Ex-Pennsylvania Senator Who Won Iowa Rick Santorum: "We birthed a nation from nothing...there isn't much Native American culture in American culture"

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Boy... That guy would really be pissed off today with Covid lockdown.
IMO. . . it is where A LOT of Americans' love of freedom came from. No where on the planet have folks grumbled about it so much, nor have local governments refused to go along with the global elites in the WEF and WHO plans to shut down economies and use mitigation efforts. Only some states have complied, and even in the most blue states, they still haven't been as strict, IMO, as other nation's.

Hell, I have been comparing the response Michigan has had to Ontario's during this whole thing. And although Whitmer has gotten a bad rap, her response has been nowhere as draconian as conservative premier of Ontario Doug Ford.
Its true, Native American culture barely exists even here in Arizona aside from some Native souvenir and art stores. The reservations have no impact on our cities and society, there is no job growth or businesses on reservations with a few exceptions of long term leases on Indian property that happens to be right on the edge of our metro areas.

But going back to colonial days, the colonists built a country based on British law and culture, not Indian.
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In case no one has noticed, the very popular (if not most) popular tactic among Democrats these days, is race baiting (ie. the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage). And the most popular way of doing this seems to be calling someone a "racist" (as is done a lot here in USMB).

The latest victim of this is Rick Santorum, former US Senator, and one of the recent Republican candidates for president. Santorum, hired by CNN as a contributor (after they discovered he was an anti-Trumper). He is under fire for so-called “racist” comments that critics said debased Native American culture, prompting calls for his immediate termination.

Santorum said >> " “We came here and created a blank slate. We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes, we have Native Americans, but candidly, there’s isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

SOME (not all) American Indian groups blew a gasket and started threatening CNN with boycotts. Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians, said in a statement. “Televising someone with his views on Native American genocide is fundamentally no different than putting an outright Nazi on television to justify the Holocaust.” She followed up this exaggeration with this >> “Make your choice,” Do you stand with white supremacists justifying Native American genocide, or do you stand with Native Americans?”

I don't know if this tirade is inspired or instigated by Democrats, or not, but it is a bit overreaching, while also being an attack on free speech. I have seen Santorum's activities in government for many years, and I was even a supporter of him for president once, and I've never seen him say or do anything that was racist, or akin to being a white supremacist (a term popular with the left nowadays).

Although there is some Native American culture in American culture, Santorum is correct. One can travel about in the US, visit every state in America, and see art, hear music, speak language, and not encounter a single aspect of Native American culture. In my own household the only thing I own that is of native American culture is one of my guitar straps with a rather nice, colorful Native American design on it.

People in America seem to be going nuts about race, and being way too ready to flash the race card at everything that can be construed (so they think) as "racist". If Fawn Sharp ever heard some of the things I have said in this forum, et al, she would really flip out, and I contend that nothing of what I said is racist either. Just because something may be unflattering to an ethnic group, doesn't make it racist.

I once wrote that American Indians, living in a very low technological state (ex. didn't have the wheel, or solid wall buildings) could be grateful that Europeans came here. How many of them living today would trade modern conveniences like cars, indoor plumbing and climate control, TV, computers, etc, to go back to the existences of their 19th century ancestors ?

I think everyone needs to be discerning when they hear the word "racist" being tossed around as if it was a ping pong ball. Too much bad stuff is happening from the race-baiting, and this often carries over to unjust attacks on normal police procedure.

“I had no intention of minimizing or in any way devaluing Native American culture,” Santorum told the newspaper in a statement.

CNN urged to fire Rick Santorum for ‘racist’ remarks on Native Americans
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In case no one has noticed, the very popular (if not most) popular tactic among Democrats these days, is race baiting (ie. the act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage). And the most popular way of doing this seems to be calling someone a "racist" (as is done a lot here in USMB).

The latest victim of this is Rick Santorum, former US Senator, and one of the recent Republican candidates for president. Santorum, hired by CNN as a contributor (after they discovered he was an anti-Trumper). He is under fire for so-called “racist” comments that critics said debased Native American culture, prompting calls for his immediate termination.

Santorum said >> " “We came here and created a blank slate. We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes, we have Native Americans, but candidly, there’s isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

SOME (not all) American Indian groups blew a gasket and started threatening CNN with boycotts. Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians, said in a statement. “Televising someone with his views on Native American genocide is fundamentally no different than putting an outright Nazi on television to justify the Holocaust.” She followed up this exaggeration with this >> “Make your choice,” Do you stand with white supremacists justifying Native American genocide, or do you stand with Native Americans?”

I don't know if this tirade is inspired or instigated by Democrats, or not, but it is a bit overreaching while also being an attack on free speech. I have seen Santorum's activities in government for many years, and I was even a supporter of him for president once, and I've never seen him say or do anything that was racist or akin to being a white supremacist (a term popular with the left nowadays).

Although there is some Native American culture in American culture, Santorum is correct. One can travel about in the US, visit every state in America, and see art, hear music, speak language, and not encounter a single aspect of Native American culture. In my own household the only thing I own that is of native American culture is one of my guitar straps with a rather nice, colorful Native American design on it.

People in America seem to be going nuts about race, and being way too ready to flash the race card at everything that can be construed (so they think) as "racist". If Fawn Sharp ever heard some of the things I have said in this forum, et al, she would really flip out, and I contend that nothing of what I said is racist either. Just because something may be unflattering to an ethnic group doesn't make it racist.

I once wrote that American Indians, living in a very low technological state (ex. didn't have the wheel or solid wall buildings) could be grateful that Europeans came here. How many of them living today would trade modern conveniences like cars, indoor plumbing and climate control, TV, computers, etc, to go back to the existences of their 19th century ancestors ?

I think everyone needs to be discerning when they hear the word "racist" being tossed around as if it was a ping pong ball. Too much bad stuff is happening from the race-baiting.

“I had no intention of minimizing or in any way devaluing Native American culture,” Santorum told the newspaper in a statement.

CNN urged to fire Rick Santorum for ‘racist’ remarks on Native Americans
When Rick talks about "we" --- who is he talking about?

His family came here in the early 1900's -- back when Italians weren't even considered white......so what does he mean by we?
OK, while I don't care about Rick Santorum one way or the other and I'm not a huge proponent of canceling someone over his lack of understanding of our history., that statement may as well have said that the white race created this country and owns it by birthright.

Racist? No. A complete retard? Yes...but I've always thought that about Santorum.
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes.

Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun.

Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
When Rick talks about "we" --- who is he talking about?

His family came here in the early 1900's -- back when Italians weren't even considered white......so what does he mean by we?
He means Americans, including Italians (of which I am one partially) who came here in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and created the USA. Duh!
Santorum is right, as per usual. Indian culture is pretty much defunct, they aren't scalping people any more, and they aren't living in traditional, teepee based housing. A couple of years ago, leading Squaw Liz "Pocahontas" Warren was shown living in a fancy house wearing western clothes.

Our entire legal system is based upon western, Eurotrash culture- not that of the injun.

Pretending as if Indian culture is dominant is pretty stupid.
Way to move those goal posts there cuck

No one said Native American culture is dominant since the settlers pretty much tried to erase their culture....

But somehow in spite of all that, pieces of that culture still remains --- or do you think we eat foods like corn, squash, blueberries, pumpkins, etc because Europeans brought it here?
When Rick talks about "we" --- who is he talking about?

His family came here in the early 1900's -- back when Italians weren't even considered white......so what does he mean by we?
He means Americans, including Italians (of which I am one partially) who came here in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and created the USA. Duh!
Americans are people of all races and backgrounds....can you show me anywhere it says there is a race requirement to be an American??

Including those Native Americans you want to minimize so much
OK, while I don't care about Rick Santorum one way or the other and I'm not a huge proponent of canceling someone over his lack of understanding of our history., that statement may as well have said that the white race created this country and owns it by birthright.

Racist? No. A complete retard? Yes...but I've always thought that about Santorum.
Take a careful look at your own racist tendencies, here. You used the term "white race" - but Santorum didn't. He just said "We". So that can also very well be including other Americans who came here who are not white. Could include blacks from Africa. Asians from Asia, and Latin Americans from Latin America.

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