Ever have a good idea - invention?

-=d=- said:
I've got several things running thru my head which could make serious $$, but I've got no where to pursue them.


I have great ideas every time I smoke pot, the problem is, I forget them....


As for your ideas, you have lots of places to go! Hell, you have USMB.... I am sure there are plenty of folks that would be interested in hearing them and then seeing what can be done.

I am currently in the process of buying a patent off of a University. If you idea is good, get a patent attorney or pm me! I am always looking for new, neat ideas to exploit!
I have this great idea for a kid's cartoon. It would have a bunch of underwater creatures, but not really fish so much... more like crabs and starfish and stuff. And it would all revolve around this yellow sponge. Kids would love the wackiness of the show, but it would appeal to adults as well because of the humor. And there would be an evil plankton!

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