End of the Church Age

HB is a crazy conservative Christian choctaw, who stole the name of the Cheyennes, who think he has some control in his life by denying life.
I doubt if I'll see him but I think he has a job offer for you. I think he wants you to be the D.J. playing the music as Nancy Poloski and Hillary dance nude while all your atheist friends are locked in chains just out of reach of Hillary and Nancy.
Only a strange person, a very strange person, could come up with this ^.

Jealous of my flair for creative writing? You should have stayed in school.
By your replies I think you realize just how stupid this Satan character is. Think about it. And the idea of God is just as silly.

He must be pretty smart though. He got you without having to give you an Obamaphone.
Have you ever seen Satan? Religious people often say they talk to or God talks to them. Does Satan talk to you too?

I suppose in a way. I still sin. I will always have the carnal nature battling within.
HB is a crazy conservative Christian choctaw, who stole the name of the Cheyennes, who think he has some control in his life by denying life.

Denying what? I deny nothing but certainly do not waste my time dwelling on a past upon which I have no control. I am an adult.
Only a strange person, a very strange person, could come up with this ^.

Jealous of my flair for creative writing? You should have stayed in school.
By your replies I think you realize just how stupid this Satan character is. Think about it. And the idea of God is just as silly.

He must be pretty smart though. He got you without having to give you an Obamaphone.
Have you ever seen Satan? Religious people often say they talk to or God talks to them. Does Satan talk to you too?

I suppose in a way. I still sin. I will always have the carnal nature battling within.
We all will. The only difference is you think believing a story about a guy 2000 years ago gives you a free pass on future sin.
HB is a crazy conservative Christian choctaw, who stole the name of the Cheyennes, who think he has some control in his life by denying life.

Denying what? I deny nothing but certainly do not waste my time dwelling on a past upon which I have no control. I am an adult.
Glad to hear you survived your teens.

You're still in puberty aren't you? Most Liberal minds do not develop beyond puberty. By age 50, they usually develop dementia.
Jealous of my flair for creative writing? You should have stayed in school.
By your replies I think you realize just how stupid this Satan character is. Think about it. And the idea of God is just as silly.

He must be pretty smart though. He got you without having to give you an Obamaphone.
Have you ever seen Satan? Religious people often say they talk to or God talks to them. Does Satan talk to you too?

I suppose in a way. I still sin. I will always have the carnal nature battling within.
We all will. The only difference is you think believing a story about a guy 2000 years ago gives you a free pass on future sin.

Catch you later. Off to Church.
HB is a crazy conservative Christian choctaw, who stole the name of the Cheyennes, who think he has some control in his life by denying life.

Denying what? I deny nothing but certainly do not waste my time dwelling on a past upon which I have no control. I am an adult.
Glad to hear you survived your teens.

You're still in puberty aren't you? Most Liberal minds do not develop beyond puberty. By age 50, they usually develop dementia.
Ah, you are young millennial confused with the world and resentful of older folks. Get used to it. We aren't going anywhere until you get here. Have a good church service, we are out the door in a few minutes to church as well.
By your replies I think you realize just how stupid this Satan character is. Think about it. And the idea of God is just as silly.

He must be pretty smart though. He got you without having to give you an Obamaphone.
Have you ever seen Satan? Religious people often say they talk to or God talks to them. Does Satan talk to you too?

I suppose in a way. I still sin. I will always have the carnal nature battling within.
We all will. The only difference is you think believing a story about a guy 2000 years ago gives you a free pass on future sin.

Catch you later. Off to Church.
Go ask your preacher how or why believing the Jesus story is the only thing required to get into heaven. Because you all admit that you will sin again.

So why is believing a 2000 year old story the test? Sounds like cult bs to me.

Don't tell me the story about how God sent his son to die for our sins bla bla. None of that makes any sense. It doesn't answer the question and its ridiculous.

The fact that you think because you believe the stories you are "saved". Boy I tell you religion is the greatest stories ever told.
I think what Jesus said is the only way to get into heaven is to try to be a good person. No ones perfect, except for me of course because I'm freaking Jesus.
I think what Jesus said is the only way to get into heaven is to try to be a good person. No ones perfect, except for me of course because I'm freaking Jesus.

Can I kiss your ass now?
I want to be saved ... from rationality.
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.

Who needs a church when you can talk directly to Jesus/God/Holy Ghost?
Why buy from a retailer when you can get a better deal from the wholesaler?
I think what Jesus said is the only way to get into heaven is to try to be a good person. No ones perfect, except for me of course because I'm freaking Jesus.

Can I kiss your ass now?
I want to be saved ... from rationality.
Believing the Jesus story is the only thing required to join a church, not get into heaven. The Greeks believed only great people get into heaven. And only the worst go to hell. The rest of us just go to some boring place. That was their hypothesis back then. Today Christians have a different hypothesis only they claim its a fact because God told them.
I think what Jesus said is the only way to get into heaven is to try to be a good person. No ones perfect, except for me of course because I'm freaking Jesus.

Can I kiss your ass now?
I want to be saved ... from rationality.
Believing the Jesus story is the only thing required to join a church, not get into heaven. The Greeks believed only great people get into heaven. And only the worst go to hell. The rest of us just go to some boring place. That was their hypothesis back then. Today Christians have a different hypothesis only they claim its a fact because God told them.

"Christians" is a primitive nomenclature based on the need for a messiah.
If the disciple of Jesus of Nazareth's alleged teachings wanted to be "pure", they would find the Jefferson Bible more appealing, aka "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth".
HB is a crazy conservative Christian choctaw, who stole the name of the Cheyennes, who think he has some control in his life by denying life.

Denying what? I deny nothing but certainly do not waste my time dwelling on a past upon which I have no control. I am an adult.
Glad to hear you survived your teens.

You're still in puberty aren't you? Most Liberal minds do not develop beyond puberty. By age 50, they usually develop dementia.
Ah, you are young millennial confused with the world and resentful of older folks. Get used to it. We aren't going anywhere until you get here. Have a good church service, we are out the door in a few minutes to church as well.

I am a rather young almost 72 years of age, aren't I? Young millennial? LOL!
He must be pretty smart though. He got you without having to give you an Obamaphone.
Have you ever seen Satan? Religious people often say they talk to or God talks to them. Does Satan talk to you too?

I suppose in a way. I still sin. I will always have the carnal nature battling within.
We all will. The only difference is you think believing a story about a guy 2000 years ago gives you a free pass on future sin.

Catch you later. Off to Church.
Go ask your preacher how or why believing the Jesus story is the only thing required to get into heaven. Because you all admit that you will sin again.

So why is believing a 2000 year old story the test? Sounds like cult bs to me.

Don't tell me the story about how God sent his son to die for our sins bla bla. None of that makes any sense. It doesn't answer the question and its ridiculous.

The fact that you think because you believe the stories you are "saved". Boy I tell you religion is the greatest stories ever told.

Have I ever tried to save your soul? You're the one I see quoting Scripture and preaching all the time. God really seems to occupy a lot of your thoughts.
I think what Jesus said is the only way to get into heaven is to try to be a good person. No ones perfect, except for me of course because I'm freaking Jesus.

Can I kiss your ass now?
I want to be saved ... from rationality.
Believing the Jesus story is the only thing required to join a church, not get into heaven. The Greeks believed only great people get into heaven. And only the worst go to hell. The rest of us just go to some boring place. That was their hypothesis back then. Today Christians have a different hypothesis only they claim its a fact because God told them.

I didn't know that. You're just full of it, aren't you?
I think what Jesus said is the only way to get into heaven is to try to be a good person. No ones perfect, except for me of course because I'm freaking Jesus.

I'm like Donald Trump myself. I will apologize - if I'm ever wrong about anything.
It does appear that we are living in the time of the end of the Church Age. It has been documented that the current trend indicates that there are 1,000 new church startups annually with the closings of 4,000 churches annually. The net result is a net loss of 3,000 churches annually.

Here are some other disturbing statistics that lend itself to my premise that this is indeed the beginning of the end of the Church Age:

65% of folks born prior to 1946 claim to know Christ. 35% of those born between 1946 and 1964 claim to know Christ. 15% of those born between 1965 and 1979 claim to know Christ. Amazingly, of those born between 1980 and 2000, only 4% claim to know Christ.

I realize to the Christian, this is somewhat alarming. It shouldn't be. Indeed it should be expected. We were told over 2,000 years ago that this would happen. We should have expected it. Our Bibles were the source of this revelation. I will even go so far as to submit that our present state of churches closely represents that of the Laodiceans. It is a system of lukewarm churches that fail God's muster.

What to do? Nothing. There is nothing we can do. If we believe God has control then we must conclude this is God's will and His plan in bringing to a close this age and to usher in the Kingdom of Christ.

We must be prepared to face persecution unheralded in the history of the world. We will bear all kinds of trials and tribulations with the assurance that he who endures unto the end shall be saved.

As the Bible states, the mockers walking after their own lusts are among us. These will boast and gleefully rejoice and curse you and despise you and declare they have defeated you and God Himself. Be not heavy hearted, there will be joy in the morning.

Who needs a church when you can talk directly to Jesus/God/Holy Ghost?
Why buy from a retailer when you can get a better deal from the wholesaler?

What do you and Jesus talk about? Football?

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