Ex-Pennsylvania Senator Who Won Iowa Rick Santorum: "We birthed a nation from nothing...there isn't much Native American culture in American culture"

Its true, Native American culture barely exists even here in Arizona aside from some Native souvenir and art stores. The reservations have no impact on our cities and society, there is no job growth or businesses on reservations with a few exceptions of long term leases on Indian property that happens to be right on the edge of our metro areas.

But going back to colonial days, the colonists built a country based on British law and culture, not Indian.

Sadly most of the original Native American's lost most of their Native American culture due to the bankers crimes on them.
They lost their culture due to nonexistent borders and mass immigration.

Sound familiar?

Very. And we are being just like them and laying and taking it. When will we standup?
i'll teach you some history, sir!

These guys never know when to STFU.

“These guys”? You mean CNN sell outs and globalist pigs?
He’s a RINO who has terminal TDS, the type you usually love.

The Rhino's are no different then the WOKE democrypts. They are just useless idiots and put their tongue out to whoever feeds them.
He is right.

AHA!!! I see we have forgotten that North American Indians invented the game of La Crosse ?

I'm pretty sure soccer was invented by the aztecs or Incas who were kicking around the skulls of their enemies at the base of the sacrificial pyramids.
He is right.

AHA!!! I see we have forgotten that North American Indians invented the game of La Crosse ?

I'm pretty sure soccer was invented by the aztecs or Incas who were kicking around the skulls of their enemies at the base of the sacrificial pyramids.

Lewis and Clark wrote about the northwestern tribes playing soccer with fresh heads.
Its true, Native American culture barely exists even here in Arizona aside from some Native souvenir and art stores. The reservations have no impact on our cities and society, there is no job growth or businesses on reservations with a few exceptions of long term leases on Indian property that happens to be right on the edge of our metro areas.

But going back to colonial days, the colonists built a country based on British law and culture, not Indian.
Really? Here in Iowa they put up a Casino on the reservation... Whalla.... Income for the Indians on that reservation. It's quite common.

Edit: Iowa is an Indian name... Just... Saying.

Edit2: I don't like most republicans... I don't like Rick Santorum either.
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The U.S. Constitution and the Great Law of Peace

The tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum,[1][2] commonly known as a tomato plant. The species originated in western South America and Central America.[2][3] The Nahuatl (the language used by the Aztecs) word tomatl gave rise to the Spanish word tomate, from which the English word tomato derived.[3][4]

". . . A favorite American pastime and a summer tradition for many, barbecues have a long and surprisingly patriotic history.

They began when a human ancestor called Homo erectus began cooking meat with fire about 1.8 million years ago, according to Planet Barbecue (Workman Publishing, 2010). But barbecues the way that Americans know them now meat cooked over a grill or pit, covered in spices and basting sauce originated in the Caribbean.

The word barbecue comes from the language of a Caribbean Indian tribe called the Taino. Their word for grilling on a raised wooden grate is barbacoa. The word first appeared in print in a Spanish explorer's account of the West Indies in 1526, according to Planet Barbecue.. . . "

Folks that believe the United States of America owe little or none of it's culture to the Natives? Are either ignorant. . . or. . . well, that is all there is too it.

Our government and very 4th of July Holiday would not exist without them, much less the names and places of 70% of our cities, states and towns.

The ignorance in this thread is A---Mazing.

Its true, Native American culture barely exists even here in Arizona aside from some Native souvenir and art stores. The reservations have no impact on our cities and society, there is no job growth or businesses on reservations with a few exceptions of long term leases on Indian property that happens to be right on the edge of our metro areas.

But going back to colonial days, the colonists built a country based on British law and culture, not Indian.
Really? Here in Iowa they put up a Casino on the reservation... Whalla.... Income for the Indians on that reservation. It's quite common.

Edit: Iowa is an Indian name... Just... Saying.
Even addressing that post is dumb.

theHawk is judging native culture and the natives of this land by European standards of what "success," is. But, the Western ways have destroyed the original American's idea of what success is/were. So any such conversation is completely a waste of time.

Now? Survival seems to be the goal.
Its true, Native American culture barely exists even here in Arizona aside from some Native souvenir and art stores. The reservations have no impact on our cities and society, there is no job growth or businesses on reservations with a few exceptions of long term leases on Indian property that happens to be right on the edge of our metro areas.

But going back to colonial days, the colonists built a country based on British law and culture, not Indian.
Really? Here in Iowa they put up a Casino on the reservation... Whalla.... Income for the Indians on that reservation. It's quite common.

Edit: Iowa is an Indian name... Just... Saying.

Edit2: I don't like most republicans... I don't like Rick Santorum either.
Oh yea, who could forget the casinos. But the money doesn’t do much for the reservations.
i'll teach you some history, sir!

1: A foul-smelling, frothy mixture of fecal matter and semen that dribbles from a male partner's raw, tumescent anus after sodomy and dribbles down his testicles like so much chocolate syrup and mayonnaise.

2: Biting, pejorative term used to describe a plutocratic, homophobic theocrat; a component of the radical right who embraces tax cuts for the rich, social spending cuts for the poor, anti-gay legislation in every conceivable form and adherence to the strictest tenets of the Christian right.

The Urban Dictionary: santorum
Oh yea, who could forget the casinos. But the money doesn’t do much for the reservations.

I agree that the money isn't used very wisely in most cases. Government for you... Even Indian ones.
i'll teach you some history, sir!

These guys never know when to STFU.

Do ya think Hank Johnson learned to shut up?

How long did it take to convince him Guam was NOT going to tip over?

BOTH sides have their idiots.

Depends....how many times did he say it? More times than you dwell on it?
i'll teach you some history, sir!

The senator is largely correct. Very little indian culture has been adopted by settlers from other parts of the world who came here. Go down the streets of any major city, you'll see very little Indian architecture, very few Americans live in teepees or wear feathered headdresses.
Anyone who believes that didn't spend any time in the Scouts. Many of our states cities and towns have Native American names. There are instances all over of cultural influence, if you look.
Santorum's remark profoundly reveals the rigid self-centered
shallowness of right wing misunderstanding of Native America's contributions to our American nation.
Depends....how many times did he say it? More times than you dwell on it?
Oh come on... One is sad stupid, he really shouldn't have said that... Maybe you can get him to apologize or backtrack... Something...

The other was really fucking funny stupid. The island was going to tip over? Really? There is no fixing that kind of stupid.

Edit: Even CNN...
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