Eric Swalwell looks normal, but might be one of the most insane Democrats out there.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Folks, for the past two years this delusional psycho promoted the fake Russian hoax thing and now this mentally ill fool said the US military would use nukes to get law abiding American to turn in their firearms. :p
Folks, for the past two years this delusional psycho promoted the fake Russian hoax thing and now this mentally ill fool said the US military would use nukes to get law abiding American to turn in their firearms. :p
So basically @RepSwalwell wants a war. Because that’s what you would get. You’re outta your fucking mind if you think I’ll give up my rights and give the gov all the power....Make no mistake, Democrats want to eradicate the Second Amendment, ban and seize all guns, and have all power rest with the state. These people are dangerously obsessed with power. …

Rep. Eric Swalwell‏Verified account @RepSwalwell
And it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes...

Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) | Twitter
From someone willing to go to war if gun regulation was passed. Yes the militias of the US , gun lovers, are worried that the gov may try and take away their assault weapons and large cartridges, they would get up their arms and fight back, and at that time, Swalwell was right, it would take nukes to take the gun lovers guns away. (he was being sarcastic he said, but its true. You gun freaks are crazy.)

Why do we have militias, in case they try to pass gun regulation.

They won't be able to play fake wars in the US.
Calm down Penelope and then post something that makes sense. Think about it. How would nuking American citizens be good for our democracy and the environment, in particular "climate change?" What kind of deranged fucktarded democrat would ever threaten such a thing? Well that would be Eric Swalwell, who pretty much every normal person laughs at.
Folks, for the past two years this delusional psycho promoted the fake Russian hoax thing and now this mentally ill fool said the US military would use nukes to get law abiding American to turn in their firearms. :p
I agree. Every time I see this moron on TV he's saying something totally insane.
Calm down Penelope and then post something that makes sense. Think about it. How would nuking American citizens be good for our democracy and the environment, in particular "climate change?" What kind of deranged fucktarded democrat would ever threaten such a thing? Well that would be Eric Swalwell, who pretty much every normal person laughs at.
How could the nuke America without killing millions of Democrat welfare parasite? People living in cities are the easiest to nuke.
Calm down Penelope and then post something that makes sense. Think about it. How would nuking American citizens be good for our democracy and the environment, in particular "climate change?" What kind of deranged fucktarded democrat would ever threaten such a thing? Well that would be Eric Swalwell, who pretty much every normal person laughs at.

You guys want to play fake war games, the volunteer to go down to Honduras and even parts of Mexico and fight the gangs. He was being sarcastic, but I'm not being sarcastic, it would take nukes to take away assault weapons from many US citizens, which is why they say they have them, in case the FED GOV tried to take away their guns.
Penelope, so it is okay for a democrat to joke about incinerating millions of Americans because Mexico has been a corrupt POS hellhole for decades? Penelope, think about what you are saying. It makes no sense.
Penelope, so it is okay for a democrat to joke about incinerating millions of Americans because Mexico has been a corrupt POS hellhole for decades? Penelope, think about what you are saying. It makes no sense.

What I'm saying is law abiding? US citizens will fight instead of strict gun regulation. I said the gun lovers with their assault weapons need to play real war games with real gangs in Honduras. They love to play games and act like big shots. We have them in MI as well.
Militia Groups Hold Armed Protest on Potomac
Does McVeigh ring a bell?
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons - No thank you.

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens - For proposing a buy-back? Doubtful. See Swalwell about that war, though.

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century) - Losing what?

4) I’m called a tyrant - If so, you were one long before this recent iteration of nonsense.

5) 0 progress - Define progress, and why I should accept your opinion.
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
0 progress cause hes focused on the wrong thing. my ak is not for sale. gonna nuke my neighborhood now? it was a stupid thing to say and shows no effort to find common ground.
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons - No thank you.

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens - For proposing a buy-back? Doubtful. See Swalwell about that war, though.

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century) - Losing what?

4) I’m called a tyrant - If so, you were one long before this recent iteration of nonsense.

5) 0 progress - Define progress, and why I should accept your opinion.
Your questions are good BillyK, MINUS your snide remarks, and I think worthy of getting a Twitter Account, and asking him.

The one thing I don't like about the FOX article on this is that they did not share with us the Tweets of the guy he was talking with, so we do not know what was said to trigger his comments....

thus, it's definitely right wing biased in the way the article is written... and meant to divide and not discuss...

...not really directed towards solutions to these mass murdering events back to back, to back to back etc....

it's a fluff article, meant to get conservative panties in a wad, (pardon the phrase)!
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons - No thank you.

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens - For proposing a buy-back? Doubtful. See Swalwell about that war, though.

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century) - Losing what?

4) I’m called a tyrant - If so, you were one long before this recent iteration of nonsense.

5) 0 progress - Define progress, and why I should accept your opinion.
Your questions are good BillyK, MINUS your snide remarks, and I think worthy of getting a Twitter Account, and asking him.

I am not interested in such a subscription.
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
0 progress cause hes focused on the wrong thing. my ak is not for sale. gonna nuke my neighborhood now? it was a stupid thing to say and shows no effort to find common ground.
But how do you know what he was asked or what was said to him? Shouldn't that be done before you prejudge the situation and condemn his comments?

If Trump had trolled in the same manner, would you not have been A-OK with it, because you understood it as sarcasm or Trump Trolling?
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone
0 progress cause hes focused on the wrong thing. my ak is not for sale. gonna nuke my neighborhood now? it was a stupid thing to say and shows no effort to find common ground.
But how do you know what he was asked or what was said to him? Shouldn't that be done before you prejudge the situation and condemn his comments?

I have no use for social media beyond this hallowed messageboard.

I read it in the funny papers.

They're ALL funny, you know.
Rep. Eric Swalwell
Rep. Eric Swalwell
America’s gun debate in one thread.

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century)

4) I’m called a tyrant

5) 0 progress
4:25 PM · Nov 16, 2018 · Twitter for iPhone

1) I propose a buy-back of assault weapons - No thank you.

2) Gun owner says he’ll go to war with USA if that happens - For proposing a buy-back? Doubtful. See Swalwell about that war, though.

3) I sarcastically point out USA isn’t losing to his assault weapon (it’s not the 18th Century) - Losing what?

4) I’m called a tyrant - If so, you were one long before this recent iteration of nonsense.

5) 0 progress - Define progress, and why I should accept your opinion.
Your questions are good BillyK, MINUS your snide remarks, and I think worthy of getting a Twitter Account, and asking him.

I am not interested in such a subscription.
Me either!
He responded to a twitter debate...............Maybe Sarcastic............or maybe he's an idiot.

One's things certain..........He wants gun bans period and lock up anyone who doesn't give them up..............Screw him.

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