EPA Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles to Slash Dangerous Pollution and Take Key Step Toward Accelerating Zero-Emissions Future


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

EPA Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles to Slash Dangerous Pollution and Take Key Step Toward Accelerating Zero-Emissions Future​

On Tuesday, December 20, crazed EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the final national clean air standards to cut smog- and soot-forming emissions from heavy-duty trucks.
The new standards will slash dangerous pollution from semi-trucks.
The EPA insists the new rules will protect public health, especially the health of vulnerable populations in underserved, overburdened communities.
This is pure leftist insanity and will force underserved, over-burdened communities to pay more for their food and consumer goods.

Once more the EPA legislates beyond Congress.
Rules and Laws can ONLY be implemented by the Congress and signed by the president of the United States!
Another move by the Maoist/DSA Democrats.
Their plan; The return of the Feudal System of the dark ages. Lords & Serfs, or in more modern times, the Factory Owner vs the worker, where all of workers pay go back to the factory owner in the form of rent and food, and to pay for the chains needed to keep the workers attached to their assigned machine.
This is the Maoist Marxist Socialist Democrat method of control you can look forward to in the coming years.
Wake up or loose life as we know it. You can let it come in and engulf you, but the only way out will require the death of half of us....
Maoist/DSA Democrats don't care if they do something illegally, because it moves them closer to complete control.
About ten years ago my employer went to purchase new trucks. They were about 10K more than the last time he looked just a few years earlier. The salesman explained that it's all the new government mandates why the cost was so high. He couldn't afford them, so he went into leasing.

It was the best move he ever made. After we got the tractors, they were in the shop nearly every month. 99% of the time it was some pollution gadget that went haywire. He said he would have went broke trying to keep them on the road. Under leasing, the dealership takes care of all the problems.

One morning my truck wouldn't start. It gave no indication that there was a problem the day before. The mechanic came out and couldn't do anything with it, so they towed it to the dealership, and they couldn't do anything with it, so they towed it all the way back to the manufacturer (Freightliner) and they couldn't figure it out either. They finally had to replace the entire engine.

This took two months to complete and I had a rental vehicle all that time. Rental tractors are junk. I was too happy to get my truck back.

It took several years but they finally worked all the bugs out. The mechanic told me one of the problems is computers. Trucks don't have a computer, they now have three of them because of emissions. When it gets single digits outside, it's hard for those three computers to work together. And now they want to start this shit all over again.
About ten years ago my employer went to purchase new trucks. They were about 10K more than the last time he looked just a few years earlier. The salesman explained that it's all the new government mandates why the cost was so high. He couldn't afford them, so he went into leasing.

It was the best move he ever made. After we got the tractors, they were in the shop nearly every month. 99% of the time it was some pollution gadget that went haywire. He said he would have went broke trying to keep them on the road. Under leasing, the dealership takes care of all the problems.

One morning my truck wouldn't start. It gave no indication that there was a problem the day before. The mechanic came out and couldn't do anything with it, so they towed it to the dealership, and they couldn't do anything with it, so they towed it all the way back to the manufacturer (Freightliner) and they couldn't figure it out either. They finally had to replace the entire engine.

This took two months to complete and I had a rental vehicle all that time. Rental tractors are junk. I was too happy to get my truck back.

It took several years but they finally worked all the bugs out. The mechanic told me one of the problems is computers. Trucks don't have a computer, they now have three of them because of emissions. When it gets single digits outside, it's hard for those three computers to work together. And now they want to start this shit all over again.
It's absolute fucking idiocy.
Why was diesel always a little over 1/2 the price of gas for over a century and now it's more? People should bitch about things like that. It affects us all bigly. Pretty sure Bush did that.

As a prelude to my real search, look at this:

"What was the average price of diesel fuel in 2017? The average price of diesel fuel in 2017 was $2.63. (source)"

Fuck that, all the internet obfuscation is not gonna stop me. :nono:
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Okay, here's something about historical fuel prices in America that's somewhat accurate:

Regular was $1.25 (kinda high) and diesel was $.82 in 1980. That was at the end of the Carter regime.

He fucked a lot of things up.

Our own government isn't publishing fuel prices from before then to hide the way people are getting fucked.
See, that's what the American people don't understand when they vote on feel-based issues (like abortion or mean tweets) instead of bread and butter/security issues.....

The executive controls the regulatory agencies......And we have two more years of this type of fuckery to go.

Oh and guess what?.....The dems know that it takes at least two years for legal redress.....Enjoy your $1.00 each eggs.

See, that's what the American people don't understand when they vote on feel-based issues (like abortion or mean tweets) instead of bread and butter/security issues.....

The executive controls the regulatory agencies......And we have two more years of this type of fuckery to go.

Oh and guess what?.....The dems know that it takes at least two years for legal redress.....Enjoy your $1.00 each eggs.

Time to get your own chickens, for real. I would highly recommend it if you want eggs. It's $4 for basic eggs at the store right now. They were $.67 cents before Biden.
A few more dollars and you can has chickens that give you fresher and better eggs for less.
I done lost my yardbirds, the freaking neighbors started feeding 'em better. Bastages! :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, they were peacocks, and they have big eggs, if you can get to them before the coons; I'll put some chickens in a coop.
I got 2 eggs left, and I paid $2.67/doz for them, and that's terrible. It's definitely more now.
See, that's what the American people don't understand when they vote on feel-based issues (like abortion or mean tweets) instead of bread and butter/security issues.....

The executive controls the regulatory agencies......And we have two more years of this type of fuckery to go.

Oh and guess what?.....The dems know that it takes at least two years for legal redress.....Enjoy your $1.00 each eggs.

You should post that in the 70s thread. :D

Very good! :up:

All those Americans there were a lot freer than we are today; That's not good.

Also they were hardly divided by racism at all. Yessir!

EPA Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles to Slash Dangerous Pollution and Take Key Step Toward Accelerating Zero-Emissions Future​

On Tuesday, December 20, crazed EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the final national clean air standards to cut smog- and soot-forming emissions from heavy-duty trucks.
The new standards will slash dangerous pollution from semi-trucks.
The EPA insists the new rules will protect public health, especially the health of vulnerable populations in underserved, overburdened communities.
This is pure leftist insanity and will force underserved, over-burdened communities to pay more for their food and consumer goods.

Once more the EPA legislates beyond Congress.
Rules and Laws can ONLY be implemented by the Congress and signed by the president of the United States!
Another move by the Maoist/DSA Democrats.
Their plan; The return of the Feudal System of the dark ages. Lords & Serfs, or in more modern times, the Factory Owner vs the worker, where all of workers pay go back to the factory owner in the form of rent and food, and to pay for the chains needed to keep the workers attached to their assigned machine.
This is the Maoist Marxist Socialist Democrat method of control you can look forward to in the coming years.
Wake up or loose life as we know it. You can let it come in and engulf you, but the only way out will require the death of half of us....
Maoist/DSA Democrats don't care if they do something illegally, because it moves them closer to complete control.

Hey look another dum dum who thinks pollution is a good thing.
What does the history of America have to do with the OP seemingly thinking pollution is a good thing?
Everything; Including the price of food and fuel which apparently you don't worry about. Why is that, hmm?

Do you get EBT, free gas? What gives here, hmm? You don't pay for your own groceries, er wut, hmm?

:rolleyes-41: Do you work to pay for your own groceries with your own money like I have since I was 19, or no?

I've been doing that for a long time.
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Everything; Including the price of food and fuel which apparently you don't worry about. Why is that, hmm?

Do you get EBT, free gas? What gives here, hmm? You don't pay for your own groceries, er wut, hmm?

:rolleyes-41: Do you work to pay for your own groceries like I have since I was 19, or no?
If you need more money why dont you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get a job you lazy good for nothing.
Hey look another dum dum who thinks pollution is a good thing.
Another Bull Crap post.
I worked with, not for the EPA for over 20 yrs. as a Corporate Regulatory Specialist as well as FDA, OSHA.
The EPA originally set out to do good. Now they've overstepped their authority by legislating law which is the sole purview of Congress.
It's like Judges legislating from the bench.
Something you Maoist Democrats love to do.
Another Bull Crap post.
I worked with, not for the EPA for over 20 yrs. as a Corporate Regulatory Specialist as well as FDA, OSHA.
The EPA originally set out to do good. Now they've overstepped their authority by legislating law which is the sole purview of Congress.
It's like Judges legislating from the bench.
Something you Maoist Democrats love to do.
The EPA does not make laws.
If you need more money why dont you pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get a job you lazy good for nothing.
I never said I needed more money. I said I have paid for my own groceries and other peoples' since I was 19.

Then I asked: "Do you pay for your own groceries and gas?"

You seem pretty nonchalant about it. That leads me to believe you are dependant upon someone else.

I don't "need" ary a damn thing. My needs are met and then some, brah. At times I can help other people out, even.
AOC says cow farts are creating Climate Change and destroying the planet.

Silly Democrat - she obviously has not heard of the scientific breathrough device that can be inserted into cows and turns their methane into an environmentally-friendly gaseous discharge.


I never said I needed more money. I said I have paid for my own groceries and other peoples' since I was 19.

The I asked: "Do you pay for your own groceries and gas?"

You seem pretty nonchalant about it.
You sure seem broke, complaining about the prices of things. It also seems like it's your proudest moment of your life that you were able to buy your own groceries starting at the age of 19. I hope things improve for you. If you actually put in the work, maybe you'll make something of yourself someday. We're rooting for you.

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