Everything we know about economics is wrong

It's not our job to tell other people how they should live".

but of course thats exactly what you are doing by giving them lifetime welfare!! Would you raise a child who never learned anything because you new welfare would take can of him all his life? Just the thought is disgusting.
Why do you want to teach them anything?
perhaps so they will be more than zoo animals?
It's not our job to tell other people how they should live. I'm just saying it would be easier and cheaper to just give them enough so they can live decently and we won't have to deal with their whining. We enough people who are willing to work, and enough technology, that we can produce enough for everyone without a whole lot of effort. I'd like to give a trailer to everyone who wants one. Then we wouldn't have homeless people all over washington dc. In defense to the underclass, I can remember in 1965 anyone who walked in the door at Ford Motor Company got hired. It really is tougher to get good jobs now. It takes fewer people to do the same work it used to, and the competition for the good jobs leaves more and more behind. I'd rather they were just hanging out having a good time than be marching demanding "welfare rights".

How about we force them to get off their asses for 8 hours 3-4 times a week and contribute to society by being a responsible contributing American citizen by eliminating their benefits and giving it to people that are actually disabled for 12 months or longer? I like my idea so much better...
It's not our job to tell other people how they should live".

but of course thats exactly what you are doing by giving them lifetime welfare!! Would you raise a child who never learned anything because you new welfare would take can of him all his life? Just the thought is disgusting.

Are you going to actually quote me or make my quotes up for me? I'm a conservative. Welfare should be no more than 12 months and be mainly only for the disabled.
What is a job? Most think a job is an arrangement between 2 people, whereby one of them works for the other and is paid wages. Another definition is that a job is a piece of work that needs to be done. Suppose you’re part of an Amish family. There are lots of jobs on the farm that need doing, and everyone does them. If the head of the family announces that today there are no jobs that need to be done, would that be a bad thing, or a good thing? If a job is work that needs doing, then high unemployment is a good thing, because it means it takes fewer of us to produce everything we need. People don’t want jobs, what they want are paychecks. If there’s nothing for them to do, that’s ok, just give them a paycheck.

You may will ask where the money will come from. To ask that question implies that money actually is something. Real money, such as gold and silver, actually exists. Fiat money, which is what we have, doesn’t really exist. Because we were so recently on the gold standard, and because we used real silver in coins until 1964, people are confused by fiat money.

We can pretend we have any amount of money we want. We can give everyone fiat money to buy food, and pay farmers fiat money to grow food. We don’t need taxes. We may want some taxes, such as cigarette taxes, to influence behavior, but we don’t need them to generate revenue for the government.

Suppose you, and the government, both want to buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The government taxes you so they can buy it, and since you now don’t have the money, you can’t buy it. With our technology today, Harley Davidson can make all the motorcycles they want. If they have to hire more people, that’s ok, there are plenty of people who want to work there.

The law of supply and demand no longer applies. If there’s a huge demand for something, the price goes down, not up. Of course this doesn’t apply to things that are limited, such as rare coins, but is does apply to everything that is unlimited. Today, we can produce virtually unlimited amounts of anything.

So, I propose an end to most taxes, except for where its purpose is to influence behavior. The money “received” from these taxes is just ignored. The federal government can issue money to local governments. Everyone is issued a food stamp card. It’s probably cheaper to give a food stamp card to everyone who wants one than it is to hire people to make sure the recipients are qualified to get free food. Make social security the same for everyone, even if they never worked for wages. Give everyone a mobile home. The reason housing is so expensive is because the government makes it that way. Homeowners want to protect their investment, so they make mobile homes and high rise apartments illegal. I claim that someone’s right to affordable housing trumps someone else’s right to make money on the housing shortage. So mobile homes should be allowed everywhere.

Last, I propose unlimited unemployment benefits. Some people will get on it at 25 and stay on it all their lives, but so what? Do we want these types to be working, or looking for work, or doing something else to get money to live on? There are plenty of people who want to work to do all the work that needs to be done.

It would work. Unfortunately, it will never be implemented.
. I'm just saying it would be easier and cheaper to just give them enough so they can live decently and we won't have to deal with their whining. .

dear, it is never enough. Do you hear them complaining more than ever about inequality or less. The more you give them the less they and their children can do for themselves and the more they require.
Read "Never Enough" to understand the elementary concept. Govt was bigger than ever and still they elected Obama( biggest liberal ever) because there is never enough!! Do you understand?
. But, we don't use real money anymore.
what on earth??if its not real can I have all of yours??
Back in the 14th century king Henry VIII started using copper to make coins, washed in silver. The silver wore off Henry's nose first, earning him the nickname old copper nose. The people were upset, and thought they were being cheated. They were, because money was real, it was gold and silver. I have a bank account; it's just a number in a bank's computer. When I buy something I give them my credit card number, and they go to my bank and change some numbers. I can't give you my money, because I can't touch my money, or see it, because it isn't real. I can write a check that you can use to get your bank and my bank to change some numbers, and that's what you would call me "giving" you my money. But it's not giving you my money.
By me paying for it, I believe you mean that however much his bank account increases because he received unemployment benefits, you want mine to decrease by the same amount. Why do you want that?

so my standard of living is not reduced in suppport of an idiotic idea you have!!
How is your standard of living reduced? You're probably assuming that with more money in circulation, there will be more money chasing the same amount of products, hence the price of things will rise. But that doesn't happen, as all these years of quantitative easing has proved. The government has created billions of dollars, yet inflation has been very low.
By me paying for it, I believe you mean that however much his bank account increases because he received unemployment benefits, you want mine to decrease by the same amount. Why do you want that?

so my standard of living is not reduced in suppport of an idiotic idea you have!!
How is your standard of living reduced? You're probably assuming that with more money in circulation, there will be more money chasing the same amount of products, hence the price of things will rise. But that doesn't happen, as all these years of quantitative easing has proved. The government has created billions of dollars, yet inflation has been very low.
I can't give you my money, because I can't touch my money, or see it, because it isn't real.

dear, if its not real why not give it to me by writing me a check?? I'll cash it and touch it and see it even though it is not real. Want the address?
A check is real, because you CAN touch it. I can write a check, something I hate doing because I like my money. I realize I'm nit picking, but I do have a point. Checks existed before we were on fiat money. The only reason fiat money works is because people imagine that their money is in a bank vault, bags of gold and silver that represent your money. That's how it used to be. If the depositors were to find out that the vault was empty, it would be a worrisome event.
dear, what you mean is quantity has been high but velocity( circulation) low and so no inflation has occured. Do you understand?
Are you on drugs? Please answer honestly.
Not on drugs. Remember Nancy Pelosi (who I don't like) saying unemployment is a great economic stimulus program because the recipients spend all of it? Of course unemployment, by paying people not to work, discourages them from working. People seem to think it's a problem that people aren't working. They're not working because they don't want to work. There's no hunger in America, if there was we'd have news shows showing emaciated Americans. The liberal press can't find "hungry" people who aren't over-weight!

So how are you, or anyone, hurt because we have all these people not working?

So how are you, or anyone, hurt because we have all these people not working?

We are hurt because we have to pay their welfare thus reducing our standard of living. Who did you think paid for it? The Fairy God Mother?
If Karl Marx is right in his "labor theory of value", then how much is a pound of soybeans worth? Some rough calculations yield that one man hour produces over 1,000 pounds. The fairy god mother doesn't make that happen. Technology is at such a state that production is virtually unlimited.

So how are you, or anyone, hurt because we have all these people not working?

We are hurt because we have to pay their welfare thus reducing our standard of living. Who did you think paid for it? The Fairy God Mother?
If Karl Marx is right in his "labor theory of value", then how much is a pound of soybeans worth? Some rough calculations yield that one man hour produces over 1,000 pounds. The fairy god mother doesn't make that happen. Technology is at such a state that production is virtually unlimited.

dear, does that somehow mean in your twisted world that if you take $2000 from me to pay for some guys welfare I should not care?
dear, does that somehow mean in your twisted world that if you take $2000 from me to pay for some guys welfare I should not care?
Did you read my original post? I know it was somewhat long. I propose no taxes, except when we want to affect behavior, like the tax on cigarettes. We don't need to take $2,000 from anyone, we just print it, create it out of thin air, declare it to exist.
We don't need to take $2,000 from anyone, we just print it, create it out of thin air, declare it to exist.

too stupid of course. Printing $2000 and taxing $2000 is identical in its effect. This is Econ 101 class one day one. Do you want a reading list to get up to speed?

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