Everyone's A Criminal


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Government Should Repeal Out of Date Laws

"People commit crimes all the time without knowing it. It's impossible to know what sort of behavior is criminal."

We need a law against STUPID laws and the article points out a few.

I remember reading, years ago, in Playboy magazine about some stupid laws we have- the one that stuck in my mind was about women wearing high heeled shoes on downtown Chicago streets- it seems as though there had been some instances where women had turned their ankles when they crossed the grates in the sidewalks-
I picked up a book 30 or 40 years ago, The Trenton Pickle Ordinance, (illegal to pour pickle juice on trolley tracks in Trenton NJ), which lists odd laws still on the books in all 50 states.

hilarious read.
That's how it is in totalitarian societies.

Make everything a crime, and they can pick you up on a whim.

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