Elections have consequences!!

Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.

Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.

I told my wife to cancel our home owner's insurance because we can buy it afterwards if we have a fire.
I just know you lefties will fight for me....
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.

You should VERY much care about random black men stopped on the street by CNN who say the Democrats should leave Trump alone.
Random black men who 99% are fucking white women and we should find this surprising that these sellout toms are on Trumps side? Child please!! Nigga black men are about as loyal as a male dog in heat, give me a break.

How are you able to actually operate a keyboard? I have to ask
According to the Constitution, Trump's win in the Electoral College minus the popular vote is just as legitimate as a win in the Electoral College with the popular vote. That's the way it works.

Guy, the Constitution isn't a suicide pact. The one thing that is clear is that Trump is unfit for office. Even the Republicans would admit that if they were being honest.

Look, I don't like Trump, never have, never will. I look forward to the day he is no longer in office. But I think it would be better for the country that he be removed at the ballot box. After the last three years, I find it hard to believe that it can't be done... then I look at the choices the Democrats are putting up and I have to wonder...

Again, how long do you leave a crazy person in charge? Impeachment is a remedy called for in the Constituion. So would removing Trump for incapacity through the 25th Amendment.

I can imagine Romans in 38 AD saying, "Sure, Caligula is nuts... and I look forward to when he isn't Emperor, but...."

You have been trying to impeach trump before he even took office , you want more games, go ahead and try
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
Typical leftard, complaining about something given to you by someone else. If you are using your employer's insurance, it's not your insurance. If you have a pre-existing condtion you should have your own insurance and not rely on what someone else gives you. Especially if your life depends upon it.

It's amazing to me how people are willing to turn over decisions that may determine whether they live or die to someone else, to save some money, so they can afford a new I-Phone, or the premium package on cable.
The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
I accept your admission you lied.
The Republicans have a great plan for healthcare.

Provide your own for you and your family.
Don't be a drain on society.

It's a true American plan.

So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.

Sometimes life isn't fair.
It's not the government's job to make life fair.
Typical leftard, complaining about something given to you by someone else. If you are using your employer's insurance, it's not your insurance. If you have a pre-existing condtion you should have your own insurance and not rely on what someone else gives you. Especially if your life depends upon it.

It's amazing to me how people are willing to turn over decisions that may determine whether they live or die to someone else, to save some money, so they can afford a new I-Phone, or the premium package on cable.

So you either don't have ins or leave it all up to the ins companies.
So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.

Sometimes life isn't fair.
It's not the government's job to make life fair.

Sure it is, what the heck do we vote for. The republicans are the ones who do not make it fair, then the Dems come and try to pick up the pieces when the republicans left.
So they are willing to let insurance companies to have full control, back to the days of darkness, pre-existing conditions causes non coverage or you pay 10X's the cost of health ins, caps, no preventative care, we seen what it was like before the ACA and we will not go back to the days.

You must be 10 or rich.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
I accept your admission you lied.

Obviously you do not understand what health insurance is. Dismissed.
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
I accept your admission you lied.

Obviously you do not understand what health insurance is. Dismissed.
Haha. YOU are the clueless nitwit who claimed there was no preventative care before Obamacare.
Now it the time for Democrats to rule the house, after 8 years of misery the GOP lost it. It just too bad you republicans do not like things, we didn't like things when you were in charge for 8 years, investigation after investigation! Now you are still at it with Barr.

Also the Senate has been in charge for over 4.5 years.

Still trying to unravel the ACA, but you hillbillies do not have a plan nor does tramp. (the best thing to happen in the US for years, since Medicare)

The trade war is a nightmare, tramp had to pay the farmers 28 billion and they do not have to pay it back , unlike the auto companies.

Democrats criticized the changes, saying Republicans were returning to the policies that had put the government on a path to deep deficits in the first place and would open the door to “Enron-style accounting” that covered up the costs of tax cuts and their other legislative efforts.

“House Republicans are like the fellow who bellies up to the bar, asking for just one more round of tax breaks for his buddies, while declaring, ‘Put it on my tab,’ “ said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas. “But it’s really our tab. By focusing on only half the budget equation, and avoiding revenue stewardship, they reject sound fiscal leadership.”
Republicans Take Control of House

and that's exactly what has happened. Just like Bush Jr left the US in the greatest recession since the great depression, Tramp and the GOP's will do the same.

It's cute that you think you're going to KEEP the House when the ONLY thing you have to show for your term is the Witch Hunt on Trump. You realize this is exactly what Pelosi wanted to avoid because she knew how toxic it was, right? But you folks would not be appeased.

Enjoy 2020 I know I will

'Shocked this aired': Watch as CNN asks football fans in Alabama what they think of the impeachment inquiry

The Dems are just getting started, in less than a year. He should of been impeached when Mueller was done with his report, its too bad he has continued on his way of abuse of his power and obstructionist.

Al. is not a swing state, so we do not care.
Do you see the irony, Pennie? ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!

Seems you and your ilk only see what you want to see....shame on you.
That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
I accept your admission you lied.

Obviously you do not understand what health insurance is. Dismissed.
Haha. YOU are the clueless nitwit who claimed there was no preventative care before Obamacare.

You are dismissed, why, because you do not know what health ins is.

Elections have consequences, and you trampers would do well to remember that in 2020!! It started in 2018!!

That is why the Democrats now control the House, so Jordan, Meadows, Nunes, Kennedy, Ratcliffe, etc can go boo hoo and cry in their drinks listening to country music, until they fall off of barstools and crack their brainless heads. LOL
My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
I accept your admission you lied.

Obviously you do not understand what health insurance is. Dismissed.
Haha. YOU are the clueless nitwit who claimed there was no preventative care before Obamacare.

You are dismissed, why, because you do not know what health ins is.

Elections have consequences, and you trampers would do well to remember that in 2020!! It started in 2018!!

That is why the Democrats now control the House, so Jordan, Meadows, Nunes, Kennedy, Ratcliffe, etc can go boo hoo and cry in their drinks listening to country music, until they fall off of barstools and crack their brainless heads. LOL
My health insurance for the past 30+years has had preventative care, moron.

Keep crowing about 2018, where you picked up the normal amount of seats in the House, and instead of picking up seats in the Senate, as you normally would, you lost 2 seats.

Blue Wave my ass.
My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.
I accept your admission you lied.

Obviously you do not understand what health insurance is. Dismissed.
Haha. YOU are the clueless nitwit who claimed there was no preventative care before Obamacare.

You are dismissed, why, because you do not know what health ins is.

Elections have consequences, and you trampers would do well to remember that in 2020!! It started in 2018!!

That is why the Democrats now control the House, so Jordan, Meadows, Nunes, Kennedy, Ratcliffe, etc can go boo hoo and cry in their drinks listening to country music, until they fall off of barstools and crack their brainless heads. LOL
You can always tell when a shithead progressive has lost an argument...They always show their twisted fantasies and reveal that they are psychotic at heart.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
There was no preventative care before the Obamacare clusterfuck?

That is what I said. There was nothing before the ACA.

My coverage has always had it.


Agreed if one kept the same coverage, how dare one changed coverage if you had a pre-existing condition (you be charged a extremely high premium if you could even get ins), and you must work for a large company that does not exert underwriting on the employees.

To stay at a job or keep ins. since you have a pre-existing condition is like being trapped.

Sometimes life isn't fair.
It's not the government's job to make life fair.

Sure it is, what the heck do we vote for. The republicans are the ones who do not make it fair, then the Dems come and try to pick up the pieces when the republicans left.

Since when do Democrats pick up poop?

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