Election 2012..

the circus is getting rolling here.. Trayvon.. Ted Nuget.. gas prices.. the ongoing Economic Depression.. what more could we ask for? (besides for a decent person to be Running!) :evil::cuckoo::lol:

decent people run. it's douchebaghs like you who stand on the sidelines and throw moneky wrenches into the system. :lol:

I can easily prove you to be a little bitch and douche bag.

Of course posting the PMs would get me banned, but I can live with that.

post the PM's -- it's okay. No one cares what a pathetic piece of shit you are. :lol:

"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I'll post PMs" - Fully Full of Shit Auto

talk about little bitches. :lol::lol::lol:
decent people run. it's douchebaghs like you who stand on the sidelines and throw moneky wrenches into the system. :lol:

Fuck you.

like I said, eat shit and die.


what part of Fuck you don't you understand you Fucking nitwit.. :razz:
so the 47 million americans arent financially suffering? so are they collecting food stamps while driving new camaros and slightly used caddilacs?

i think the Welfare people are invisible to the Government's Official Unemployment rate.
Its going to be an "Anyone But Obama" election (but we already know that) and thank god he has an ideal first lady,,unlike the current one who has become an embarrassment to the nation! what first lady spends god know how many millions of our tax money on lavish vacations while most Americans are suffering !!!

anyone but Obumba.. i wonder if that will be a good thing?
If you voted for Obama to prove you were not a racist, vote for Romney to prove you are not stupid.
The Republican Party started two unnecessary wars, drove us over an economic cliff, and let bin Laden get away.

Obama has done the opposite.

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