Election 2016: Clinton vs Christie


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
The Presidential election in 2016 will be between Hillary Clinton vs Chris Christie.

And this race will be monumental! One for the history books.
Unfortunately for moderate republicans I think you will see resurgent religious zealots so expect to see Santorum or Mike Huckabee again.
Hey Democrats ........ FUCK OFF!!!! We aren't playing a game, we don't give a shit what you want in our candidate....... it doesn't matter if we dig up and revive JFK, you butchers will lie and cheat and make sure nobody of value will ever run for President and we will continue to be stuck with politically correct, affirmative action amateurs like the imbecile in Air Force One today. Hillary Clinton????? You fucks just really hate our country, it's bad enough that this drunk doormat was selected by that dickhead to represent the country as Secretary of State(a move to keep her from running against him in the last election) now you idiots are suggesting her as President? By remaining with that whore, rapist, liar to Congress husband of hers, she set women back 50 years but you want her as President......... You people are either incredibly naive or just plain evil.....either way, FUCK OFF and worry about the clowns you keep wanting in power..........The guy you just supported spent 730,000,000 dollars to buy the 2008 election, he spent over a billion this election and obviously cheated. He spent 150,000,000 on his first inauguration and will spend over 100 million more for this one. This FUCK has spent 2 billion on bullshit campaigns and 2 parties and you call Romney an elitist......you assholes should be ashamed but none of you have any shame.
By the way Globeshit, I personally don't know any religious extremist. Aren't they are the ones in that shit church in chicago worshipping africa that osama was a member of for 20 years......that is radical.
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Hey Democrats ........ FUCK OFF!!!! We aren't playing a game, we don't give a shit what you want in our candidate....... it doesn't matter if we dig up and revive JFK, you butchers will lie and cheat and make sure nobody of value will ever run for President and we will continue to be stuck with politically correct, affirmative action amateurs like the imbecile in Air Force One today. Hillary Clinton????? You fucks just really hate our country, it's bad enough that this drunk doormat was selected by that dickhead to represent the country as Secretary of State(a move to keep her from running against him in the last election) now you idiots are suggesting her as President? By remaining with that whore, rapist, liar to Congress husband of hers, she set women back 50 years but you want her as President......... You people are either incredibly naive or just plain evil.....either way, FUCK OFF and worry about the clowns you keep wanting in power..........The guy you just supported spent 730,000,000 dollars to buy the 2008 election, he spent over a billion this election and obviously cheated. He spent 150,000,000 on his first inauguration and will spend over 100 million more for this one. This FUCK has spent 2 billion on bullshit campaigns and 2 parties and you call Romney an elitist......you assholes should be ashamed but none of you have any shame.
By the way Globeshit, I don't know any religious extremist, they are the ones in that shit church in chicago worshipping africa that osama was a member of for 20 years......that is radical.
Don't sugar-coat it, tell us what you really think!
Hillary should tell you all to Fxxk off..you threw her under the bus to vote for some experienced community organizer..

but we know the power means more to her than anything so she will probably be in there
Hillary looks OLD - at least 10 years older than her actual age.. Shes toast...

Christie can always lose weight.
Hillary looks OLD - at least 10 years older than her actual age.. Shes toast...

Christie can always lose weight.

Christie will need a gastric bypass. He needs to lose at least 100 lbs to compete for President. Not just for looks but for physical stamina

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