.

"I once wrote that American Indians, living in a very low technological state (ex. didn't have the wheel, or solid wall buildings) could be grateful that Europeans came here. How many of them living today would trade modern conveniences like cars, indoor plumbing and climate control, TV, computers, etc, to go back to the existences of their 19th century ancestors?"

Yes, I'm sure the native Americans back then were soothsayers who could see into the future of today and all these conveniences we enjoy. However, all they saw then was the smallpox and other diseases that were visited upon them, the overhunting of their game by the new arrivals, the slow introduction of guns and liquor, the forcible taking of their land, and finally, the forced ejection and marches to resettlement and then outright slaughter. Geez, I wonder why their cultures and way of life disappeared?

I'm sure they were grateful for all that. :)
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes.

Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun.

Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
Way to move those goal posts there cuck

No one said Native American culture is dominant since the settlers pretty much tried to erase their culture....

But somehow in spite of all that, pieces of that culture still remains --- or do you think we eat foods like corn, squash, blueberries, pumpkins, etc because Europeans brought it here?

People eat whatever food is available. If pumpkins weren't available in Europe, that doesn't mean that they are part of injun culture. I doubt the indians made pumpkin pies with whipped cream on thanksgiving before the Honky came to these shores.
Native Americans ate pumpkins....as well as the other foods I described....and so did Euros......because that is how "SOCIETIES" work......

Speaking of pies...the first existence of "pies" came from Africa.....so Euros don't have a monopoly on pies either....

Why is the fact that America prospered from the contributions of all people bother you so much?? are you that much of an insecure cuck that you have to tell yourself "Yea, America had other people here ...but Mommy loves me best" over and over again??
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes.

Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun.

Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
Way to move those goal posts there cuck

No one said Native American culture is dominant since the settlers pretty much tried to erase their culture....

But somehow in spite of all that, pieces of that culture still remains --- or do you think we eat foods like corn, squash, blueberries, pumpkins, etc because Europeans brought it here?

People eat whatever food is available. If pumpkins weren't available in Europe, that doesn't mean that they are part of injun culture. I doubt the indians made pumpkin pies with whipped cream on thanksgiving before the Honky came to these shores.
Native Americans ate pumpkins....as well as the other foods I described....and so did Euros......because that is how "SOCIETIES" work......

Speaking of pies...the first existence of "pies" came from Africa.....so Euros don't have a monopoly on pies either....

Why is the fact that America prospered from the contributions of all people bother you so much?? are you that much of an insecure cuck that you have to tell yourself "Yea, America had other people here ...but Mommy loves me best" over and over again??
View attachment 485236
Nope.....its definitely not.....

Most of this goofy shit you conservatives tell yourselves is based off insecurities and feels......

This desperate revisionism to whitewash everything about this country's true origins is shit fascists do
and those people who came here didn't build everything from nothing....you do understand that right??
If you want to make a statement about something, make it, rather than being a cowardly cuck, too afraid to say what you really mean.
Says the people whose whole ideology is about trying to find ways to say shit without saying it (DOG WHISTLING)-- because of how thoroughly their bullshit has been DEFEATED by society at large......
That's Tucker's babbling, not mine. As to your statements, I picked this one out of your OP.
Kinda speaks to the whole "dismissal" point of Santorum's ill timed comments.

"I once wrote that American Indians, living in a very low technological state (ex. didn't have the wheel, or solid wall buildings) could be grateful that Europeans came here. How many of them living today would trade modern conveniences like cars, indoor plumbing and climate control, TV, computers, etc, to go back to the existences of their 19th century ancestors?"

Yes, I'm sure the native Americans back then were soothsayers who could see into the future of today and all these conveniences we enjoy. However, all they saw then was the smallpox and other diseases that were visited upon them, the overhunting of their game by the new arrivals, the slow introduction of guns and liquor, the forcible taking of their land, and finally, the forced ejection and marches to resettlement and then outright slaughter. Geez, I wonder why their cultures and way of life disappeared?

I'm sure they were grateful for all that. :)
I can see the left has got you programmed to the full extent of their syllabus on American Indian history. Now for the deprogramming >>>

The overwhelming majority of contacts between White Europeans and American Indians were peaceful. The great majority of 19th century American Indians lived their entire lives many miles away from White settlements, and never laid eyes on a white person.

The genocide that you speak of is true, but it was relatively small in number, and is exaggerated, due to the dime store novel industry, which made a fortune selling books to Easteners about the wild west. It was only the warring and violence books that sold the most copies. The ones about peace, trading, intermarriage, etc, didn't sell well. Consequently, people thought that the violence was all there was, due to the prevelance of it in the books they read, without reading anything else.

As for genocide against American Indian tribes, they suffered that far more from other rival tribes, for hundreds of years, before a single European ship arrived in the "New World"

Secondly, the arrival of Europeans is one of the best things that ever happened to native Americans of the 20th and 21st centuries. How many of them currently choose to live in teepees, hunt game to survive, ride horses for transportation, and wear clothing they made themselves from animal skins ?

And how many of them living today, have never watched a TV show, listened to a radio, listened to a music recording, never heard of a guitar, never touched a computer ?

Without European arrival and contact, they'd probably still be living their prehistoric technology level, as they did for thousands of years, up until the 20th century.
Nope.....its definitely not.....

Most of this goofy shit you conservatives tell yourselves is based off insecurities and feels......

This desperate revisionism to whitewash everything about this country's true origins is shit fascists do
Nothing is being revised. What Santorum said is true and always has been. You see it as revision, only because it isn't congruent with your leftist definitions, that you all conjure up yourselves (new ones arriving daily), to fit how you would like things to be or be thought of.

The funny part is how you actually expect those of us in normal society to pick up your eccentrities, and accept them. And as for "whitewashing", no, it is just truth telling, apart from your ridiculous race-baiting.

As for "shit fascists do", here's a partial list >>>

1. Big, strong, centralized government
2. Strict gun control (if not confiscation)
3. Abundant regulation of people & business
4. Suppression of free speech (ex. Twitter)
5, Control over universities & course content
6. Control over mass media

Sound familiar ?
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Says the people whose whole ideology is about trying to find ways to say shit without saying it (DOG WHISTLING)-- because of how thoroughly their bullshit has been DEFEATED by society at large......
I don't speak for "people" as you call it, but for myself, I never imply, insinuate, of infer anything, ever. If have something say, I say it. Like >> You are a fool.

And society at large (the American citizens voting public) has not defeated conservatism. Getting elected president by means of massive fraud & intimidation isn't defeating anything other than the image and prestige of the US as a democracy, but let's stay on topic here.
So why the need to say "we built this from nothing" as if Native Americans didn't exist??

The reason the early settlers settled at places like Patuxet is because that land was already CULTIVATED (complete with irrigation and housing structures) before they even arrived.....Why??

Because someone had already ACTUALLY BUILT IT from nothing...

The whole narrative is designed to minimize REAL CONTRIBUTIONS from ALL AMERICANS and you know it....
Because "nothing" is just what it was. That's why.
I have no problem with people saying things that are true. To say " there was nothing here. I mean, yes, we have Native Americans, but candidly, there’s isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” is factual and true. I have no problem with any of it.

American Indians were living a prehistoric existence not even as quality in housing structures, as the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago, who has exquisite palaces, with solid walls, doors, windows, and roofs. Indians had tents. Give us a break.

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