Every Picture Tells A Story Don't It?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Here is the "woman" Cosby raped:


And here is his lawyer:


L .O .L .A . LOLA....
What Cosby did at that time was not considered sexual assault.

It is only after decades of progressive womyns war on anything masculine that people think an intoxicated woman agreeing to sex is rape.

Cosby never had a chance in front of a libtard judge.
What Cosby did at that time was not considered sexual assault.

It is only after decades of progressive womyns war on anything masculine that people think an intoxicated woman agreeing to sex is rape.

Cosby never had a chance in front of a libtard judge.

Oh? Really? And when exactly was it he did it.........over 50 times. How long ago?
I couldn't disagree with you more. RAPE IS RAPE!!
What Cosby did at that time was not considered sexual assault.

It is only after decades of progressive womyns war on anything masculine that people think an intoxicated woman agreeing to sex is rape.

Cosby never had a chance in front of a libtard judge.

Oh? Really? And when exactly was it he did it.........over 50 times. How long ago?
I couldn't disagree with you more. RAPE IS RAPE!!
So if a woman has sex with an intoxicated man, then she is raping him?

Dont be stupid.

If women are so weak and irresponsible that they cant be held legally responsible after a drink or two, maybe they should all be put in convents for their own protection.

The Cosby case is horse shit.

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