Ex Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler from Congressmen's swearing in


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Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Ex-Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler From Congressman’s Swearing-in | TheBlaze.com

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The New York Post sets the scene at newly-elected Congressman Bob Turner’s swearing in ceremony at a Queens school:

“Adam Weissman, 33, of Astoria, was one of three demonstrators to disrupt Turner’s local swearing-in ceremony at Metropolitan High School in Forest Hills. Turner won the congressional seat once held by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner by defeating Assemblyman David Weprin.”

But the heckler was only able to get out a few words before Kevin Hiltunen of Brooklyn grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket and booted him out to the curb.
I find it funny how selective and partisan conservatives are when it comes to the military servicemen whether on duty or off duty. If a general speaks out in a way they don't like... they disregard the general and try and compare him to other officers who feel the way they do.

If there's an ex-soldier at a protest speaking in a way they don't like, they basically ignore that individual's service and say that they don't just automatically respect the military with whatever it does.

And this is a perfect counterpart to my previous words... an ex-marine and they tout his military service around.

But let it just be known, they only do it because he is "on their side"

Bastards don't give a damn about the countless individuals who serve and have served this country who don't share their political views either during combat or while retired.
Ex-Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler From Congressman’s Swearing-in | TheBlaze.com

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The New York Post sets the scene at newly-elected Congressman Bob Turner’s swearing in ceremony at a Queens school:

“Adam Weissman, 33, of Astoria, was one of three demonstrators to disrupt Turner’s local swearing-in ceremony at Metropolitan High School in Forest Hills. Turner won the congressional seat once held by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner by defeating Assemblyman David Weprin.”

But the heckler was only able to get out a few words before Kevin Hiltunen of Brooklyn grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket and booted him out to the curb.
He is also is a police officer but off duty..:clap2:
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say something a little bit extreme, but also in my opinion rather true in many cases I've seen.

The right loves the military insomuch as they can use them as political pawns. Exactly the same way they feel about 9/11 responders. Political gain, let them suffer otherwise.
Ex-Marine Tosses Occupy Heckler From Congressman’s Swearing-in | TheBlaze.com

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The New York Post sets the scene at newly-elected Congressman Bob Turner’s swearing in ceremony at a Queens school:

“Adam Weissman, 33, of Astoria, was one of three demonstrators to disrupt Turner’s local swearing-in ceremony at Metropolitan High School in Forest Hills. Turner won the congressional seat once held by disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner by defeating Assemblyman David Weprin.”

But the heckler was only able to get out a few words before Kevin Hiltunen of Brooklyn grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket and booted him out to the curb.
He is also is a police officer but off duty..:clap2:

And a police officer?

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