"Equal Protection Under the Law" for Sex with Pubescent Preteens, Multiple Wives, Sex with Animals?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Liberals are outraged that some localities are refusing to comply with the Supreme Court's new Dred Scott ruling, i.e., its ruling on gay marriage. They scream "equal protection under the law."

But, what a minute! How about "equal protection under the law" for men whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with consenting pubescent preteens? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with animals? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have multiple wives purely for sexual enjoyment and not for any religious purposes?

"But those things are all illegal," say liberals. So what: Just make them legal. Homosexuality used to be illegal too, until 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that it should now be legal. So just pass new laws or get the Supreme Court to legalize sex with consenting pubescent preteens, beastiality, and polygamy. If one perversion can be legalized, other perversions should be legalized. It is discriminatory and unfair to allow homosexuals to love and marry but to deny this "fundamental right" to adults and pubescent pubescent who merely want to love and marry each other, to adults and animals who merely want to love and marry each other, and to men and multiple women who merely want to love and marry.

"But preteen girls can't give proper consent, nor can animals." First off, many pubescent 11- and 12-year-old girls are more mature and smarter than some 18-year-old boys. So that argument is a non-starter. Second, animals can give their consent in their own way; animals can make it clear that they love their human lover and have no desire to leave. So just change the law to allow animals to consent in their own way. After all, "society has no right to dictate who a person can and can't love or marry, and has no right to judge one type of love to be better or worse than another."

"But the Supreme Court has ruled that polygamy is unconstitutional." So just get the current Supreme Court to overrule that decision, just like you did in 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that somehow all state laws against homosexuality were suddenly "unconstitutional."

Some animal lovers and polygamists have already filed lawsuits to be allowed "equal protection under the law." In Europe some liberals have been trying for years to weaken or abolish laws against adult-child sexual relationships between adults and consenting pubescent children. Indeed, some of the scientists who have peddled the "gays are born gay" myth also claim that pedophiles are "born that way" too. It's high time that liberals in America get with their progressive brethren in Europe and push for equal protection for adults and pubescent children who only want to love and marry each other.
I doubt the animal thing will come about but polygamy is on the table for sure and it's no secret there are more than a few that want age of consent laws lowered. Call it what it is, the depraved minds of the left.
Your problem is that you apparently do not understand the English language. When a phrase says "established by the state." It obviously means established by the federal government because the new reality is there is no difference. Besides "established by the state" does not meet the intent of 6 old men and women so simple words clearly written no longer mean anything.

That is how the same old men and women can say that a man and woman is equal to a man and man or woman and woman. So state laws that mention man and woman don't really mean man and woman they mean person and person. See, easy now all that needs done is call Webster to get the definition changed. The words man and woman can now be interchanged except when it comes to affirmative action issues. Well there really is no need to to change the definition because we always have liberals around to tell us what they mean and men and women are exactly the same in case we should forget. And who knows the definition may later need redefined in accordance with the intent of the old men and women so why bother?

Time you got on board with this brave new world. I would say you need to read a book but without a liberal there to translate the true meaning of words your time would obviously be wasted.

I can't imagine the turmoil that the new world has caused English classes. English was hard enough now we need to know the intent of the person who wrote the words, even if the stated their intent, so we can understand the meaning of words. I guess just like the rule i before e the new rule is that words mean anything that the SCOTUS say they mean. Don't worry if you are confused there soon will be someone from the state to tell you what to think. So buck you you mycologist, racist, homophobic, anti-immigration whiner. (the meaning of those words are subject to interpretation depending on if they upset a chosen minority)
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I'm a big fan of the Founding Fathers

There's no way to stop the legal approval for any kind of perversion. The arguments for legalization are the same for all of them as they are for same sex marriage. Can you say #love wins?
Liberals are outraged that some localities are refusing to comply with the Supreme Court's new Dred Scott ruling, i.e., its ruling on gay marriage. They scream "equal protection under the law."

But, what a minute! How about "equal protection under the law" for men whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with consenting pubescent preteens? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with animals? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have multiple wives purely for sexual enjoyment and not for any religious purposes?

"But those things are all illegal," say liberals. So what: Just make them legal. Homosexuality used to be illegal too, until 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that it should now be legal. So just pass new laws or get the Supreme Court to legalize sex with consenting pubescent preteens, beastiality, and polygamy. If one perversion can be legalized, other perversions should be legalized. It is discriminatory and unfair to allow homosexuals to love and marry but to deny this "fundamental right" to adults and pubescent pubescent who merely want to love and marry each other, to adults and animals who merely want to love and marry each other, and to men and multiple women who merely want to love and marry.

"But preteen girls can't give proper consent, nor can animals." First off, many pubescent 11- and 12-year-old girls are more mature and smarter than some 18-year-old boys. So that argument is a non-starter. Second, animals can give their consent in their own way; animals can make it clear that they love their human lover and have no desire to leave. So just change the law to allow animals to consent in their own way. After all, "society has no right to dictate who a person can and can't love or marry, and has no right to judge one type of love to be better or worse than another."

"But the Supreme Court has ruled that polygamy is unconstitutional." So just get the current Supreme Court to overrule that decision, just like you did in 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that somehow all state laws against homosexuality were suddenly "unconstitutional."

Some animal lovers and polygamists have already filed lawsuits to be allowed "equal protection under the law." In Europe some liberals have been trying for years to weaken or abolish laws against adult-child sexual relationships between adults and consenting pubescent children. Indeed, some of the scientists who have peddled the "gays are born gay" myth also claim that pedophiles are "born that way" too. It's high time that liberals in America get with their progressive brethren in Europe and push for equal protection for adults and pubescent children who only want to love and marry each other.

It is a well established legal fact that children do not equate to adults on issues of rights.

If that were not so it would be unconstitutional to prevent a 5 year old from legally owning a handgun.
The criterium is consent. Children and animals cannot consent. Polygamy amongst adults, however, is a different story.
Liberals are outraged that some localities are refusing to comply with the Supreme Court's new Dred Scott ruling, i.e., its ruling on gay marriage. They scream "equal protection under the law."

But, what a minute! How about "equal protection under the law" for men whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with consenting pubescent preteens? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with animals? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have multiple wives purely for sexual enjoyment and not for any religious purposes?

"But those things are all illegal," say liberals. So what: Just make them legal. Homosexuality used to be illegal too, until 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that it should now be legal. So just pass new laws or get the Supreme Court to legalize sex with consenting pubescent preteens, beastiality, and polygamy. If one perversion can be legalized, other perversions should be legalized. It is discriminatory and unfair to allow homosexuals to love and marry but to deny this "fundamental right" to adults and pubescent pubescent who merely want to love and marry each other, to adults and animals who merely want to love and marry each other, and to men and multiple women who merely want to love and marry.

"But preteen girls can't give proper consent, nor can animals." First off, many pubescent 11- and 12-year-old girls are more mature and smarter than some 18-year-old boys. So that argument is a non-starter. Second, animals can give their consent in their own way; animals can make it clear that they love their human lover and have no desire to leave. So just change the law to allow animals to consent in their own way. After all, "society has no right to dictate who a person can and can't love or marry, and has no right to judge one type of love to be better or worse than another."

"But the Supreme Court has ruled that polygamy is unconstitutional." So just get the current Supreme Court to overrule that decision, just like you did in 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that somehow all state laws against homosexuality were suddenly "unconstitutional."

Some animal lovers and polygamists have already filed lawsuits to be allowed "equal protection under the law." In Europe some liberals have been trying for years to weaken or abolish laws against adult-child sexual relationships between adults and consenting pubescent children. Indeed, some of the scientists who have peddled the "gays are born gay" myth also claim that pedophiles are "born that way" too. It's high time that liberals in America get with their progressive brethren in Europe and push for equal protection for adults and pubescent children who only want to love and marry each other.

It is a well established legal fact that children do not equate to adults on issues of rights.

If that were not so it would be unconstitutional to prevent a 5 year old from legally owning a handgun.

Was that ever challenged in court? Have the old men and women made a pronouncement?
The criterium is consent. Children and animals cannot consent. Polygamy amongst adults, however, is a different story.

Can't consent? Who says so? Why are you pushing outdated social construct upon a brave new world?
There's no way to stop the legal approval for any kind of perversion. The arguments for legalization are the same for all of them as they are for same sex marriage. Can you say #love wins?

Damn stop using words that have no meaning, there is nothing perverse.
The criterium is consent. Children and animals cannot consent. Polygamy amongst adults, however, is a different story.
Can't consent? Who says so? Why are you pushing outdated social construct upon a brave new world?
Who says consent is out-dated? It's the basis of our government. The majority of Americans are OK with SSM, but people like you want to force your morals on them. It's rather hypocritical of you to talk about consent.
Not to worry. that's all on the Horizon for us

You just wait and see
Liberals are outraged that some localities are refusing to comply with the Supreme Court's new Dred Scott ruling, i.e., its ruling on gay marriage. They scream "equal protection under the law."

But, what a minute! How about "equal protection under the law" for men whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with consenting pubescent preteens? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have sex with animals? How about "equal protection" for people whose "sexual orientation" is to have multiple wives purely for sexual enjoyment and not for any religious purposes?

"But those things are all illegal," say liberals. So what: Just make them legal. Homosexuality used to be illegal too, until 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that it should now be legal. So just pass new laws or get the Supreme Court to legalize sex with consenting pubescent preteens, beastiality, and polygamy. If one perversion can be legalized, other perversions should be legalized. It is discriminatory and unfair to allow homosexuals to love and marry but to deny this "fundamental right" to adults and pubescent pubescent who merely want to love and marry each other, to adults and animals who merely want to love and marry each other, and to men and multiple women who merely want to love and marry.

"But preteen girls can't give proper consent, nor can animals." First off, many pubescent 11- and 12-year-old girls are more mature and smarter than some 18-year-old boys. So that argument is a non-starter. Second, animals can give their consent in their own way; animals can make it clear that they love their human lover and have no desire to leave. So just change the law to allow animals to consent in their own way. After all, "society has no right to dictate who a person can and can't love or marry, and has no right to judge one type of love to be better or worse than another."

"But the Supreme Court has ruled that polygamy is unconstitutional." So just get the current Supreme Court to overrule that decision, just like you did in 2003 when the Supreme Court ignored all precedent and decided that somehow all state laws against homosexuality were suddenly "unconstitutional."

Some animal lovers and polygamists have already filed lawsuits to be allowed "equal protection under the law." In Europe some liberals have been trying for years to weaken or abolish laws against adult-child sexual relationships between adults and consenting pubescent children. Indeed, some of the scientists who have peddled the "gays are born gay" myth also claim that pedophiles are "born that way" too. It's high time that liberals in America get with their progressive brethren in Europe and push for equal protection for adults and pubescent children who only want to love and marry each other.

It is a well established legal fact that children do not equate to adults on issues of rights.

If that were not so it would be unconstitutional to prevent a 5 year old from legally owning a handgun.
But you are alright with a 5 year old boy, becoming a girl?
There's no way to stop the legal approval for any kind of perversion. The arguments for legalization are the same for all of them as they are for same sex marriage.
Damn stop using words that have no meaning, there is nothing perverse.
Twisting the issue like you do is perverse.
No, redefining marriage is perverse. When a civil union would've done the same thing.

But if they had settled for civil unions they couldn't go after the churches.
There's no way to stop the legal approval for any kind of perversion. The arguments for legalization are the same for all of them as they are for same sex marriage.
Damn stop using words that have no meaning, there is nothing perverse.
Twisting the issue like you do is perverse.
No, redefining marriage is perverse. When a civil union would've done the same thing.

But if they had settled for civil unions they couldn't go after the churches.
There's no way to stop the legal approval for any kind of perversion. The arguments for legalization are the same for all of them as they are for same sex marriage.
Damn stop using words that have no meaning, there is nothing perverse.
Twisting the issue like you do is perverse.
No, redefining marriage is perverse. When a civil union would've done the same thing.

But if they had settled for civil unions they couldn't go after the churches.

They think we don't see what is going on, but a left loon isn't awfully bright
No, redefining marriage is perverse. When a civil union would've done the same thing.
If it does the same thing, why can't it be called the same thing. Different names would just give future legislators the opportunity to create different rules; then it wouldn't be the same thing.
There is no right to have sex with someone who does not consent. A minor CANNOT consent, therefore it would be rape. So there is no equality of the law, there is only breaking the law.

The same with animals too, an animal CANNOT consent.

Multiple wives is something else.

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