Electoral College

EC is better than popular vote, in my opinion.

I want each Congressional District given to the party with the majority vote in that district and the majority vote in the state for a party should get the two senatorial electoral votes.
With out the EC, all a candidate would have to do is concentrate on the Most Populated areas of the country, and ignore the rest of us.

Seems they do that already (with the exception of New York, California and Illinois). Ohio, Florida, Virginia were the most travelled to states.

"The current system has the problem that presidential campaigns concentrate on only 10 of the 50 states, and at least four out of five Americans are left out of the process of deciding who their president should be," argued John Koza, who leads an effort to eliminate the Electoral College.

In this election, statistics show Romney and Obama spent 95 percent of their time and money in just 10 states.

Obama has traveled to Ohio 19 times for 26 political events. Together with Romney's team, Ohio was the site of 71 campaign visits.

By contrast, neither presidential candidate visited Kansas, Alaska or North Dakota. The candidates come to New York and California to raise money but not to meet voters. States that trend too Democratic or Republican get ignored, while so-called “purple states” get the attention.

Time to eliminate the Electoral College? | Fox News

And if i'm a republican voter in Illinois or California, what's the point of me voting if the Dem candidate is going to get the 20 or 55 votes automatically? That's going to kill turnout numbers.

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