enticing illegal immigration

I'm glad a family was prevented from homelessness for just $2,000. Anger about this really goes to show the depths of cruelty many Americans sink to in their desire to inflict suffering and misery on people and families.
you support open borders and illegal aliens.
The strongest reason any nation can have to fight illegal immigration is the preservation of its racial composition.

Why did America remain 90% white from 1776 to 1960?

Because the US defined itself as a white nation during those almost 200 years and didn't allow any threat to its white majority to exist for very long be it legal or illegal immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act, Operation Wetback, etc, etc...)

When America redefined itself as a multiracial country in the 60's the country lost its strongest reason to fight illegal immigration.

Multiracial countries like post-1960 America think like this:

"We are not a white country anymore. Illegal immigation is overwhelmingly non-white, therefore illegal immigration is a positive thing. It will turn us into a country without a racial majority sooner rather than later."

Why do you think China has almost zero illegal immigration despite its enormous economic development?

Because China defines itself as a country for the Han Chinese and therefore fiercely protects its racial composition against the threat illegal immigration pose to its racial self-definition.

America is richer than her southern neighbors at least since 1850.

Why do you think hispanic illegal immigration was never a serious problem before 1960?

Because being a white country always "forced" America to fight non-white legal or illegal immigration to protect what was considered back then as one of the fundamental pillars of the nation.
During the decade of 1960 two fundamental changes occurred in America regarding immigration:


The country changed its immigration laws to allow a massive number of non-whites to settle in the US in a legal manner (1965 Immigration Act).


The country started tolerating the presence of an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants (the vast majority of them non-whites).

These 2 simultaneous changes were not "coincidences", they were the direct result of America redefining itself from a white nation to a multiracial one.
When you remove the racial composition of a nation of its national identity and definition, of its national self-identification you immediately remove its strongest incentive to fight illegal immigration.

So if you are a supporter of a multiracial America, stop whining about illegal immigration!!

Stop crying because tolerance towards illegal immigration comes with the territory when your country becomes multiracial!!
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Apparently he's not paying very much.

Plus he helps the bakery owner pay a lot less then he would pay a citizen and also less taxes while his freebies are probably more than he pays in taxes as well. Then he will have 10 kids in the states, making them 'citizens' and most of them will drop out of school at 8th grade and join gangs. The bakery owner wil also not ever pass any savings on to customers, either.
Originally posted by Augustine
I support punishing employers who employ illegal aliens. Something that republicans like yourself have voted against for decades.

America must do this... America must do that... but nothing is done because there is no political will... And there's no political will because when America ceased to be a white nation and became multiracial, illegal immigration (overwhelmingly non-white) stopped being a threat to America's national identity and became a bonus. Through illegal immigration America can reach its goal of becoming a real multiracial country (without any racial majority) faster.

Illegal immigration in America is a powerful ally of the multiracialist ideology.

America's multiracialism will ensure there will be no mass deportations like Operation Wetback, no crackdown on employers, no nothing...

Just an endless succession of wave after wave of illegal immigration followed by amnesties until the goal of totally destroying any vestige of a white racial majority is achieved and probably even after this.

If you are an american citizen who support the insane ideology of multiracialism America adopted after WWII, just shut up and stop whining about illegal immigration because you're getting exactly what you asked for.
The strongest reason any nation can have to fight illegal immigration is the preservation of its racial composition.

Why did America remain 90% white from 1776 to 1960?

Because the US defined itself as a white nation during those almost 200 years and didn't allow any threat to its white majority to exist for very long be it legal or illegal immigration (Chinese Exclusion Act, Operation Wetback, etc, etc...)

When America redefined itself as a multiracial country in the 60's the country lost its strongest reason to fight illegal immigration.

Multiracial countries like post-1960 America think like this:

"We are not a white country anymore. Illegal immigation is overwhelmingly non-white, therefore illegal immigration is a positive thing. It will turn us into a country without a racial majority sooner rather than later."

Why do you think China has almost zero illegal immigration despite its enormous economic development?

Because China defines itself as a country for the Han Chinese and therefore fiercely protects its racial composition against the threat illegal immigration pose to its racial self-definition.

America is richer than her southern neighbors at least since 1850.

Why do you think hispanic illegal immigration was never a serious problem before 1960?

Because being a white country always "forced" America to fight non-white legal or illegal immigration to protect what was considered back then as one of the fundamental pillars of the nation.
The Preppy Republic

Identify the enemy, who is well-hidden and pretends to be an American success story. Whites who are born rich see it as a sign from God or Nature that they have evolved into a separate and superior race, Born to Rule over all of us serfs.

The Affluenzists despise, deplore, hate, and fear all other White people. We've regressed into a country where success is based on birth or brown-nosing and not worth. We've become like the aristocratic Europe our ancestors escaped from.

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