Evangelicals: God Sent Trump to Be King

I noticed this from talking to religious nut family members. They think god made Trump president. If he screws up the country, it's so he can rebuild it based on what they think is ordained by god. They say don't worry about a thing, because it will be better later, and anyone who opposes Trump in any way is opposing their god's will. This is not a joke. This is not an exaggeration. People actually believe that crap.

Look in the mirror and substitute BHO.
The only people I ever heard refer to Former President Obama as some kind of messiah were Righties.
oh please Obama portrayed himself as messiah...we are the ones they've been waiting for and the waters begaon to recede quotes

That is right wing rhetoric, but like most right wing rhetoric, it's bullshit.
I noticed this from talking to religious nut family members. They think god made Trump president. If he screws up the country, it's so he can rebuild it based on what they think is ordained by god. They say don't worry about a thing, because it will be better later, and anyone who opposes Trump in any way is opposing their god's will. This is not a joke. This is not an exaggeration. People actually believe that crap.

Look in the mirror and substitute BHO.
The only people I ever heard refer to Former President Obama as some kind of messiah were Righties.
oh please Obama portrayed himself as messiah...we are the ones they've been waiting for and the waters begaon to recede quotes

That is right wing rhetoric, but like most right wing rhetoric, it's bullshit.
Yeah actual quotes is right wing rhetoric...LLMMAOOOO
It is implied the devil comes as a angel of light seeking to deceive and devour as the destroyer from hell. Yet tRump will have his kissers who will love him and his master the devil anyway as their idea of winning.

Evangelicals: God Sent Trump to Be King

It never fails. So I'm about as Christian as it gets. I have been to several different churches, and followed about a dozen different preachers, that are conservative evangelicals. All are fairly well known in evangelical Christian circles.

Every single time I see someone say "Evangelicals are saying X!".... I and up looking up the source, and find some wacky guy somewhere, that I have never heard of, and can't find anyone who has ever heard of him. I've never heard his name on Christian radio. Never heard of him on any of the dozen Christian podcasts.

Yeah.... all evangelicals huh.... whatever.
The book of revelation foretells a powerful figure who will twist Christianity into a hate machine that will eventually lead to eternal damnation for his followers.

Not saying Trump is the Beast but.................
Certainly interesting fit, that.
Christians seem to think the biblical Antichrist will be anti-christian totally missing the lesson of the text. I spent my entire childhood forced to attend church. I know these people like I know my own family because they are.
I noticed this from talking to religious nut family members. They think god made Trump president. If he screws up the country, it's so he can rebuild it based on what they think is ordained by god. They say don't worry about a thing, because it will be better later, and anyone who opposes Trump in any way is opposing their god's will. This is not a joke. This is not an exaggeration. People actually believe that crap.
If third parties miss to declare US Presidents god chosen, they self do.
The book of revelation foretells a powerful figure who will twist Christianity into a hate machine that will eventually lead to eternal damnation for his followers.

Not saying Trump is the Beast but.................

There is no Beast. It's just a book.
Fake news
Total bullshit
Troll thread...

The notion that ‘god’ sent Trump to be ‘king’ comes from some on the Christian right:

“Stewart provides numerous quotations from across the spectrum of the religious right leadership pushing this meme that God sent Trump to be King, including Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and Ralph Drollinger who leads weekly bible study groups at the White House attended by Mike Pence and members of the Cabinet.” ibid

Consequently, there’s nothing ‘fake’ about the article.
It is implied the devil comes as a angel of light seeking to deceive and devour as the destroyer from hell. Yet tRump will have his kissers who will love him and his master the devil anyway as their idea of winning.

Evangelicals: God Sent Trump to Be King
I remember when Reagan was elected. We heard the same thing back then. What I will say is if true, then we were primed with evil versus evil in the 2016 election. I do not believe it. But unlike you have an open mind to it. This man is promoting agendas from both sides and is being skewered.
The book of revelation foretells a powerful figure who will twist Christianity into a hate machine that will eventually lead to eternal damnation for his followers.

Not saying Trump is the Beast but.................

There is no Beast. It's just a book.
Of course it's just a book, one that I know well. One of the main reasons I am not a christian anymore is that Christians don't know the bible and don't follow it.
I noticed this from talking to religious nut family members. They think god made Trump president. If he screws up the country, it's so he can rebuild it based on what they think is ordained by god. They say don't worry about a thing, because it will be better later, and anyone who opposes Trump in any way is opposing their god's will. This is not a joke. This is not an exaggeration. People actually believe that crap.

Look in the mirror and substitute BHO.
The only people I ever heard refer to Former President Obama as some kind of messiah were Righties.
oh please Obama portrayed himself as messiah...we are the ones they've been waiting for and the waters begaon to recede quotes
He did not...why do you lie so much? Is it a christer thing?
I noticed this from talking to religious nut family members. They think god made Trump president. If he screws up the country, it's so he can rebuild it based on what they think is ordained by god. They say don't worry about a thing, because it will be better later, and anyone who opposes Trump in any way is opposing their god's will. This is not a joke. This is not an exaggeration. People actually believe that crap.

Look in the mirror and substitute BHO.
The only people I ever heard refer to Former President Obama as some kind of messiah were Righties.
oh please Obama portrayed himself as messiah...we are the ones they've been waiting for and the waters begaon to recede quotes
He did not...why do you lie so much? Is it a christer thing?
Yes he did the lie is all yours
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Read more at: Barack Obama Quotes
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Is Barack Obama the Messiah?: "this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal ..."
Anyone who believes that God sent an adulterer, a thief & a proven liar to be king is an idiot.

This Trump Cult thing is not only getting out of hand it's the most dangerous thing to happen to this Country in a long, long time.

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