Embarrassment: Hamas Taking A Savage Beating...

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]@Hossfly the problem is with your braggadocio rhetoric is that you Americans took the gloves off in Vietnam, blanket bombing, chemical weapons(agent orange) and hearts and minds bribery did not work on those cowardly little yellow slopes. The kicked you're collective arses.Does America trade with Vietnam know ?

They didn't kick anybody's ass, they got bombed to the 'peace' table, we got deals with China and kept the Soviets from building a naval base in Viet Nam, and after that there was no reason for us to be there any more. All the hippie nonsense is just hubris and wishful thinking. It was the Soviets who got their asses kicked, and driven to bankruptcy to boot. It was about a lot more than Viet Nam, but I realize that many people are just too lazy to deal with overall pictures and prefer to be spoonfed simplistic propaganda nonsense and then never deviate from the memes, no matter what.

oddly communist vietnam

recently has been requesting American protection

from the Chinese
@Hossfly the problem is with your braggadocio rhetoric is that you Americans took the gloves off in Vietnam, blanket bombing, chemical weapons(agent orange) and hearts and minds bribery did not work on those cowardly little yellow slopes. The kicked you're collective arses.Does America trade with Vietnam know ?
I respect but dislike the IRA, I respect but dislike Hamas, I respect the left in Israel but dislike the right.

No group of people has ever killed the dream of another.
We had N Vietnam on the verge of capitulating but politics got in the way. We whipped those sonsabitches to a frazzle and they knew it.

Yes..here we are leaving after "whipping those sonsabitches".
We "whipped" them so badly we had to run for our lives as they captured saigon..LMFAO...

Do you see my point?

Sorry Ropey my internet down for a few days.the point is Israel can make peace with secular governments.Muslim governments? their goal is the destruction of Israel and all the Jews there dead
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Wow, Israel sure is ending Hamas. It's a route. A serious ass-kicking. Hamas should be a bit embarrassed. Maybe it's time for them to consider Peace. Because War sure as hell ain't working out for em. When this whole thing is said & done, there very well might not be a Hamas anymore.
You say that like its a bad thing.
I agree fully with what Michael Scheurer says here. Let them fight it out and sink or swim on their own. It really doesn't matter in america who "wins"... Both sides hate us. fuckem.

Michael Scheuer Non-Intervention.com

.....It is exquisitely clear, that Israelis and Arabs are going to fight each other until one or the other is annihilated, so let them fight. But we must get our fingerprints off of this non-problem for the United States. A good first step is to stop listening to all of the media pundits — I wonder how many hold Israeli passports? — who justify Americans eventually being killed because of Israel’s current military actions by arguing that Israel as the “only democracy in the Middle East” and therefore must be supported no matter the cost. What kind of an insane argument is that? What possible impact would it have on genuine U.S. interests if there were no democracies in the Middle East? How much worse off would our national security be? Would the end of the only democracy in the Middle East threaten U.S. security one-thousandth as much as the failure of the last three presidencies to control U.S. borders? Of course it would not. The absence of the Israeli democracy — and U.S. support thereof — would go unnoticed vis-a-vis genuine U.S. national security interests, save us a ton of money, and terminate one major source of our Islamist enemy’s motivation to attack America.

One of the newer and more troubling angles that has emerged in this iteration of the Israel-Palestine war also must be terminated. That is the increasing support among American intellectual and church leaders for the Palestinians. Presbyterians disinvest in stocks if they benefit Israel and university professors rain down hate on Israel because it defends itself against Palestinian attacks. These religious and academic folks are as big fools as are most senior U.S. officials. None seem capable of recognizing reality: THERE WILL BE NO SOLUTION TO THE ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT UNTIL ONE SIDE WIPES OUT THE OTHER.

The Palestinians are not going to accept eternal Israeli domination of their day-to-day lives, economy, politics, and foreign-and-defense policies, nor will they peacefully accede to the constant Israeli theft of their land. Nor should anyone expect or urge them to. Israel, on the other hand, has every right in the world to defend itself in whatever manner it deems necessary to protect its territory, populace, borders, and apparently endless quest for Lebensraum. And no one should expect or demand the Israelis to stop pursuing what they adamantly believe to be their nation’s security and survival.

BUT THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND HERE, and there is no U.S. interest in intervening in the affairs of these peoples who love and feel duty bound to make war in the name of their respective God. Because no nation-state on this planet — including the United States — has a “right to exist,” let these two states kill each other until one proves that the other had no right to exist. We best look out for the durability of own country’s existence, which at the moment — thanks to the policies of our bipartisan interventionists and the traitorous behavior of the the Neocons, Israel Firsters, and those U.S. citizens who support both — seems not to be something we can count on for very much longer.
The Israelis do not hate the US. Scheuer is dead wrong about that.

I doubt there are actually ANY "Israel-firsters" even among the most ardent Jewish Zionists holding American citizenship. (I'm not so sure about SOME of the Christian ones because their EXTREME view of Israel borders on idolatry, and I've never met a Jew who was that blind to Israel's flaws and not simply a babbling idiot.....)

Some posters here have taken Scheuer's views and gone way past them by actually presuming to suggest the US ignore the Constitution completely and take away Jewish citizens' right to vote.

Which of course is very Hitlerian of them, but they don't seem to notice.......
I agree fully with what Michael Scheurer says here. Let them fight it out and sink or swim on their own. It really doesn't matter in america who "wins"... Both sides hate us. fuckem.

Michael Scheuer Non-Intervention.com

.....It is exquisitely clear, that Israelis and Arabs are going to fight each other until one or the other is annihilated, so let them fight. But we must get our fingerprints off of this non-problem for the United States. A good first step is to stop listening to all of the media pundits — I wonder how many hold Israeli passports? — who justify Americans eventually being killed because of Israel’s current military actions by arguing that Israel as the “only democracy in the Middle East” and therefore must be supported no matter the cost. What kind of an insane argument is that? What possible impact would it have on genuine U.S. interests if there were no democracies in the Middle East? How much worse off would our national security be? Would the end of the only democracy in the Middle East threaten U.S. security one-thousandth as much as the failure of the last three presidencies to control U.S. borders? Of course it would not. The absence of the Israeli democracy — and U.S. support thereof — would go unnoticed vis-a-vis genuine U.S. national security interests, save us a ton of money, and terminate one major source of our Islamist enemy’s motivation to attack America.

One of the newer and more troubling angles that has emerged in this iteration of the Israel-Palestine war also must be terminated. That is the increasing support among American intellectual and church leaders for the Palestinians. Presbyterians disinvest in stocks if they benefit Israel and university professors rain down hate on Israel because it defends itself against Palestinian attacks. These religious and academic folks are as big fools as are most senior U.S. officials. None seem capable of recognizing reality: THERE WILL BE NO SOLUTION TO THE ISRAEL-PALESTINE CONFLICT UNTIL ONE SIDE WIPES OUT THE OTHER.

The Palestinians are not going to accept eternal Israeli domination of their day-to-day lives, economy, politics, and foreign-and-defense policies, nor will they peacefully accede to the constant Israeli theft of their land. Nor should anyone expect or urge them to. Israel, on the other hand, has every right in the world to defend itself in whatever manner it deems necessary to protect its territory, populace, borders, and apparently endless quest for Lebensraum. And no one should expect or demand the Israelis to stop pursuing what they adamantly believe to be their nation’s security and survival.

BUT THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND HERE, and there is no U.S. interest in intervening in the affairs of these peoples who love and feel duty bound to make war in the name of their respective God. Because no nation-state on this planet — including the United States — has a “right to exist,” let these two states kill each other until one proves that the other had no right to exist. We best look out for the durability of own country’s existence, which at the moment — thanks to the policies of our bipartisan interventionists and the traitorous behavior of the the Neocons, Israel Firsters, and those U.S. citizens who support both — seems not to be something we can count on for very much longer.

The Israeli population doesn't hate America. My experience has been that they worship American culture. There are signs in Israeli stores that advertise, "Just like in America". Israelis like to call their country "a little America". I remember, one time, my brother-in-law saying that he wishes Israelis would get over their obsession with anything American.
Oooooh, delicious! Scheuer begins his 'discussion' with a quote from none other than the well-known anti-democracy and racist fascist supporter Charles Lindbergh. Even Lindbergh's own loyal wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh acknowledged the possibility that her husband could have kidnapped their baby initially as a practical 'joke'.......
The Israelis do not hate the US. Scheuer is dead wrong about that.

I doubt there are actually ANY "Israel-firsters" even among the most ardent Jewish Zionists holding American citizenship. (I'm not so sure about SOME of the Christian ones because their EXTREME view of Israel borders on idolatry, and I've never met a Jew who was that blind to Israel's flaws and not simply a babbling idiot.....)

Some posters here have taken Scheuer's views and gone way past them by actually presuming to suggest the US ignore the Constitution completely and take away Jewish citizens' right to vote.

Which of course is very Hitlerian of them, but they don't seem to notice.......

We aren't talking about hitler or forbidding people from voting or any other dodge.

We're talking about jewish supremacists ("gods chosen people" :doubt: ) who think christians are "unclean goyim" and have infiltrated our govt and warped it for their own benefit.
On the other side are muzzies who consider us "infidels".
Let them fight it out among themselves. No great loss either way.

Speaking of "hitler", though. How do you feel about jews putting illegal aliens in concentration camps? ironic, no?
Personally, I agree with the tactic. Put them in holding facilities for deportation at the earliest possible time...but of course the jewish lobby and jewish politicians in america don't WANT OUR border secure...only the israeli border.
Oooooh, delicious! Scheuer begins his 'discussion' with a quote from none other than the well-known anti-democracy and racist fascist supporter Charles Lindbergh. Even Lindbergh's own loyal wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh acknowledged the possibility that her husband could have kidnapped their baby initially as a practical 'joke'.......

unfounded speculation and an obvious attempt to deflect and distract...We aren't talking about lindbergh, his wife (or what she might have "thought"), their baby, racists, anti democracy or fascism. All totally irrelevant.
The Israelis do not hate the US. Scheuer is dead wrong about that.

I doubt there are actually ANY "Israel-firsters" even among the most ardent Jewish Zionists holding American citizenship. (I'm not so sure about SOME of the Christian ones because their EXTREME view of Israel borders on idolatry, and I've never met a Jew who was that blind to Israel's flaws and not simply a babbling idiot.....)

Some posters here have taken Scheuer's views and gone way past them by actually presuming to suggest the US ignore the Constitution completely and take away Jewish citizens' right to vote.

Which of course is very Hitlerian of them, but they don't seem to notice.......

We aren't talking about hitler or forbidding people from voting or any other dodge.

We're talking about jewish supremacists ("gods chosen people" :doubt: ) who think christians are "unclean goyim" and have infiltrated our govt and warped it for their own benefit.
On the other side are muzzies who consider us "infidels".
Let them fight it out among themselves. No great loss either way.

Speaking of "hitler", though. How do you feel about jews putting illegal aliens in concentration camps? ironic, no?
Personally, I agree with the tactic. Put them in holding facilities for deportation at the earliest possible time...but of course the jewish lobby and jewish politicians in america don't WANT OUR border secure...only the israeli border.

Can you give a specific example of Jewish politicians in America that don't want to secure our borders from the tidal wave of Hispanic immigrants? Like a link?
Carl Levin – Democrat, Michigan since 1979

Arlen Specter - Democrat, Pennsylvania since 1981 Formerly a Republican; switched parties on April 28, 2009.

Frank Lautenberg – Democrat, New Jersey 2003 Previously served 1982–2001

Herb Kohl – Democrat, Wisconsin since 1989

Joe Lieberman - Independent Democrat, Connecticut since 1989 Formerly a Democrat, but lost 2006 party primary; reelected on the Connecticut for Lieberman ticket, he currently serves as an Independent Democrat and caucuses with Senate Democrats but endorsed Republican John McCain for president in 2008.

Dianne Feinstein – Democrat, California since 1992

Barbara Boxer - Democrat, California since 1993

Russ Feingold - Democrat, Wisconsin since 1993

Ron Wyden – Democrat, Oregon 1996

Charles Schumer – Democrat, New York 1999

Ben Cardin – Democrat, Maryland 2007

Bernie Sanders – Independent, Vermont 2007 Sanders is a self-described “democratic socialist” and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an Independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.

Ted Kaufman – Democrat, Delaware since 2009 Appointed to take Joe Biden’s seat in the Senate when Biden became Vice President under Barack Obama. Jewish father.

Michael Bennet – Democrat, Colorado 2009 Appointed. Jewish mother.

Al Franken – Democrat, Minnesota 2009
Carl Levin – Democrat, Michigan since 1979

Arlen Specter - Democrat, Pennsylvania since 1981 Formerly a Republican; switched parties on April 28, 2009.

Frank Lautenberg – Democrat, New Jersey 2003 Previously served 1982–2001

Herb Kohl – Democrat, Wisconsin since 1989

Joe Lieberman - Independent Democrat, Connecticut since 1989 Formerly a Democrat, but lost 2006 party primary; reelected on the Connecticut for Lieberman ticket, he currently serves as an Independent Democrat and caucuses with Senate Democrats but endorsed Republican John McCain for president in 2008.

Dianne Feinstein – Democrat, California since 1992

Barbara Boxer - Democrat, California since 1993

Russ Feingold - Democrat, Wisconsin since 1993

Ron Wyden – Democrat, Oregon 1996

Charles Schumer – Democrat, New York 1999

Ben Cardin – Democrat, Maryland 2007

Bernie Sanders – Independent, Vermont 2007 Sanders is a self-described “democratic socialist” and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an Independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.

Ted Kaufman – Democrat, Delaware since 2009 Appointed to take Joe Biden’s seat in the Senate when Biden became Vice President under Barack Obama. Jewish father.

Michael Bennet – Democrat, Colorado 2009 Appointed. Jewish mother.

Al Franken – Democrat, Minnesota 2009

I'll look into their records.
Carl Levin – Democrat, Michigan since 1979

Arlen Specter - Democrat, Pennsylvania since 1981 Formerly a Republican; switched parties on April 28, 2009.

Frank Lautenberg – Democrat, New Jersey 2003 Previously served 1982–2001

Herb Kohl – Democrat, Wisconsin since 1989

Joe Lieberman - Independent Democrat, Connecticut since 1989 Formerly a Democrat, but lost 2006 party primary; reelected on the Connecticut for Lieberman ticket, he currently serves as an Independent Democrat and caucuses with Senate Democrats but endorsed Republican John McCain for president in 2008.

Dianne Feinstein – Democrat, California since 1992

Barbara Boxer - Democrat, California since 1993

Russ Feingold - Democrat, Wisconsin since 1993

Ron Wyden – Democrat, Oregon 1996

Charles Schumer – Democrat, New York 1999

Ben Cardin – Democrat, Maryland 2007

Bernie Sanders – Independent, Vermont 2007 Sanders is a self-described “democratic socialist” and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an Independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.

Ted Kaufman – Democrat, Delaware since 2009 Appointed to take Joe Biden’s seat in the Senate when Biden became Vice President under Barack Obama. Jewish father.

Michael Bennet – Democrat, Colorado 2009 Appointed. Jewish mother.

Al Franken – Democrat, Minnesota 2009

I'll look into their records.

Well, since there has never been a "yes/no" vote on closing our border, you won't find a voting record on that...you'll have to look at their accumulated records...here's the point. If politicians wanted our border closed..it would be closed...
Do you think israel allows palestinians to wander back and forth across their border whenever they choose?..of course not..border security is important to jews.

Regarding us unclean goyim, they don't care about our country or our well being as long as the money continues to flow to israel from the u.s.

gods "chosen" people..lmao..right..whatever....
So that is how you see anyone who argues with you?

No, that's how I see people who want to eradicate the Jews. American democrats are high on the list of those who seek Muslim supremacy through crushing Israel and complete genocide of the Jews living there.

You see us as Nazi's who want you dead? See everyone? How do you reason with such unreasonable people who can't even see when they are wrong?

You and your fellow democrats are here advocating for the Muslim dominance in Israel, the utter and complete destruction of the nation and it's people.

Jews killed Jesus. For how many years did Christians tell their children that jews killed their jesus and they were horrible people? Maybe the Arabs aren't as bad as you say, just like you aren't as bad as our ancestors made you out to be. Pretty close, but not as bad as they said you were. Annoying as fuck and ignorant/arrogant as fuck for sure but not the jesus killers you were made out to be.

You are an ignorant baboon. Had you read the New Testament, you would have learned that the Romans were the ones who executed Christ in the tale. He wasn't stoned, monkey boi, he was crucified - uniquely Roman method.

I think you exaggerate how bad the arabs are. I say give them a nuke and lets see if they are that crazy. We got enough jooos around the world you guys can start over.

Ah, you have a final solution - no surprise there.

Oh yea, and big tough Israel beating up on the little bitty Palestinians. Why don't you put them in a cage and start shooting them and then brag about how superior your army is. Give them slingshots and fight them with tanks, tough guys or should I say goyas.

You are an ignorant fool, with at best a 2nd grade education.

After the Ottomans foolishly made war on England, France, and America, they were utterly defeated and destroyed. The lands that they held fell under the management of the British. This included a region they called Palestine. Within the borders of that region are the modern countries of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel.

Syria and Jordan were given as Arab homelands. Lebanon - Paris of the Middle East was given to the Christians. Israel to the Jews. As we all know, in the 1970's, the Muslims rose up and murdered the Christians, leaving Lebanon a shit hole Muslim country.

So here you lie - as Nazis do, that the JOOOOZZZZ have all the land - but the truth is they have less than 10% of "Palestine." But you cannot abide with the idea that ONE GRAIN OF SAND (PLO Slogan) of what you view as Muslim land should be under the dominion of the Kafirum. YOU demand that tiny Israel must die, so that Allah may be pleased.

Yeah, it does make you a scumbag.
Kill ratio is only 30 to 1. Israel needs to step it up a notch or two. And what's with Egypt letting Israel do it's dirty work? Wasn't it just a few months ago they were threatening to take out Hamas themselves?

That's just smart, militarily. It's what the USA pays Israel for. Let them be the proxy force, we will be happy to supply them.
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Carl Levin – Democrat, Michigan since 1979

Arlen Specter - Democrat, Pennsylvania since 1981 Formerly a Republican; switched parties on April 28, 2009.

Frank Lautenberg – Democrat, New Jersey 2003 Previously served 1982–2001

Herb Kohl – Democrat, Wisconsin since 1989

Joe Lieberman - Independent Democrat, Connecticut since 1989 Formerly a Democrat, but lost 2006 party primary; reelected on the Connecticut for Lieberman ticket, he currently serves as an Independent Democrat and caucuses with Senate Democrats but endorsed Republican John McCain for president in 2008.

Dianne Feinstein – Democrat, California since 1992

Barbara Boxer - Democrat, California since 1993

Russ Feingold - Democrat, Wisconsin since 1993

Ron Wyden – Democrat, Oregon 1996

Charles Schumer – Democrat, New York 1999

Ben Cardin – Democrat, Maryland 2007

Bernie Sanders – Independent, Vermont 2007 Sanders is a self-described “democratic socialist” and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an Independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments.

Ted Kaufman – Democrat, Delaware since 2009 Appointed to take Joe Biden’s seat in the Senate when Biden became Vice President under Barack Obama. Jewish father.

Michael Bennet – Democrat, Colorado 2009 Appointed. Jewish mother.

Al Franken – Democrat, Minnesota 2009

I'll look into their records.

Well, since there has never been a "yes/no" vote on closing our border, you won't find a voting record on that...you'll have to look at their accumulated records...here's the point. If politicians wanted our border closed..it would be closed...
Do you think israel allows palestinians to wander back and forth across their border whenever they choose?..of course not..border security is important to jews.

Regarding us unclean goyim, they don't care about our country or our well being as long as the money continues to flow to israel from the u.s.

gods "chosen" people..lmao..right..whatever....

Don't some Christians call themselves "the Elect of G-d"? At least we don't believe that all Gentiles are going to burn in Hell forevermore.
I'll look into their records.

Well, since there has never been a "yes/no" vote on closing our border, you won't find a voting record on that...you'll have to look at their accumulated records...here's the point. If politicians wanted our border closed..it would be closed...
Do you think israel allows palestinians to wander back and forth across their border whenever they choose?..of course not..border security is important to jews.

Regarding us unclean goyim, they don't care about our country or our well being as long as the money continues to flow to israel from the u.s.

gods "chosen" people..lmao..right..whatever....

Don't some Christians call themselves "the Elect of G-d"? At least we don't believe that all Gentiles are going to burn in Hell forevermore.

We aren't talking about what "some christians" may or may not have said....We're talking about the fact that jews see christians as "unclean goyim" and believe they are superior.

...and muzzies see us as "infidels"...let them kill each other off...no great loss to us either way.
The Unity Government does not include Hamas.

Israel's actually probably doing a good thing eliminating Hamas. It's doing the brutal dirty work the moderate Palestinians aren't capable of doing. Abbas and others will benefit greatly when Hamas is out of the way. Quietly, they're probably backing Israel on this. It has to be done.[/QUOTE [MENTION=33063]paulitician[/MENTION] .The problem is a bomb or bullet does not recognize the moderate Palestinian.My extended Jewish family in the UK is made up of the full spectrum of hard left to hard right, touch one of us we all respond, do you think a Palestinian family is any different?

I hear what you're saying. It's a tragic mess. But i do believe Hamas will probably have to be eliminated before any real peace can be achieved. I'd rather that be achieved at the Ballot Box, but that's just not the current reality.

The Palestinian People chose Hamas, and they're living with the consequences. There can be no peace with a group that preaches "Kill Jews anytime anywhere you see them." And declares no distinction between Civilian and Soldier. This is the tragic Blow Back on the decision to support Hamas. Could it really have gone any other way? But i have hope. I think the Palestinian People will correct their mistake. I think they'll look to more moderate leadership. Just my opinion anyway.
Well, since there has never been a "yes/no" vote on closing our border, you won't find a voting record on that...you'll have to look at their accumulated records...here's the point. If politicians wanted our border closed..it would be closed...
Do you think israel allows palestinians to wander back and forth across their border whenever they choose?..of course not..border security is important to jews.

Regarding us unclean goyim, they don't care about our country or our well being as long as the money continues to flow to israel from the u.s.

gods "chosen" people..lmao..right..whatever....

Don't some Christians call themselves "the Elect of G-d"? At least we don't believe that all Gentiles are going to burn in Hell forevermore.

We aren't talking about what "some christians" may or may not have said....We're talking about the fact that jews see christians as "unclean goyim" and believe they are superior.

...and muzzies see us as "infidels"...let them kill each other off...no great loss to us either way.

You're hanging out with some weird Jews and Christians. The Christians I know support israel. There are many Christian Jews.
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