Enemies of the State: The RCMP and subversive lists


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A frightening documentary that outlines just how little Canada cares about individual rights and democracy. As always, the RCMP and their police surrogates are in place not to defend human rights, but to defend the "Honor" of the Queen (however the state defines this defence). What list exists today in Canada? How can America and other allied countries knowingly and willingly accept Canada as a democratic nation and fair trading partner when this type of information is well known and shared among foreign intelligence agencies?

A 45 minute video which is well produced and had to have been fought at the highest levels of the CBC, since it is state owned. Some liberty loving libertarian won the argument and this was produced. It illustrates the lengths this agency has gone to plan the most undemocratic, lawless assault to the Rule of Law and Due Process. It is happening today in a very Stasiesque manner I can assure you.

Some of the people who's families were on the list are well known Canadians, many more were on the list and for the life of them don't understand why and/or, how such excessive tactics normally reserved for despots could be supported in Canada. It's a real eye opener, and a warning to Americans about the mechanisms within a socialist state.

Enemies of the State - Episodes - the fifth estate

It seems hard to imagine today that a Canadian government would approve a plan to round up thousands of law-abiding Canadians and lock them away simply because they were perceived to be a threat to Canadian democracy.

Conceived in the early days of the Cold War, the top-secret plan called "Profunc" was to be enacted if Canadian national security was threatened. The fear was stoked by the outbreak of the Korean War, which looked as if it might become the precursor to WW3.

In Canada, the head of the RCMP drew up a plan to lock up "Prominent Functionaries," including known communists and other people deemed to be subversives. The plan is breathtaking in its scale and detail. It listed those who were to be arrested, where they would be interned and how they were to be treated. Families of targeted people were not spared: many wives and children were to be locked away as well.

Incredibly, The Profunc blueprint remained in place until the 1980s. Only today are some people learning for the first time that they and their families were deemed Enemies of the State. The names of those people will astonish most Canadians.

"Enemies of the State' also explores the targeting of possible 'subversives' today and asks what kinds of lists might exist that the Canadian public doesn't know about.

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