Evangelist Billy Graham hospitalized...

Some people are downright disgusting. And yet, God wants us to love even disgusting people, because He loves them. I wouldn't ever want to be a murderer in my heart.

God is doing miracles in the land. You can fight it all you want. and He may call Billy Graham to the other side. Won't change whats happening.

Yes they are...!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z_-ZDgwVog]Clint Eastwood Throat-Slash Gesture At RNC - YouTube[/ame]

Is that Clint Eastwood or a suit stuffed with hay?
Proof humans don't get any smarter as they age. Sheesh! Someone pass him a comb already! :lmao:
Some people are downright disgusting. And yet, God wants us to love even disgusting people, because He loves them. I wouldn't ever want to be a murderer in my heart.

God is doing miracles in the land. You can fight it all you want. and He may call Billy Graham to the other side. Won't change whats happening.

Yes they are...!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z_-ZDgwVog]Clint Eastwood Throat-Slash Gesture At RNC - YouTube[/ame]

Is that Clint Eastwood or a suit stuffed with hay?
Proof humans don't get any smarter as they age. Sheesh! Someone pass him a comb already! :lmao:

He should play in "Grumpy Old Men : The Later Years".
Does it creep you out at all to be saying exactly what the Devil tempted Christ to do?
He's a useful idiot for Communism. No reason he'd mind being a useful idiot for Satan, too.

Between Communism and Satan, you certainly have a lot of invisible bogeymen you are afraid of, don't you?
I'm not afraid. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.
I put out that test because it's rational. If there is a God, he should catch you. That'd be the right thing to do for someone who puts faith in him.

But there are no magic men in the sky or underground... Just a lot of silly myths made up by assholes to keep you under control. I refuse to play along.
:lmao: You're on a short leash, Skippy. You don't realize it, but you are.

And you perform exactly as ordered.
He's a useful idiot for Communism. No reason he'd mind being a useful idiot for Satan, too.

Between Communism and Satan, you certainly have a lot of invisible bogeymen you are afraid of, don't you?
I'm not afraid. I'm not an emotion-driven leftist.
I put out that test because it's rational. If there is a God, he should catch you. That'd be the right thing to do for someone who puts faith in him.

But there are no magic men in the sky or underground... Just a lot of silly myths made up by assholes to keep you under control. I refuse to play along.
:lmao: You're on a short leash, Skippy. You don't realize it, but you are.

And you perform exactly as ordered.

Yawn... you know, you don't even lose an argument well...

Fact is, none of you guys would take my hypothetical test for a good reason.

Deep down, you know no one is going to catch you.

So the rational thing is to not be in that position to start with. And you don't need an imaginary friend in the sky for that.
Some people are downright disgusting.B] And yet, God wants us to love even disgusting people, because He loves them. I wouldn't ever want to be a murderer in my heart.

God is doing miracles in the land. You can fight it all you want. and He may call Billy Graham to the other side. Won't change whats happening.

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