Even MSNBC Admits: Biden Bars Media From Seeing 'Terrified' Children at Border


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Even MSNBC Admits:
Biden Bars Media From Seeing 'Terrified' Children at Border
Even MSNBC Admits: Biden Bars Media From Seeing 'Terrified' Children at Border | Newsbusters
17 Mar 2021 ~~ By Mark Finkelstein

Question: How do you know things are really, really, bad at the border, and that the Biden administration is trying to cover it up? Answer: When even Yamiche Alcindor admits it.
On Wednesday's Morning Joe, it was PBS/MSNBC's Yamiche Alcindor, a normally-dependable Democrat supporter and Trump critic, describing children who are "crying and terrified" and "not let out for sunlight for days at a time." Alcindor stated that the Biden administration is preventing reporters from viewing the detention facilities or doing "ride-alongs" with border patrols, as was allowed under Trump.
Interviewed by Willie Geist, Alcindor began by echoing the White House line that they are "scrambling" to improve conditions. But she went on to acknowledge that even if the problem was "handed" to the Biden administration, it's now "happening on their watch."

Geist handled matters fairly, pointing out:
"If it had been the Trump administration, we'd be rightly outraged that they were blacking out information on a very important story. So does this suggest that they have something to hide at the border?"
So here's the picture of President Biden's handling of the border:
Crying, terrified children unable to see the sun for days. Denial of press access. Orders to number-crunchers to hide the facts. And what must be most terrifying of all to the White House is that the normally-reliable liberal media is beginning to report these glaring failures!
Morning Joe's report on the Biden administration's failures at the border and attempts to hide the facts was sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual, Flonase, and Facebook.

Is this just creating a narrative with plausible deniability? “See how unbiased we are? Now for the latest memory hole with this shiny object.”
How is it possible for the Chyna Joey Xi Biden administration to "bar access" to ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSING ACTIVITY???
They're promoting the destruction of our National Security, sovereignty and prohibition of Freedom of the Press.
All violations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Remember when Joey Xi told us during the October 23, 2020 Presidential Debate:
“525 kids not knowing where in God’s name they’re going to be and lost their parents.”​
Now the Biden regime now has more than 4,000 children without parents in captivity in cages built during the Obama administration and opening more.
Xiden's Concentration Camps are a disgrace to the country......from locking children behind bars in cargo containers, to denying these folks a right to speak to a lawyer, to the lack of COVID safety measures.....and now the denial of our Free Press from seeing what's going on.....this is tragic.....we have no crediabilty to say anything about human rights abuses in China and NK now.....maybe that was Xiden's plan all a long
The children are fine. A communist democrat is president. A republican would be ripping nine year olds from the erect penis of a trafficker.

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