Epic hypocrisy: SC, Private Sector, GOP lead way on Green Energy, Jobs; Obama sues!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Boeing, SCE&G team up | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

^^This adds even more stunning irony and shock to an emerging story. I already posted that the Obama federal gov't is filing a lawsuit to force Boeing to relocate it's 8,000 jobs Dreamliner plant from Charleston, SC to Seattle because it's plant "discriminates" by hiring non-union SC labor over union Seattle labor. That tyrant tactic aside, theres even more shocking irony, in the above link.

That SC Boeing plant??? ENTIRELY powered by solar panels!!!! The whole f'ing thing!!! SC gave Boeing a sweet tax cut deat to come there. The non-union labor allowed Boeing to spend less on payroll. The result? Boeing had enough $$ leftover from NOT having higher taxes and bloated union payroll to panel the entire roof of that massive plant with solar panels to make the damn thing 100% solar, clean powered!!!!

Now you freakin liberals, c'mon. You have to admit you're impressed. Far right-wing, low tax, non-union South Carolina is LEADING the way now in your precious cause!!! We gave Boeing a tax break to come here. Boeing brought 8,000 awesome good paying jobs. And Boeing, a private company, voluntarily used those savings to panel the whole damn roof with solar panels, making it completely green.

HOW could any liberal be upset by that? 8,000 jobs!!! A massive airplane factory completely powed by solar panels!!! South Carolina shows the rest of the country how to do it!! Jobs, green energy, all private sector.

BUT NO.....Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

Despite bringing 8,000 good paying jobs to a US city, and despite showing the world how a massive factory can be completely solar powered....the Obama gov't just couldn't allow that labor to be done by NON-UNION (GASP:eek:) South Carolina workers, under the watch of a Republican Governor, in a strong-red state. No way. Can't allow it.

Fuck you liberals. A right wing state found a way to produce jobs. A private company made some good paying jobs happen. That same company took the tax and payroll savings gained by locating in SC and made a massive Dreamliner factory 100% solar powered.

And rather than praise that effort....Obama Admin sues. Classy move you fucking communists.
Just heard on local radio that Boeing also plans to make a massive montly donation to local food banks in Charleston, yet another result of them having extra cash due to tax breaks and non-union reasonable payrolls. Charleston + Boeing, an American match made in heaven.

And Obama is suing to try to reverse it.

BTW, Mark Levine is currently speaking about this on his show, this story is starting to catch wheels.
This is a labor fight all the way. I don't care what kind of tax deal South Carolina put on the table, it's still higher than Washington's. (zero State tax) That should tell you just how far out of whack the union pay scale is.

Review & Outlook: The Death of Right to Work - WSJ.com

After 17 months and $2 billion, the NLRB sandbags Boeing.

In 2009 Boeing announced plans to build a new plant to meet demand for its new 787 Dreamliner. Though its union contract didn’t require it, Boeing executives negotiated with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers to build the plane at its existing plant in Washington state. The talks broke down because the union wanted, among other things, a seat on Boeing’s board and a promise that Boeing would build all future airplanes in Puget Sound.

So Boeing management did what it judged to be best for its shareholders and customers and looked elsewhere. In October 2009, the company settled on South Carolina, which, like the 21 other right-to-work states, has friendlier labor laws than Washington. As Boeing chief Jim McNerney noted on a conference call at the time, the company couldn’t have “strikes happening every three to four years.” The union has shut down Boeing’s commercial aircraft production line four times since 1989, and a 58-day strike in 2008 cost the company $1.8 billion.

This reasonable business decision created more than 1,000 jobs and has brought around $2 billion of investment to South Carolina. The aerospace workers in Puget Sound remain among the best paid in America, but the union nonetheless asked the NLRB to stop Boeing’s plans before the company starts to assemble planes in North Charleston this July.

The NLRB obliged with its complaint yesterday asking an administrative law judge to stop Boeing’s South Carolina production because its executives had cited the risk of strikes as a reason for the move. Boeing acted out of “anti-union animus,” says the complaint by acting general counsel Lafe Solomon, and its decision to move had the effect of “discouraging membership in a labor organization” and thus violates federal law.

What a bunch of BS. I believe in private sector unions but if you price your labor too far outside what the market will bear... tough shit.
Imagine this:

In the midst of a massive economic and jobs struggle.......and massive company builds a huge plant, and promises 5,000-8,000 new jobs, good paying manufacturing jobs that America needs. Then, to top it all off, that company lines the entire rooftop with green solar panels, and is 100% run by solar power!!! WOW!!!! What a PR story for Obama!!! Thousands of jobs!!! 100% green powered factory!!! Awesome!!

Only problem?

This happened under a Republican Governor's direction. In a non-union state. By a company that fled union-labor Washington. And the green technology was partially funded by money the company saved by a tax break for relocating to SC.

So Obama Admin sues to attempt to reverse the whole deal.
Wow. Suprised no libs had anything to say on this. Under Obama's watch, a huge company creates 8,000 good jobs in a city that really needed them, and PLUS they made the huge factory 100% solar powered, basically a grand slam on all fronts for all involved!!!!

Oh. Oops. Obama Admin filed a lawsuit to reverse the whole situation. In honor of the unions. Guess I see why libs are avoiding this story like they would avoid a dog crap burrito.
Wow. Suprised no libs had anything to say on this. Under Obama's watch, a huge company creates 8,000 good jobs in a city that really needed them, and PLUS they made the huge factory 100% solar powered, basically a grand slam on all fronts for all involved!!!!

Oh. Oops. Obama Admin filed a lawsuit to reverse the whole situation. In honor of the unions. Guess I see why libs are avoiding this story like they would avoid a dog crap burrito.
They damn sure wouldn't avoid that burrito if it were FREE!:razz:
WJ, Obama never had a chance in SC anyway. SC is the most reliably red state in America outside of Texas. Some here joke that SC is "East Texas" anyway. Thats part of the reason Obama is filing this lawsuit.

But, I see all the libtards avoided this thread like the black plague. God-forbid a massive, private corporation take the lead in a green factory, in a red, non-union state, under GOP leadership. One would think the left would celebrate this. A massive corporate factory that is 100% solar powered. It's quite impressive, I gotta admit. Not 50%, but absolutely 100% solar powered, and a factory to build massive airplanes at that, not just a candy bar factory or something.

But no. The left won't celebrate this. Their savior instead files a lawsuit. He's preaching green energy. You'd think he would cite this factory and celebrate it publicly. But he won't. Becuase it's a red state, a non-union, low tax state. Thus his lawsuit. Fucking tyrant.

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