Ellen Paige "Maga Country," moment? Not safe in blue city of Las Angeles?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Is this damaged human being trying to recreate the jessie smollet moment....in another blue city...

Actress Elliot Page, a 36-year-old woman who pretends to be a guy, says she no longer feels safe in Democrat-run Los Angeles.

Page claims she was “verbally attacked and threatened by a crazed transphobic man” in West Hollywood, one of the most left-wing cities on earth. She claims he screamed, “I’m going to fucking gay bash you, faggot.” Page says she then ran into a store, and the man allegedly yelled through the door, “This is why I need a gun!”

No word yet on if the man (are we assuming his gender?) yelled, “West Hollywood is MAGA Country!”

But now Page says she no longer feels safe in Democrat-run Los Angeles. She told the far-left Los Angeles Times, “Now when I’m in Los Angeles, I don’t feel comfortable like I used to going for walks.”

Yeah, you and the rest of the city, sweetheart.

How unsafe is Democrat-run Los Angeles? So unsafe that even though Page admits she has hired security guards, she says she still feels unsafe.

As I have pointed out, if people like Ms. Page wish to escape hate, bigotry, crime, pollution, racism, intolerance, and gun violence, they need to move to MAGA Land, where these problems hardly exist.
Nobody would bother or harass Ms. Page out here in MAGA Land. She might be greeted with a few eye rolls, but if she is going to pretend to be a man, that should include taking things like a man.

Page is out pimping an upcoming memoir where she admits to allowing a monster to run free. One of the headlines from the promotion tour is this beauty:

Well as with all trannies, liberals, progressives and so on, you need to prove to me what you claim is true. Her kind has just turned me into a victim blamer.

And unless she has some real evidence then I say she is full of shit. At best maybe 1/4 of she said was true but even that was taken out of context.

"I'm going to fucking gay basb you faggot?" Now that is utter horseshit. I'd bet a paycheck that never happened.

But what does anyone expect? She is a tranny and tranny's are attention whores. She became a dude and no one cared so now she is trying to get more attention again, just in time for her book also it seems.

Maybe he/she/it will feel safer in South Dakota! Ya think?

Actually, he/she/it would be a lot safer here, as long as he/she/it kept his/her/its hands off of children and didn't try to shove his/her/its ideology down the throats of good people or try to force anyone to accept his/her/its mental illness as anything but mental illness.

No....her name is Ellen.

Maybe he/she/it will feel safer in South Dakota! Ya think?

Actually, he/she/it would be a lot safer here, as long as he/she/it kept his/her/its hands off of children and didn't try to shove his/her/its ideology down the throats of good people or try to force anyone to accept his/her/its mental illness as anything but mental illness.

The only thing that matters is that he is happy.

Then someone needs to help her....because mutilating yourself is not a sign of being happy......as research now shows for post surgery transitioners......

The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

McHugh points to the reality that because sex change is physically impossible, it frequently does not provide the long-term wholeness and happiness that people seek.

Indeed, the best scientific research supports McHugh’s caution and concern.

Here’s how The Guardian summarized the results of a review of “more than 100 follow-up studies of post-operative transsexuals” by Birmingham University’s Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility:

[The Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility], which conducts reviews of health care treatments for the [National Health Service], concludes that none of the studies provides conclusive evidence that gender reassignment is beneficial for patients. It found that most research was poorly designed, which skewed the results in favor of physically changing sex. There was no evaluation of whether other treatments, such as long-term counseling, might help transsexuals, or whether their gender confusion might lessen over time.

“There is huge uncertainty over whether changing someone’s sex is a good or a bad thing,” said Chris Hyde, the director of the facility. Even if doctors are careful to perform these procedures only on “appropriate patients,” Hyde continued,
“there’s still a large number of people who have the surgery but remain traumatized—often to the point of committing suicide.”


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