EU Places Hezbollah On Terror List!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
I guess the BDS Movement is really working! :lmao:

EU putting Hezbollah military wing on terror list

(CNN) -- The European Union forged a political agreement on Monday to list the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, a European diplomat told CNN.

The Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite group, which is a strong force in Lebanese politics, already is regarded as a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

Hezbollah leader acknowledges fighters' presence in Syria town

There had been political pressure to put the entire group on the terror list amid developments in Bulgaria and Cyprus. The designation would put asset freezes on Hezbollah entities.
:clap: :clap:
I guess the BDS Movement is really working! :lmao:

EU putting Hezbollah military wing on terror list

(CNN) -- The European Union forged a political agreement on Monday to list the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, a European diplomat told CNN.

The Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite group, which is a strong force in Lebanese politics, already is regarded as a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

Hezbollah leader acknowledges fighters' presence in Syria town

There had been political pressure to put the entire group on the terror list amid developments in Bulgaria and Cyprus. The designation would put asset freezes on Hezbollah entities.
:clap: :clap:
Sunni Brigades of Aisha claims credit for bomb attack on Hezbollah...
Hezbollah targeted as bombing kills 20
Sat, Aug 17, 2013 - TANGLED WEB: Despite responsibility being claimed by a Sunni group, many Lebanese politicians blamed Israel for the blast, saying it was revenge for attacks on its soldiers
A powerful car bomb struck the southern Beirut stronghold of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group on Thursday, killing 20 people, wounding 120 and trapping many others inside damaged buildings, witnesses and emergency officials said. The blast, a month after a car bomb injured more than 50 people in the same district of the Lebanese capital, came amid sectarian tensions over the intervention of Shiite Muslim Hezbollah against Sunni rebels in Syria’s civil war. A Sunni Islamist group calling itself the Brigades of Aisha claimed responsibility for the attack and promised more operations against Hezbollah. It was not immediately possible to verify the statement, which was made in an Internet video. “I don’t know what happened. It’s as if we were struck by an earthquake,” a man at the scene said, bleeding from a stomach wound.

Lebanese Minister of Public Health Ali Hassan Khalil said hospitals across the capital had taken in 16 bodies and 226 wounded people. The UN Security Council strongly condemned the attack. “The members of the Security Council appealed to all Lebanese people to preserve national unity in the face of attempts to undermine the country’s stability,” the 15-member council said in a statement. At the heart of the site, where fires raged an hour after the blast, the twisted remains of a large van could be seen. Many cars were engulfed in flames, the charred bodies of drivers and passengers visible inside. The blast sent a column of black smoke above the densely populated area and the facades of several residential buildings were damaged. Al Mayadeen television said some people were trapped inside apartments at the scene, close to the Sayyed al-Shuhadaa (Martyrs) complex, where Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah often addresses his followers.

Residents of southern Beirut say Hezbollah, backed by Iran and Syria, had been on high alert and stepped up security in the area after warnings from Syrian rebels of possible retaliation for the group’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “This is the second time that we decide the time and place of the battle... And you will see more, God willing,” the Brigades of Aisha statement said, describing Hezbollah and Nasrallah as Iranian agents. “We send a message to our brothers in Lebanon, we ask you to stay away from all the Iranian colonies in Lebanon ... because your blood is precious to us,” a masked spokesman, flanked by two men brandishing rifles, said in the video. “But Hassan Nasrallah is an agent of Iran and Israel and we promise him more and more [attacks],” the spokesman said.

However, many Lebanese politicians blamed Israel. “The explosion was carefully prepared and one of the theories is that it could have been an Israeli retaliation for the Labouneh operation,” Lebanese Minister of the Interior Marwan Charbel said. He was referring to an incident last week when four Israeli soldiers were wounded in southern Lebanon. Nasrallah said on Wednesday they were targeted by Hezbollah, which fought a month-long war with Israel in 2006. Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati declared yesterday a day of mourning for the victims of the Beirut blast. There have been two previous attacks in southern Beirut this year, as Syria’s conflagration seeps across the border. Two months before the July 9 car bomb, two rockets were fired into the area.

Hezbollah targeted as bombing kills 20 - Taipei Times
Reason for attack on Hezbollah stronghold...
Sunni leader: Hezbollah dragging Lebanon into war
Aug 17,`13 -- One of Lebanon's most powerful Sunni politicians accused the leader of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah on Saturday of dragging the country further into neighboring Syria's civil war.
Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's comments come two days after a deadly car bombing struck a Hezbollah neighborhood south of Beirut. Many people in Lebanon viewed the blast as retaliation for Hezbollah's armed support for Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime. In a speech on Thursday, Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah blamed Sunni extremists for the bombing and defiantly said he was prepared to double the number of his fighters in Syria if the bombing turns out to be linked to his group's intervention there. Hariri responded Saturday, saying Nasrallah's address "did not break the cycle of tension" in the country but rather "drags Lebanon further into the Syrian fire, and it is a pity to squander the blood of Lebanese in such a way."

In comments posted on his Twitter account and confirmed by his office, Hariri also said that Thursday's bombing, which killed nearly two dozen people in the Hezbollah stronghold of Rweiss, was "surely an ugly crime, but Hezbollah's war in Syria is a crime as well." Sectarian tensions have worsened dramatically in Lebanon since Hezbollah openly declared it was fighting alongside Assad's troops to help crush a rebellion by Syria's Sunni majority. Lebanese Sunnis support the rebels fighting to topple Assad, who is a member of a Shiite offshoot sect. Lebanon appears increasingly fragile in the face of the civil war raging next door. In the more than two years since it began, Syria's conflict has spilled over into Lebanon on multiple occasions. Artillery fire and missiles have struck Lebanese border villages, while clashes between Lebanese factions that support opposite sides have left dozens dead.

Now, Beirut's southern suburbs are the scene of car bombings. The powerful explosion that hit the Hezbollah stronghold of Rweiss on Thursday killed at least 22 people. It was the second in just over a month to strike one of the Shiite group's bastions of support, and the deadliest in decades. Syrian rebels have threatened to retaliate against Hezbollah for intervening on behalf of Assad. Against that backdrop, Thursday's attack raises the worrying specter of Lebanon being dragged further into the Syrian civil war.

Hariri took over the mantle of leadership for Lebanon's Sunni community after his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Harir, was assassinated in 2005 in a massive car bombing. A U.N. tribunal has charged four Hezbollah members in the killing. Hezbollah denies involvement in the assassination. Syria's main Western-backed opposition group also condemned Thursday's bombing, and said it has repeatedly warned Nasrallah against getting involved in the Syrian conflict. But Nasrallah "refused to listen to reason, leading the whole region into a state of chaos and destruction," the Syrian National Coalition said in a statement.

AP Newswire | Stars and Stripes
Hezbollah suffers consequences of backing Assad...
Beirut car bomb: Sunni payback for Hezbollah's help to Assad?
January 2, 2014 ~ The bombing follows Lebanon's arrest of a Saudi member of an Al Qaeda-linked group that bombed the Iranian embassy in Beirut in November.
A car bomb ripped through the southern suburbs of Beirut today, killing at least five people in what appeared to be the latest blowback from the civil war in neighboring Syria. The blast occurred amid reports that the Lebanese authorities have arrested a Saudi member of an Al Qaeda-affiliated organization which claimed responsibility for a twin suicide bomb attack in November against the Iranian embassy in Beirut. The explosion occurred about 200 yards from the political office of Lebanon's Shiite militant organization Hezbollah, although it was unclear whether the building, which sustained no damage, was the target of the attack.

At least three cars were burned in the explosion, which shattered windows and shopfronts and scarred the facades of surrounding apartment blocks. Lebanese army green berets cordoned off the blast site while Hezbollah men, some carrying AK-47 rifles, others with walkie-talkies, marshaled rescue workers and ambulances to the scene. At least 60 people were wounded by the blast. “I heard a loud explosion and I ran outside and saw smoke and fire,” says Mohammed, an employee in a shoe shop 100 yards from the blast site. “We have been expecting another bombing. We are not going to see an end to this until it is all over in Syria.”

The mainly Shiite southern suburbs of Beirut have been struck three times in the past six months by car bombs. Two in July and August were detonated by remote control, killing 25 people and wounding hundreds. A third attack was a double suicide bombing against the Iranian embassy in November which killed 25 people, including the Iranian cultural attaché. The bombing was claimed by the Abdullah al-Azzam Brigades, an Al Qaeda-affiliated group that has a base of support in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in the southern Lebanese port city of Sidon. There was no claim of responsibility for Thursday’s deadly car bomb blast, but it came days after Majed al-Majed, the “emir” of the Abdullah al-Azzam Brigades was reportedly arrested by Lebanese military intelligence. His arrest is a significant coup for Lebanese intelligence agencies and comes amid rising Sunni jihadist activity in Lebanon, aggravated by Syria’s sectarian civil war.

The Abdullah al-Azzam Brigades emerged in 2005 as an offshoot of Al Qaeda’s Iraqi branch, then headed by the Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The group has sought to curry broader support within Lebanon’s Sunni community by emphasizing what it regards as the waning domestic powers of the sect compared to the rise of the Shiite community, spearheaded by Hezbollah. In 2010, it produced a slick propaganda video entitled “The Oppressed Sect” showing footage dating back to Lebanon’s 1975-90 civil war purporting to show the ill treatment of Sunnis at the hands of Shiites. Such anti-Shiite sentiments have flared since the onset of Syria’s war, which has pitted Syria's majority Sunni community against the ruling Alawite minority, a splinter sect of Shiite Islam that is politically allied to Iran and Hezbollah. Hezbollah’s intervention in the Syrian conflict on behalf of the Assad regime has enraged Lebanese and Syrian Sunnis.

More Beirut car bomb: Sunni payback for Hezbollah's help to Assad? (+video) -

See also:

'Hezbollah commander says none of Israel's borders are safe'
1/02/2014 ~ In the interview with The Guardian, the Hezbollah commander vowed that its allies would emerge victorious in Syria.
While Hezbollah remains entangled in the Syrian conflict, one of its top field commanders is warning in an interview with the British newspaper Guardian on Thursday that it would behoove Israel to remain on alert.

"None of their borders are safe now and this is not a good thing for them," the commander said. "They cannot be happy with the momentum anywhere in the region, especially Syria. Egypt is perhaps the only border that gives them comfort. The rest are outside of their control."

In the interview with The Guardian, the Hezbollah commander vowed that its allies would emerge victorious and that Bashar Assad's government, which has received support from the Lebanon-based Shi'ite militia and their main patron, Iran, would remain in control in Damascus. "This is a war not just against us, but against humanity," he said. "And it is one that we will win."

The commander said that Hezbollah was in Syria to help bolster the government-backed military in their struggle against a coalition of Islamists and oppositionists who wish to unseat Assad. "They fight well," the commander said of the Syrian military, which is widely perceived as taking a back-seat to Hezbollah. "It is not fair to them to say that they are not taking the lead," he said of the battle-worn military regime. "They are there and they are fighting. They have lost 30,000 men. That is not an army that isn't fighting. We are there giving advice and in some cases tactical leadership. We do not take a lead role."

'Hezbollah commander says none of Israel's borders are safe' | JPost | Israel News
I gotta tell ya, those Hezbo Boozo terrorists are nothing but bad news.
I guess the BDS Movement is really working! :lmao:

EU putting Hezbollah military wing on terror list

(CNN) -- The European Union forged a political agreement on Monday to list the military wing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, a European diplomat told CNN.

The Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite group, which is a strong force in Lebanese politics, already is regarded as a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

Hezbollah leader acknowledges fighters' presence in Syria town

There had been political pressure to put the entire group on the terror list amid developments in Bulgaria and Cyprus. The designation would put asset freezes on Hezbollah entities.
:clap: :clap:

long past due
I guess the BDS Movement is really working! :lmao:

EU putting Hezbollah military wing on terror list

:clap: :clap:

The majority of the relevant first world knew this all along.

Israel, especially, knew how to deal with this franchise of Islamic terrorism.

Nasrallah and those close to him knew to live in the dark like cockroaches lest they would be offered Israel's rather generous "Hellfire Missile Early Retirement Program for Islamic Terrorist Scum".

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