Election 2012..


Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2009
the circus is getting rolling here.. Trayvon.. Ted Nuget.. gas prices.. the ongoing Economic Depression.. what more could we ask for? (besides for a decent person to be Running!) :evil::cuckoo::lol:
I am still waiting for Obama to tell all of America that he has already borrowed about 16,000 from every American, and has nothing to show for it,,,it was already about 30,000 per American under Bush, and that was bad enough!! Why didn't Obama just send every Average American a check for $25,000 as part of the stimulous package? was that too much to ask for?
the circus is getting rolling here.. Trayvon.. Ted Nuget.. gas prices.. the ongoing Economic Depression.. what more could we ask for? (besides for a decent person to be Running!) :evil::cuckoo::lol:

decent people run. it's douchebaghs like you who stand on the sidelines and throw moneky wrenches into the system. :lol:
I wonder if the debate moderators will ask Obama any hard questions in the three debates, at least Romney will make Obama look like a confused baffoon. Uhm? 6 Trillion Dollars and no net jobs created? Uhm,,,Bush's fault? can I phone a friend?
the circus is getting rolling here.. Trayvon.. Ted Nuget.. gas prices.. the ongoing Economic Depression.. what more could we ask for? (besides for a decent person to be Running!) :evil::cuckoo::lol:

decent people run. it's douchebaghs like you who stand on the sidelines and throw moneky wrenches into the system. :lol:

Fuck you.
nothing is going to change in November, Chris Matthews has already stopped playing with himself whenever Obama gave one of his boring teleprompter speeches. The economy is still going to be in the ditch. and yet Castro Obama will expect 55% of voters to be all giddy for another 4 years of depression?
Its going to be an "Anyone But Obama" election (but we already know that) and thank god he has an ideal first lady,,unlike the current one who has become an embarrassment to the nation! what first lady spends god know how many millions of our tax money on lavish vacations while most Americans are suffering !!!
i wonder what Romney has got going for him? (seriously) :confused:

It's of little matter.... Obama's such an abysmal failure it really doesn't matter. The fact that their strategy seems to be to focus n Romney's wife, dog and Mormonism says it all.
despite that Romney was not the favorite for the 55/60 per cent of voters who think Obama is a dismal failure, come November 6, they will vote for the lesser of two evils, just like when some on the right voted for O'Hitler and held their noses. How could they not see that he was a pathalogial liar! I did, and I knew the country was going down the tubes after he beat McCain.
the circus is getting rolling here.. Trayvon.. Ted Nuget.. gas prices.. the ongoing Economic Depression.. what more could we ask for? (besides for a decent person to be Running!) :evil::cuckoo::lol:

decent people run. it's douchebaghs like you who stand on the sidelines and throw moneky wrenches into the system. :lol:

Fuck you.

like I said, eat shit and die.

the circus is getting rolling here.. Trayvon.. Ted Nuget.. gas prices.. the ongoing Economic Depression.. what more could we ask for? (besides for a decent person to be Running!) :evil::cuckoo::lol:

decent people run. it's douchebaghs like you who stand on the sidelines and throw moneky wrenches into the system. :lol:

I can easily prove you to be a little bitch and douche bag.

Of course posting the PMs would get me banned, but I can live with that.

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