Elizabeth Warren Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
National Review writer Katrina Trinko ended up with egg on her face Friday evening after accusing Democratic senate candidate Elizabeth Warren of plagiarism -- a charge that was quickly debunked.

Trinko published an item early Friday evening bearing the accusatory title, "Plagiarism In Elizabeth Warren's 2006 Book." The article, which appeared on the Review's "Corner" blog, made the following claim about "All Your Worth," a personal finance guide Warren published with her daughter:

["All Your Worth"] includes a passage that appears to include parts of two paragraphs directly lifted from a book published in 2005, Getting on the Money Track by Rob Black.​

Soon after Trinko's piece went up, Salon's Alex Pareene examined the evidence and came to this conclusion about Trinko's allegations:

The passages line up perfectly. The wording and even the punctuation are identical. It’s plagiarism all right. Except it looks very much like Warren is actually the victim. [Emphasis Pareene's]​

In fact, while "All Your Worth's" paperback version was released in 2006, the original hardcover edition first appeared in bookstores in March 2005. Black's book was released sometime later that year. Trinko quickly issued a correction and apology -- noting her confusion over the dates -- and removed the original article from the Review's website.

"I can see how they got this wrong," Pareene went on to tell the New York Observer's Hunter Walker, "but honestly, five more minutes of Googling it would have disproven it before they even published it."

Breitbart.com made similar charges earlier on Friday, suggesting that Warren plagiarized a set of recipes she submitted to a cookbook published in 1984.

Warren's campaign has been beset with controversy recently. In particular, critics have seized on the revelation that Warren once, for a number of years, claimed Native American heritage in law school directories -- and suggested she might have therefore received preferential treatment from schools or employers. Records records show this was not the case, though that hasn't stopped Republican Sen. Scott Brown, whom Warren hopes to unseat in this November's election, from using the episode for fundraising.

National Review's Elizabeth Warren Plagiarism Claim Quickly Debunked
Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.
Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.

Do you have any proof that she is lying about her Native American blood, small though it may be?
Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.

Do you have any proof that she is lying about her Native American blood, small though it may be?

She has no proof that she is and the burden of proof is certainly on her when she calls herself a minority or Native American. I am 1/8 Cherokee and I call myself white. She didn't have any proof, yet used it to make herself sound more interesting. I'd like to know if she received any special treatment because of her lies.

This latest isn't even newsworthy considering the story was corrected quickly. I don't feel sorry for Warren and this won't serve as much of a diversion for people who question her integrity.
Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.

Do you have any proof that she is lying about her Native American blood, small though it may be?

High cheekbones?


Maybe she's related to Ward Churchill? I'd like to think Lakhota as a First Nation yourself, you would be concerned that old Lizzie has been skating on this false shit about her being Cherokee for years now.

I find it offensive. I would think you would too. And she took potentially away as a scamming white douche bag really truly great positions in academia from true First Nations men and women.

The article lauding her as the first woman of color made me want to bazooka barf.

As First Nations yourself, don't you find this offensive?
Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.

Do you have any proof that she is lying about her Native American blood, small though it may be?

What would you call proof? Would a Cherokee denouncing her be proof, or would you denounce that Cherokee woman as a fraud and initiate a war on both women and the Cherokee nation?

Not My Tribe | Washington Free Beacon

Do you even have enough of a brain left to know that she is not the only fracking Democrat running for the seat? Her Democratic primary opponent called what she did "taking money out of the collection plate on Sunday." She sounds like a woman who is a lot more sensible than Warren.

» Mass Dem Senate candidate on Cherokee-gate: Harvard “put someone who appears as white as I am out there as minority” - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

How about the fact that the genealogical society that supposedly backed her claim has come out and said that there is no evidence that Warren is Cherokee?

Genealogical society: No proof of Warren’s Cherokee heritage found - BostonHerald.com

That gives me two women and two genealogists against one specious claim from a forked tongued devil in a white dress. What do you have to prove she is Cherokee again?
Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.

looks like you didn't read the whole article ... typical of republicans ... they only deal wit half of the information...


And she claims she didn't realize everyone else in their little academia worlds were out there touting her as First Nations.

Ward Churchill got a free ride for many years till we could take him out and it wasn't easy. It was over the paintings we got him finally.

What a joke! White munchicakes trying to be native have always cracked me up.

First woman of color.OMG. Lizzi Warren. What a laugh. She took that mantle and ran with it. Now she's toast because we have her claiming First Nations status. It's a huge lie.

But you still have posters like LOL lady who want to believe Ward was as true "injun" because it fits her narrative. Or Lakhota trying to still believe in this liar of all liars.
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Is this minor instance of misinformation supposed to divert attention from the fact that Warren is a liar and pretended to be a Native American for years? Not working. Looks like some in the media would like to portray Warren as a victim and hope that people will dismiss past lies that demonstrate her lack of character.

looks like you didn't read the whole article ... typical of republicans ...half of the information...

I've read thousands of articles regarding "lizzie the liar". I could "bond" with her at this point:lol:

She's a liar and has been caught out as a liar.

She's a pathological liar. Warren's been claiming "status" for decades. Whoopsies, she's never attended one not one fucking meeting with the First Nations groups at Harvard or anywhere else.

Why? Because she is a white liberal who lied about her heritage and can't be seen with real First Nations because they'd call her out just like they are now.

Living a lie. She's caught out now.
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