Even though there might be some bullshit on the WH website on what a second Trump term would look like, you wouldn't know if you never went there


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.

Seems to me Trump laid out his policies before his first term and he's merely continuing
them. What else do you want. FYI, he's not responsible for the virus or the deaths.
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.

Seems to me Trump laid out his policies before his first term and he's merely continuing
them. What else do you want. FYI, he's not responsible for the virus or the deaths.
He definitely did not lay out policies for 8 years.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).
Europe who isn’t trying to oust Trump is locking down again as covid is spreading and overrunning the health system. Everything isn’t a conspiracy to ruin Donald you feckless puss. There was a crisis and he failed so he’s swinging wildly with eyes closed praying to land a punch. Instead he should have his eyes open and craft a cohesive plan to get the economy open that isn’t “ignore the virus”. Come on man. You’re better than that.
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.

The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

View attachment 405856View attachment 405857View attachment 405858View attachment 405859

Obama does not credit for bringing back what was there before.

You assholes like to sing his praises but it's all bullshit.

Like the stock market.

EVERYONE knew the market would recover. Obama was just successful in making it take longer. It was about 20% higher than it's previous high when he left office. Trump had it up 40% in three years.

Same with jobs. My dead grandmother could have done what Obama did in terms of getting jobs back. You don't kill a thriving economy....you dampen it...but it comes back.

And you said nothing about any of this (good thing too....I'd be laughing even harder at you than I am now).

So why don't you pull Biden's dick out of your ass and stand up so you can see what's going on around you.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

View attachment 405856View attachment 405857View attachment 405858View attachment 405859

Obama does not credit for bringing back what was there before.

You assholes like to sing his praises but it's all bullshit.

Like the stock market.

EVERYONE knew the market would recover. Obama was just successful in making it take longer. It was about 20% higher than it's previous high when he left office. Trump had it up 40% in three years.

Same with jobs. My dead grandmother could have done what Obama did in terms of getting jobs back. You don't kill a thriving economy....you dampen it...but it comes back.

And you said nothing about any of this (good thing too....I'd be laughing even harder at you than I am now).

So why don't you pull Biden's dick out of your ass and stand up so you can see what's going on around you.
Hey dumbass...

The market graph is in percentage...so you just sung Obama's praises, not Orange Hay Zeus'.

Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.


It’s what you expect.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

View attachment 405856View attachment 405857View attachment 405858View attachment 405859

Obama does not credit for bringing back what was there before.

You assholes like to sing his praises but it's all bullshit.

Like the stock market.

EVERYONE knew the market would recover. Obama was just successful in making it take longer. It was about 20% higher than it's previous high when he left office. Trump had it up 40% in three years.

Same with jobs. My dead grandmother could have done what Obama did in terms of getting jobs back. You don't kill a thriving economy....you dampen it...but it comes back.

And you said nothing about any of this (good thing too....I'd be laughing even harder at you than I am now).

So why don't you pull Biden's dick out of your ass and stand up so you can see what's going on around you.
Hey dumbass...

The market graph is in percentage...so you just sung Obama's praises, not Orange Hay Zeus'.


No dumbfuck.....you clearly don't know how to read percentages, especially in context.

Like Obama's great job with unemployment.....

He had a shitass high rate thanks to Pelosi and Schumer so bringing it down is easy....again...my grandmother could have done this.

Getting it to the bottom (commonly accepted as being around 3.5%) is a lot harder.

That also affects job creation...it slows because there is nobody to pick up the new jobs.

So go oops (fuck) yourself.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

View attachment 405856View attachment 405857View attachment 405858View attachment 405859

Obama does not credit for bringing back what was there before.

You assholes like to sing his praises but it's all bullshit.

Like the stock market.

EVERYONE knew the market would recover. Obama was just successful in making it take longer. It was about 20% higher than it's previous high when he left office. Trump had it up 40% in three years.

Same with jobs. My dead grandmother could have done what Obama did in terms of getting jobs back. You don't kill a thriving economy....you dampen it...but it comes back.

And you said nothing about any of this (good thing too....I'd be laughing even harder at you than I am now).

So why don't you pull Biden's dick out of your ass and stand up so you can see what's going on around you.
Hey dumbass...

The market graph is in percentage...so you just sung Obama's praises, not Orange Hay Zeus'.


No dumbfuck.....you clearly don't know how to read percentages, especially in context.

Like Obama's great job with unemployment.....

He had a shitass high rate thanks to Pelosi and Schumer so bringing it down is easy....again...my grandmother could have done this.

Getting it to the bottom (commonly accepted as being around 3.5%) is a lot harder.

That also affects job creation...it slows because there is nobody to pick up the new jobs.

So go oops (fuck) yourself.
You didn't even say anything...so apparently you're just another internet moron. Melt down, now.
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.


It’s what you expect.

You are so pathetic.

Nothing to contribute.

Why don't you catch covid and die so they can compost you and you'll finally fullfill your destinay.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

View attachment 405856View attachment 405857View attachment 405858View attachment 405859

Obama does not credit for bringing back what was there before.

You assholes like to sing his praises but it's all bullshit.

Like the stock market.

EVERYONE knew the market would recover. Obama was just successful in making it take longer. It was about 20% higher than it's previous high when he left office. Trump had it up 40% in three years.

Same with jobs. My dead grandmother could have done what Obama did in terms of getting jobs back. You don't kill a thriving economy....you dampen it...but it comes back.

And you said nothing about any of this (good thing too....I'd be laughing even harder at you than I am now).

So why don't you pull Biden's dick out of your ass and stand up so you can see what's going on around you.
Hey dumbass...

The market graph is in percentage...so you just sung Obama's praises, not Orange Hay Zeus'.


No dumbfuck.....you clearly don't know how to read percentages, especially in context.

Like Obama's great job with unemployment.....

He had a shitass high rate thanks to Pelosi and Schumer so bringing it down is easy....again...my grandmother could have done this.

Getting it to the bottom (commonly accepted as being around 3.5%) is a lot harder.

That also affects job creation...it slows because there is nobody to pick up the new jobs.

So go oops (fuck) yourself.
You didn't even say anything...so apparently you're just another internet moron. Melt down, now.

Thanks for admitting you can't read and digest.

Your talking points website down ?
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.


It’s what you expect.

You are so pathetic.

Nothing to contribute.

Why don't you catch covid and die so they can compost you and you'll finally fullfill your destinay.

You should sober up, Trump cultist
Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.


It’s what you expect.

You are so pathetic.

Nothing to contribute.

Why don't you catch covid and die so they can compost you and you'll finally fullfill your destinay.

Irony? What do you contribute? I posted the feckless leaders own words. He’s pathetic without anything to contribute. Oh, and he did catch covid and almost died so you almost hit that one out of the park.
The country was in great shape until the left forced lockdowns in so many states, supported by the hysterics of the shit for brains (like the lefties on this board).

Trumps support from young blacks increased as they actually started to see their situations improve.

Trumps policies have paved the way for more equal global trade and he has done a good job of putting places like China on notice, thus reversing the fucked up policies of Bush and Obama.

He continued to get us out of conflicts that Bush and Obama kept us in and has done a fantastic job in the middle east.

He has created confidence in businesses to invest in the U.S. knowing we won't continue to tax the fuck out of them like no other nation.

His engery policies are generous but allow for other forms if they are competative.

He has helped qualm racial tension, but that has been countered by the lying left that continues to create division and play identity politics.

And the list goes on and on.......

If we elect him, he might clean up the huge business we call "education".
Our trade deficit with China went UP

read: UP

Under Trump.

Stop listening to his rhetoric. Be an adult fact seeker, and look up the fucking data.

God dammit.

I never said anything about the Trade deficit.


Read before you post.
I read what you wrote, dipshit. It was a bunch of moronic huff puff and doom and gloom.

When obama left office, business investment and the stock market was on a skyward trajectory. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, unemployment was diving. Facts: look them up.

When he left office, job growth had a record # of months in a row...in history. Facts: look them up.

Trump swooped in, took credit for it all, worsened...READ: WORSENED our trade deficit with China..

And you swallowed his dick.

Forgetting about facts.

That makes you a cultist.

Actually dont look the shit up. I'll be your daddy:

View attachment 405856View attachment 405857View attachment 405858View attachment 405859

Obama does not credit for bringing back what was there before.

You assholes like to sing his praises but it's all bullshit.

Like the stock market.

EVERYONE knew the market would recover. Obama was just successful in making it take longer. It was about 20% higher than it's previous high when he left office. Trump had it up 40% in three years.

Same with jobs. My dead grandmother could have done what Obama did in terms of getting jobs back. You don't kill a thriving economy....you dampen it...but it comes back.

And you said nothing about any of this (good thing too....I'd be laughing even harder at you than I am now).

So why don't you pull Biden's dick out of your ass and stand up so you can see what's going on around you.
Hey dumbass...

The market graph is in percentage...so you just sung Obama's praises, not Orange Hay Zeus'.


No dumbfuck.....you clearly don't know how to read percentages, especially in context.

Like Obama's great job with unemployment.....

He had a shitass high rate thanks to Pelosi and Schumer so bringing it down is easy....again...my grandmother could have done this.

Getting it to the bottom (commonly accepted as being around 3.5%) is a lot harder.

That also affects job creation...it slows because there is nobody to pick up the new jobs.

So go oops (fuck) yourself.
You didn't even say anything...so apparently you're just another internet moron. Melt down, now.

Thanks for admitting you can't read and digest.

Your talking points website down ?
By percent increase.

Trump in all his incompetence and stupidity, does not talk about specific policies regarding his second term. You'd think at the debates he would hash something out, but because the idiot thinks the best way to bullshit is by pretending the country is already perfect; he doesn't talk about any policy ideas. Doesn't this bother republicans? You know the country is a shitshow right now regardless of who you want to blame for it. Even if you want to be incredibly petty and blame everything on the democrats, why wouldn't Trump discuss what he plans to even do to fix the problem?

A vaccine isn't going to happen this year so quit pretending it will. Obviously the real experts understand crafting such a thing takes time and research. What is the plan for COVID, then?

Let's pretend congress agrees to a new stimulus bill. Okay, then what? What happens after that in terms of economic policy for the next 4 years?

Look, I know you want to pretend the border wall is in your future, but if Trump was too useless to get the wall built with a republican congress the first two years, then obviously it’s never going to happen.


It’s what you expect.

You are so pathetic.

Nothing to contribute.

Why don't you catch covid and die so they can compost you and you'll finally fullfill your destinay.

Irony? What do you contribute? I posted the feckless leaders own words. He’s pathetic without anything to contribute. Oh, and he did catch covid and almost died so you almost hit that one out of the park.

Almost died ? Really ?

Good to know.

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