Everyone call the White House

I know Obama could not care less about an illegally jailed Marine veteran but try and put some pressure on him and give the guy a call. If he is on the golf course leave a message with Hillary. Lets bring this Marine home.


Now, for a little reverie.....

"...in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom...

For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity ... to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904: Teddy's Big Stick

But....a different time....a different President.
This is at least the third topic about this idiot.

He decides rather than flying to Costa Rica to surf, he will drive there from the US.

He also decides to bring his trusty shotgun with him.

Does he bother to spend the ten minutes it takes to find out what the various laws are about trucking a shotgun through the 5 countries he has to go through to get to Costa Rica?

Does he discover that Mexico, for instance, requires an advance permit? Does he discover other countries require all manner of permits and doctor-certified psych evals and advanced approval to bring a weapon into their respective countries?

No. Of course not. Because he is a simpleton. He figures he will just declare his weapon at the border and they will make an exception to their harsh gun control laws just for this idiot 19 year old surfer dude.

I mean, go ahead and read that letter in the OP. It is screamingly obvious he believed he could just declare his gun at the border. He clearly didn't take ten minutes to check online before he left home to find out the gun laws of Mexico.

He's lucky Mexico caught him, and not Nicaragua or Honduras. He could have been disappeared.


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Simmer down, you need to be aware of two things, first, the guy in question will be turned lose as soon as the appropriate palm gets greased, second, there has almost certainly been discrete efforts made to free the guy but making it a big deal with news cameras and the glare of public scrutiny Mexican authorities will have no choice but to follow through with prosecution.
So I googled "mexico gun laws tourists".

Here is the very first link in the search results: Owning a Gun in Mxico

Temporary gun import licenses for sporting purposes may be issued to tourists, discussed below. Mexican law provides penalties of at least five to as many as 30 years in prison for tourists who attempt to bring a firearm, or even a single round of ammunition, into Mexico without prior permission.

Wouldn't that give anyone with an IQ above 70 pause?

Here is the official US consulate warning about bringing guns to Mexico, which was the second search result: Guns are Illegal in Mexico | U.S. Consulate General Tijuana, Mexico

Don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into Mexico.

Don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in Mexico.

You may become one of dozens of U.S. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating Mexico’s strict weapons laws.

If you are caught with firearms or ammunition in Mexico...

You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;

You will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;

You will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;

You may get up to a 30-year sentence in a Mexican prison if found guilty.

Doesn't get more clear than that!

So what special kind of fuck-up is this kid that he didn't even bother to find this shit out for himself?

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This is at least the third topic about this idiot.

He decides rather than flying to Costa Rica to surf, he will drive there from the US.

He also decides to bring his trusty shotgun with him.

Does he bother to spend the ten minutes it takes to find out what the various laws are about trucking a shotgun through the 5 countries he has to go through to get to Costa Rica?

Does he discover that Mexico, for instance, requires an advance permit? Does he discover other countries require all manner of permits and doctor-certified psych evals and advanced approval to bring a weapon into their respective countries?

No. Of course not. Because he is a simpleton. He figures he will just declare his weapon at the border and they will make an exception to their harsh gun control laws just for this idiot 19 year old surfer dude.

I mean, go ahead and read that letter in the OP. It is screamingly obvious he believed he could just declare his gun at the border. He clearly didn't take ten minutes to check online before he left home to find out the gun laws of Mexico.

He's lucky Mexico caught him, and not Nicaragua or Honduras. He could have been disappeared.



Perhaps I don't read enough of your posts....but the ones that I have read seem, in every case, to leave me shaking my head, muttering "idiot."
Wonder how many Mexicans we have in jail for weapons charges? Maybe the Mexican president should get on the phone to Obama?
I know Obama could not care less about an illegally jailed Marine veteran but try and put some pressure on him and give the guy a call. If he is on the golf course leave a message with Hillary. Lets bring this Marine home.


Now, for a little reverie.....

"...in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom...

For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity ... to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904: Teddy's Big Stick

That kind of stuff is done for domestic consumption. It rarely works in international diplomacy. As a matter of fact, it can often have the opposite effect vs. quiet diplomacy. The problem with saying anything in that vein to the nation today, unlike in Teddy's day, is that all news is international and nothing said can be said solely for the domestic market.
I know Obama could not care less about an illegally jailed Marine veteran but try and put some pressure on him and give the guy a call. If he is on the golf course leave a message with Hillary. Lets bring this Marine home.


Yeah, they're a little busy.

Johnny B. can't control the TeaBags.

Preppers and loners are murdering school kids.

Jarhead needs to sit tight.

What did he do, anyway?

If you personally were going to drive through 5 or 6 third world countries with a gun, would you not spend a few minutes before leaving to find out their respective gun control laws?

And if you saw the US consulate warnings about Mexico regularly jailing Americans every month for bringing guns to their country, would you still drive down there with a shotgun?


I know Obama could not care less about an illegally jailed Marine veteran but try and put some pressure on him and give the guy a call. If he is on the golf course leave a message with Hillary. Lets bring this Marine home.


Now, for a little reverie.....

"...in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom...

For President Theodore Roosevelt, it was an opportunity ... to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
1904: Teddy's Big Stick

That kind of stuff is done for domestic consumption. It rarely works in international diplomacy. As a matter of fact, it can often have the opposite effect vs. quiet diplomacy. The problem with saying anything in that vein to the nation today, unlike in Teddy's day, is that all news is international and nothing said can be said solely for the domestic market.

Calm down, Goober....

A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream: "I slipped into reverie".
An instrumental piece suggesting a dreamy or musing state.
daydream - dream
This is at least the third topic about this idiot.

He decides rather than flying to Costa Rica to surf, he will drive there from the US.

He also decides to bring his trusty shotgun with him.

Does he bother to spend the ten minutes it takes to find out what the various laws are about trucking a shotgun through the 5 countries he has to go through to get to Costa Rica?

Does he discover that Mexico, for instance, requires an advance permit? Does he discover other countries require all manner of permits and doctor-certified psych evals and advanced approval to bring a weapon into their respective countries?

No. Of course not. Because he is a simpleton. He figures he will just declare his weapon at the border and they will make an exception to their harsh gun control laws just for this idiot 19 year old surfer dude.

I mean, go ahead and read that letter in the OP. It is screamingly obvious he believed he could just declare his gun at the border. He clearly didn't take ten minutes to check online before he left home to find out the gun laws of Mexico.

He's lucky Mexico caught him, and not Nicaragua or Honduras. He could have been disappeared.



Perhaps I don't read enough of your posts....but the ones that I have read seem, in every case, to leave me shaking my head, muttering "idiot."

You're not alone. Anyone rational on this board already thinks you're an idiot.

Don't be so rough on yourself.
Wonder how many Mexicans we have in jail for weapons charges? Maybe the Mexican president should get on the phone to Obama?

Ah! A swap!

20 million illegal immigrants for one Marine.

Sounds like a fair trade to me.

This is at least the third topic about this idiot.

He decides rather than flying to Costa Rica to surf, he will drive there from the US.

He also decides to bring his trusty shotgun with him.

Does he bother to spend the ten minutes it takes to find out what the various laws are about trucking a shotgun through the 5 countries he has to go through to get to Costa Rica?

Does he discover that Mexico, for instance, requires an advance permit? Does he discover other countries require all manner of permits and doctor-certified psych evals and advanced approval to bring a weapon into their respective countries?

No. Of course not. Because he is a simpleton. He figures he will just declare his weapon at the border and they will make an exception to their harsh gun control laws just for this idiot 19 year old surfer dude.

I mean, go ahead and read that letter in the OP. It is screamingly obvious he believed he could just declare his gun at the border. He clearly didn't take ten minutes to check online before he left home to find out the gun laws of Mexico.

He's lucky Mexico caught him, and not Nicaragua or Honduras. He could have been disappeared.



Perhaps I don't read enough of your posts....but the ones that I have read seem, in every case, to leave me shaking my head, muttering "idiot."

You're not alone. Anyone rational on this board already thinks you're an idiot.

Don't be so rough on yourself.

"Anyone rational....."

Pretending that you've conversed with rational folks?

Now, really....why would anyone even remotely rational admit to even a passing acquaintance with you?

Looking forward to that time when everyone will be murmuring about you, “nobody had a bad word to say about him…” and “he just lit up a room….”

Not too distant future?
Anyone who is transporting a gun between states needs to check the laws. If you make a mistake, you will face the consequences
If you are transporting weapons between countries you better make damn sure what the respective laws are. You make a mistake, you are subject to those laws

The US will eventually get this kid out. However, these things take time

Not worth an invasion

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