EV charging

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
A law should be brought out that you can only charge an Electric Vehicle from solar panels or from a windmill.

Otherwise EV owners are just pretending to "save" the planet from something.

Will they cope?

Can Solar Panels Charge an Electric Car or EV?

Keep in mind it takes several hours to several days to charge a car by solar. If you commute only one day a week, you're good to go. You need deep pockets to buy a property that you can park on to charge, plus the cost of a solar set up.
A law should be brought out that you can only charge an Electric Vehicle from solar panels or from a windmill.

Otherwise EV owners are just pretending to "save" the planet from something.

Will they cope?

Can Solar Panels Charge an Electric Car or EV?

Keep in mind it takes several hours to several days to charge a car by solar. If you commute only one day a week, you're good to go. You need deep pockets to buy a property that you can park on to charge, plus the cost of a solar set up.
i'm going to cruise my 78 olds regency with a 403 engine this weekend.......i'm going to blow exhaust on evey ev i blow past
A law should be brought out that you can only charge an Electric Vehicle from solar panels or from a windmill.

Otherwise EV owners are just pretending to "save" the planet from something.

Will they cope?

Can Solar Panels Charge an Electric Car or EV?

Keep in mind it takes several hours to several days to charge a car by solar. If you commute only one day a week, you're good to go. You need deep pockets to buy a property that you can park on to charge, plus the cost of a solar set up.
Is that all you got from the link that you yourself posted?

I got this:

How Much Does It Cost To Charge an Electric Vehicle Using Solar?

Outside of the initial investment costs in a solar energy system, there is no cost to charge an electric vehicle at home using solar. Every time you plug your EV into a fully solar-powered outlet, it recharges using electricity at no cost.

Even if you supplement your solar power system’s output with on-grid electricity, the cost is minimal compared to petrol prices.

I also got this:
So, Is Investing in Solar Charging for Your EV Worth It?
Solar charging for your EV can be a worthwhile investment — particularly when you factor in government incentives. If you live in an area that receives higher than average hours of peak sunlight, your investment can pay off even faster.

Even if you only used your solar power system to charge your EV, you’d save money on charging costs over time. The savings multiply dramatically if you use solar panels to power your home.

The question isn't that solar power can save us money and the planet - it does. The actual question is it worth the cost at the current rate to install?

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how much fuel you use at the present time. If you run a business that makes a lot of deliveries per day, as an example, then yes, it is worth investing in solar and the attendant technologies.

If not, then wait a few years when technological advances will make the costs much lower. But, in the long run, the writing is on the wall for gasoline-powered cars.
Don't give the moonbats any ideas or they will use-up acres of land for solar/wind for one charging station.

Maybe a better alternative. ;)

Is that all you got from the link that you yourself posted?

I got this:

How Much Does It Cost To Charge an Electric Vehicle Using Solar?

Outside of the initial investment costs in a solar energy system, there is no cost to charge an electric vehicle at home using solar. Every time you plug your EV into a fully solar-powered outlet, it recharges using electricity at no cost.

Even if you supplement your solar power system’s output with on-grid electricity, the cost is minimal compared to petrol prices.

I also got this:
So, Is Investing in Solar Charging for Your EV Worth It?
Solar charging for your EV can be a worthwhile investment — particularly when you factor in government incentives. If you live in an area that receives higher than average hours of peak sunlight, your investment can pay off even faster.

Even if you only used your solar power system to charge your EV, you’d save money on charging costs over time. The savings multiply dramatically if you use solar panels to power your home.

The question isn't that solar power can save us money and the planet - it does. The actual question is it worth the cost at the current rate to install?

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how much fuel you use at the present time. If you run a business that makes a lot of deliveries per day, as an example, then yes, it is worth investing in solar and the attendant technologies.

If not, then wait a few years when technological advances will make the costs much lower. But, in the long run, the writing is on the wall for gasoline-powered cars.
Sorry that the thread is beyond you.

EV fanatics masturbate over electric cars and co2. They believe we all commute short trips, have driveways with garages and solar panels with a powerwall. Sadly, sorry to piss on your bonfire, over a third of motorists don't live in your wanking land. EV owners, should be law, only be allowed to charge from solar panels, a windmill, or green renewable energy. Do you have a clue what that means, do you comprehend that? So it means you could be on the road once or twice a week. Enjoy your stupid toys.
Is that all you got from the link that you yourself posted?

I got this:

How Much Does It Cost To Charge an Electric Vehicle Using Solar?

Outside of the initial investment costs in a solar energy system, there is no cost to charge an electric vehicle at home using solar. Every time you plug your EV into a fully solar-powered outlet, it recharges using electricity at no cost.

Even if you supplement your solar power system’s output with on-grid electricity, the cost is minimal compared to petrol prices.

I also got this:
So, Is Investing in Solar Charging for Your EV Worth It?
Solar charging for your EV can be a worthwhile investment — particularly when you factor in government incentives. If you live in an area that receives higher than average hours of peak sunlight, your investment can pay off even faster.

Even if you only used your solar power system to charge your EV, you’d save money on charging costs over time. The savings multiply dramatically if you use solar panels to power your home.

The question isn't that solar power can save us money and the planet - it does. The actual question is it worth the cost at the current rate to install?

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how much fuel you use at the present time. If you run a business that makes a lot of deliveries per day, as an example, then yes, it is worth investing in solar and the attendant technologies.

If not, then wait a few years when technological advances will make the costs much lower. But, in the long run, the writing is on the wall for gasoline-powered cars.

Outside of the initial investment costs in a solar energy system, there is no cost to charge an electric vehicle at home using solar.

Outside of the gunshot, how did you enjoy the show Mrs. Lincoln?
A law should be brought out that you can only charge an Electric Vehicle from solar panels or from a windmill.

Otherwise EV owners are just pretending to "save" the planet from something.

Will they cope?

Can Solar Panels Charge an Electric Car or EV?

Keep in mind it takes several hours to several days to charge a car by solar. If you commute only one day a week, you're good to go. You need deep pockets to buy a property that you can park on to charge, plus the cost of a solar set up.
Yes, it can be done provided you have a significant solar array and are you're satisficed with level 1 charging. The thing about EV charging is that one size does not fit all. Some people drive so much each day that they really need level 2 charging and that is pretty hard to support with a home solar array.. Other people use their EV to drive to and from the grocery store and work which is just a few miles away. In this case, level 1 charging will probably work fine if there is a home solar array system that meet the power needs of the home and the EV charging is done at night.
Every time I see one of these ads pushing EVs and how much we'll save on fuel over time as well as save the planet, I think of these mines that are supplying the components for those super heavy and expensive EV batteries. And mind you the supply of those components is not unlimited by any means and we are almost entirely dependent on other countries for most of those materials and more that go into an EV battery:

Lithium Mine

Cobalt Mine

Manganese mine

Nickel Mine
Yes, it can be done provided you have a significant solar array and are you're satisficed with level 1 charging. The thing about EV charging is that one size does not fit all. Some people drive so much each day that they really need level 2 charging and that is pretty hard to support with a home solar array.. Other people use their EV to drive to and from the grocery store and work which is just a few miles away. In this case, level 1 charging will probably work fine if there is a home solar array system that meet the power needs of the home and the EV charging is done at night.

More long-winded big-worded BS from a Trump hating DEM apologist pretender who lives where Sun is intermittent at best. Get off the topic genius. You wouldn’t know a Kwatt hour from wood stove.
Your post reminds me of an article written in 1910 outlining all the reasons that gasoline powered automobiles were just a passing fad. They were far too dangerous to horse drawn wagons and pedestrians. They were too difficult to start. There was not enough rubber for tires. The exhaust was lethal and smelly and the noise of the engines were intolerable. And worst of all, we didn't have the roads and highways built for autos and trucks. However, these problems were solved as America to turned gasoline powered vehicles. The same will be true for EVs.

Recycling plants for EV batteries exist now and more are being built. Researchers are changing key features of the lithium-ion battery to make an all-solid, or “solid-state battery,”. These batteries will be lighter, smaller, and faster charging. Researchers working in lab in the US and abroad to are developing batteries in the lab that are more environmentally friendly. Just like the old gas powered vehicles, as the demand grows so will solutions to problems.

Let the market dictate when the product is viable. Not kill oil and force it on American citizens.

Everyone would buy if cost effective, cleaner, safer, faster, better, easier.
Every time I see one of these ads pushing EVs and how much we'll save on fuel over time as well as save the planet, I think of these mines that are supplying the components for those super heavy and expensive EV batteries. And mind you the supply of those components is not unlimited by any means and we are almost entirely dependent on other countries for most of those materials and more that go into an EV battery:

Lithium Mine

Cobalt Mine

Manganese mine

Nickel Mine
Your post reminds me of an article written in 1910 outlining all the reasons that gasoline powered automobiles were just a passing fad. They were far too dangerous to horse drawn wagons and pedestrians. They were too difficult to start. There was not enough rubber for tires. The exhaust was lethal and smelly and the noise of the engines were intolerable. And worst of all, we didn't have the roads and highways built for autos and trucks. However, these problems were solved as America turned to gasoline powered vehicles. The same will be true for EVs.

Recycling plants for EV batteries exist now and more are being built. Researchers are changing key features of the lithium-ion battery to make an all-solid, or “solid-state battery,”. These batteries will be lighter, smaller, and faster charging. Researchers are working in the US and abroad to develope batteries in the lab that are more environmentally friendly. Just like the old gas powered vehicles, as the demand grows so will solutions to problems.

EV's will be the car of the future for a number of reasons:
  • They produce essential no green house gases or other matter harmful to the environment.
  • Unlike the delivery system for gasoline, the delivery of fuel for EVs uses the existing electrical system which does not produce pollutions nor greenhouse gases
  • EV's ability to convert fuel energy into motion is far more efficient than ICEs
  • Far less maintenance is required for EVs
  • Fuel cost is far less than ICEs
  • The efficiency and the cost of creation of fuel for EVs is cheaper with much less damage to the environment or climate.
  • Lastly EVs will make America energy independent.
Your post reminds me of an article written in 1910 outlining all the reasons that gasoline powered automobiles were just a passing fad. They were far too dangerous to horse drawn wagons and pedestrians. They were too difficult to start. There was not enough rubber for tires. The exhaust was lethal and smelly and the noise of the engines were intolerable. And worst of all, we didn't have the roads and highways built for autos and trucks. However, these problems were solved as America turned to gasoline powered vehicles. The same will be true for EVs.

Recycling plants for EV batteries exist now and more are being built. Researchers are changing key features of the lithium-ion battery to make an all-solid, or “solid-state battery,”. These batteries will be lighter, smaller, and faster charging. Researchers are working in the US and abroad to develope batteries in the lab that are more environmentally friendly. Just like the old gas powered vehicles, as the demand grows so will solutions to problems.

EV's will be the car of the future for a number of reasons:
  • They produce essential no green house gases or other matter harmful to the environment.
  • Unlike the delivery system for gasoline, the delivery of fuel for EVs uses the existing electrical system which does not produce pollutions nor greenhouse gases
  • EV's ability to convert fuel energy into motion is far more efficient than ICEs
  • Far less maintenance is required for EVs
  • Fuel cost is far less than ICEs
  • The efficiency and the cost of creation of fuel for EVs is cheaper with much less damage to the environment or climate.
  • Lastly EVs will make America energy independent.

How many new nuke plants should we build to power all the new EVs?
EV's will be the car of the future for a number of reasons:
  • They produce essential no green house gases or other matter harmful to the environment.
  • Unlike the delivery system for gasoline, the delivery of fuel for EVs uses the existing electrical system which does not produce pollutions nor greenhouse gases
  • EV's ability to convert fuel energy into motion is far more efficient than ICEs
  • Far less maintenance is required for EVs
  • Fuel cost is far less than ICEs
  • The efficiency and the cost of creation of fuel for EVs is cheaper with much less damage to the environment or climate.
  • Lastly EVs will make America energy independent.

What a bunch of crap.

1. EV's don't produce greenhouse gasses, but the coal fired powerplants that charge them do. You just move the harmful emissions from the tailpipe to the power plant. Nothing accomplished.
2. The existing delivery system for the electricity for EV's is unable to power millions of EV's. It just CAN'T do it.
3. EV's inability to tow anything will ensure ICE vehicles long into the future.
4. EV's have proven to be very unreliable. Tesla's reliability rating is in the tank. 62 out of 100, and 2 out of 5.

5. The creation of fuel for EV's is known as the production of electricity. Most of which is by coal fired power plants that pollute tremendously. So this is a crock
6. EV's will cripple America. We will have a bunch of overpriced cars that won't last, don't get good range and generally just suck.
Let the market dictate when the product is viable. Not kill oil and force it on American citizens.

Everyone would buy if cost effective, cleaner, safer, faster, better, easier.
Free markets are incredibly efficient at producing the best product at the lowest price. That does not mean the free market is the answer to everything. Businesses do not spend money creating demand for new products unless they feel assured that it will lead to significant profits for shareholders in the not too distant future. They are not in the business of saving the world for future generations. Now when government through incentives and advertising creates a demand for products to lessen the impact of climate change, businesses will gladly produce products to meet that demand.

If goverment does nothing to avert climate change, business's would react to meet the demand for goods and services to deal with the results of climate change and would probably make huge profits.
Free markets are incredibly efficient at producing the best product at the lowest price. That does not mean the free market is the answer to everything. Businesses do not spend money creating demand for new products unless they feel assured that it will lead to significant profits for shareholders in the not too distant future. They are not in the business of saving the world for future generations. Now when government through incentives and advertising creates a demand for products to lessen the impact of climate change, businesses will gladly produce products to meet that demand.

If goverment does nothing to avert climate change, business's would react to meet the demand for goods and services to deal with the results of climate change and would probably make huge profits.

Sweet Mother Christmas! You're too smart to be falling for the Climate Change BS (Hoax)? If you fall for that straight BS? No further communication is worthy of my time to an obvious GOVT lemming.

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