Europe's Forthcoming Energy Crisis - President Trump Warned Germany About Reliance On Russia - They Laughed. They Won't Be Laughing This Winter.

I hope that you are correct, but in this thread you have called both Trump and Putin stupid, and that does not seem like a smart statement to me.

I will skip my standard reply about why Trump is brilliant. I am sure I could come up with lots of reasons why Putin is smart too.

If you are smarter then them, you should run for office. Be sure to let us know when you do. :)

Maybe you are too smart for political office, and instead do Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, or Steven Hawking things. :)
Trump is not smart academically and struggles with short attention span...

Trump also lacks the ability to understand the consequences of his actions...

Putin is smarter but Ukraine was a massive mistake.. It exposed his weakness which going on for decades. Putin is also a criminal, he head of a criminal organisation..
Thanks for the links.

There is a big difference between filling 80% of storage capacity and storing 80% of needed Winter supply.

My skepticism remains.

I think that the fact that gas prices in Europe have skyrocketed already will tell you everything you need to know about the amount of storage capacity they have.

Europe has pretty good energy infrastructure with investment being mounting over the last decade...

Russia has been interfering in the background, trying to protect their supply... But EU has been diversifying for years for climate change, Gas wasn't top priority but now it is..

Yes, this will be pain for this winter but there is a plan to reduce it over the next few years... We could be talking about no Russian gas in 5 years..
Riddle me this,
Why when Trump told Germany NOT to depend on Putin for energy, the Germans laughed at him?
Now they are over a barrel and the winter is coming.

Well, they probably aren't, but we know you wish they were.

In fact, quite the contrary, the Germans have prepared for this contingency.

If this situation shows anything, it's why we should ALL try to replace fossil fuels with clean energy.

france will export.
France has problems in the summer to get enough water for there nuclear plants...
Solar is now picking up that slack during summer months...

France is big into Nuclear... Europe has a connector grid which shares power...
Well, they probably aren't, but we know you wish they were.
In fact, quite the contrary, the Germans have prepared for this contingency.
If this situation shows anything, it's why we should ALL try to replace fossil fuels with clean energy.
1. I have no ill will to Germans, and I'm not a fan of "green" idealism causing hardships for them.
2. No the Germans are not prepared for the winter. They are shutting down aluminum smelting plants due to the crazy cost of energy. Russia just shut off the gas pipelines. 6/7 scenarios Germany runs out of gas this winter...

3. You can't be that STUPID. The EU just PROVED that "going green" without adequate backup power generation (such as nuclear) is a DISASTER.
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Forty-percent is a huge-a$$ed chunk of the total...

They may very well have had "plans" for such things for years... doesn't matter if Vlad caught 'em flat-footed and reduced their supply by 40% with the stroke of a pen, eh?

They should have begun planning and EXECUTING much, much sooner... had they done so, they would not be in their present dilemma, yes?

It's not like they didn't know... many years ago... that this was going to happen at some point down the road.

Well... they've reached that fork in the road, and they're unprepared.

Sux to be them.
Generally Europe has been moving away from fossil fuels for a decade (at least now). Germany actually identified lignite as there main problem first, it had huge pollution problems. Ireland has phasing out peat. Many other are taking out coal...
Everyone one knew the risks of Russian Gas, it was a calculated risk. European countries have been building and making deals for gas storage...

This is something Europe didn't want but it was Russia that invaded Ukraine. Europe had to draw the line somewhere and because Putin did in Spring he gave us all Summer to be prepared...
It’s not hoping when you know the end result. You were hoping this would work out. We knew it wouldn’t. It’s not us that caused the fucking obvious to happen.

Germany laughed at Trump, now we are laughing at Germany because Trump was CORRECT.

These pussyhurt cult fucks are too much. Just crying victims all the time.
You do realize nobody believes you, Ted? France is starting up the nuclear reactors it shut down. Other EU nations are reversing anti fossil fuel legislation. They know they screwed up getting in bed with the Russians and now they're scrambling to keep from freezing this winter!

Indeed, a day late and a dollar short. Who, including blind men could foresee this coming?
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Germans are getting ready. I was in Frankfurt and Munich last week and found the store shelves were bare of blankets, sweathers (except gaudy touristy ones) and thermal underware. Their leaders may be stupid but the general population is not. Well, until it comes to choosing leaders.
I wonder why it is Trumpers need to spend every day hoping for some kind of disaster to happen.
We don't, Trump warned them. They laughed at him and now they will pay for their stupidity. Too bad it will be the citizens that will pay. If you rely on natural gas as your heating source, in the United States. You will also pay, thanks Biden.
Riddle me this,
Why when Trump told Germany NOT to depend on Putin for energy, the Germans laughed at him?
Now they are over a barrel and the winter is coming.

Then riddle me this,
Why when democrats were told not to declare war on energy, to remain energy independent, they didn't listen? Now CA is having blackouts and there aren't even millions of new EVs hammering the power grid. Democrats put green ideology over responsible power planning. Democrats don't understand how to build powerplants
Democrats don't understand anything. They just do as they are told, like good little puppets.

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