Establishment Media: White House ‘Overwhelmed’ by Afghanistan Crisis While Facing Other ‘Huge Challenges


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Establishment Media:

White House ‘Overwhelmed’ by Afghanistan Crisis While Facing Other ‘Huge Challenges

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Wendell Huesbo

The establishment media reported Tuesday the White House is “currently overwhelmed by the Afghanistan crisis,” while facing the southern border crisis, debt limit crisis, and an uncompromising infrastructure fight on Capitol Hill.
“Yet with this intraparty battle brewing, the president and top White House officials are currently overwhelmed by the Afghanistan crisis,” Punchbowl News wrote Tuesday after the total collapse of Kabul, Afghanistan. “That’s not surprising, considering the gravity of what’s transpiring in Kabul and throughout Afghanistan. But for Biden and his senior staff, the timing of this foreign policy disaster couldn’t occur at a worse time.”
CNN printed the headline, “US saw a two-decade high in border crossings in July,” noting that “The Biden administration is facing a ‘serious challenge’ at the US southern border, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Thursday, saying the US has encountered an ‘unprecedented’ number of migrants illegally crossing the border.”
Meanwhile, moderate Democrats and Republicans on Tuesday seem to be working together to derail Biden’s two-track infrastructure scheme. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) told Fox News, “If the BIF [bipartisan infrastructure] is stand-alone, there is significant Republican support. If the BIF is linked to any other bill or held up for months, that support would fall apart.”
House Democrats demanded on August 8 for “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to hold an immediate vote on the Senate infrastructure bill, untying the bill from the Trojan horse reconciliation package amid fears of exacerbating inflation and the national debt.”
Biden’s inflation woes have not escaped the media’s attention. The Hill wrote, “The new inflation: Don’t expect food or gas prices to fall any time soon,” and that “[t]he Biden administration’s policies will worsen the outlook for inflation. Increased regulations have created an energy price shock, and introduced other supply shocks that will slow productivity and output growth and boost inflation.”

Joey Xi and Kamaltoe OWN THIS MASSIVE Disaster. Thousands of Afghan women and children will be raped and murdered because of their STUPIDITY. I still can’t believe they gave up Bagram AFB (which was rock solid secure) and let 6 to 7 thousand Taliban prisoners there go free. Unbelievable and we’ll just have to fight these scum again elsewhere. Twenty years, trillions spent, 2500 American brothers and sisters dead, and it all goes up in smoke in a few days because LEFTIST DEMOCRAT IDIOTS ARE MINDING THE STORE.
That said, I've always had my doubts the ANA (Afghan Army) and the ANP (Afghan Police) could make it on their own without us propping them up.
What we are seeing now is the result of elitists with no real experience and ideological amateur politicians in charge of our country.
While the Bai Dung Administration is overwhelmed by the Afghanistan Crisis, the world is underwhelmed by Joey Xi's response. That's the real crisis.
Unless those of you have forgotten, Joey Xi Bai Dung said he would do everything better than Trump, and sooner. Well, here are the results of Joey Xi's incompetent actions.

Establishment Media:

White House ‘Overwhelmed’ by Afghanistan Crisis While Facing Other ‘Huge Challenges

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Wendell Huesbo

The establishment media reported Tuesday the White House is “currently overwhelmed by the Afghanistan crisis,” while facing the southern border crisis, debt limit crisis, and an uncompromising infrastructure fight on Capitol Hill.
“Yet with this intraparty battle brewing, the president and top White House officials are currently overwhelmed by the Afghanistan crisis,” Punchbowl News wrote Tuesday after the total collapse of Kabul, Afghanistan. “That’s not surprising, considering the gravity of what’s transpiring in Kabul and throughout Afghanistan. But for Biden and his senior staff, the timing of this foreign policy disaster couldn’t occur at a worse time.”
CNN printed the headline, “US saw a two-decade high in border crossings in July,” noting that “The Biden administration is facing a ‘serious challenge’ at the US southern border, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Thursday, saying the US has encountered an ‘unprecedented’ number of migrants illegally crossing the border.”
Meanwhile, moderate Democrats and Republicans on Tuesday seem to be working together to derail Biden’s two-track infrastructure scheme. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) told Fox News, “If the BIF [bipartisan infrastructure] is stand-alone, there is significant Republican support. If the BIF is linked to any other bill or held up for months, that support would fall apart.”
House Democrats demanded on August 8 for “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to hold an immediate vote on the Senate infrastructure bill, untying the bill from the Trojan horse reconciliation package amid fears of exacerbating inflation and the national debt.”
Biden’s inflation woes have not escaped the media’s attention. The Hill wrote, “The new inflation: Don’t expect food or gas prices to fall any time soon,” and that “[t]he Biden administration’s policies will worsen the outlook for inflation. Increased regulations have created an energy price shock, and introduced other supply shocks that will slow productivity and output growth and boost inflation.”

Joey Xi and Kamaltoe OWN THIS MASSIVE Disaster. Thousands of Afghan women and children will be raped and murdered because of their STUPIDITY. I still can’t believe they gave up Bagram AFB (which was rock solid secure) and let 6 to 7 thousand Taliban prisoners there go free. Unbelievable and we’ll just have to fight these scum again elsewhere. Twenty years, trillions spent, 2500 American brothers and sisters dead, and it all goes up in smoke in a few days because LEFTIST DEMOCRAT IDIOTS ARE MINDING THE STORE.
That said, I've always had my doubts the ANA (Afghan Army) and the ANP (Afghan Police) could make it on their own without us propping them up.
What we are seeing now is the result of elitists with no real experience and ideological amateur politicians in charge of our country.
While the Bai Dung Administration is overwhelmed by the Afghanistan Crisis, the world is underwhelmed by Joey Xi's response. That's the real crisis.
Unless those of you have forgotten, Joey Xi Bai Dung said he would do everything better than Trump, and sooner. Well, here are the results of Joey Xi's incompetent actions.

It's incomprehensible how badly the Biden regime has fucked things up in a mere seven months.
This is what happens when you steal an elective office that you are not fit to serve one backs you when you fuck up....
Biden came into office and told his followers "we will undo all that Trump did!" They and the MSM, including Fox News, wet themselves at the prospect.

So, the border protection, gone. Pipeline and energy independence, gone. Paris Accord and billions shipped to China, "it's a go!"

Now Afghanistan and the global reputation of America being weakened and U.S enemies exploiting the chaos that followed. Chaos that you can be sure China, Russia and their friends anticipated and facilitated for the reasons of harming U.S confidence from their allies.

Elections have consequences. It's unfortunate that too many Americans are duped by media who tell them "orange man bad!" Too many who wanted Trump gone have damaged America for their own gain and did so for years believing they knew better than everyone else.

Biden isn't to blame, he's keeping his word on the issues. He was duly elected. Those who worked 24/7 to destroy Trump are the problem. I bet you Biden respects some of Trumps policies more than he could ever say due to the politics of it.

Cheney, Romney, McCain et al are part of this group that have no F'ing clue about how to deal with China or your southern border. Nor does it appear to me that they care. Those two issues are the main dangers to Americas dominance and sovereingty. I guess it doesn't pay well to upset Big Business though.

What will happen when you have to devalue the dollar so aggressively that the world says "this can't be the global standard anymore"? Do any of the "experts" understand the long term consequences?

It's one issue to have a lower valued dollar to ensure foreign investment, quite another to risk it tanking. Massive debt and lost confidence in your system is NOT good.
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The White House media core are scrambling to find any negative story about Trump, DiSanto, Abbott or any of the many other people or things that panic them. The party of diversions is going to have to work a lot of overtime to divert attention away from Biden's multitude of fuck ups.

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