Ego-Bloated Self-Important Scarborough Declares Trump Would Arrest Me & Mika If He Could


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest
Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with"



Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with It
"Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest
Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with"


View attachment 306230

Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with It
C’mon. Trump knows being a couple of assholes can’t get them arrested.

And why would he wanna gag those two? Let ‘em rant and rave and spout their normal lefty idiocy. Like the rest of mediadom, they’ll never figure out how much they’ve been helping Trump since June ‘15.
Hillary has people 'suicided', not Trump.....and Scarborough and Mika are truly insignificant, which is possibly why Scarborough is triggered and trying to make such laughable accusations.

EXPOSING fake news eliminates the need to arrest / eliminate the clowns pushing it. :p
"Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest
Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with"


View attachment 306230

Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with It

I doubt that our President even knows who either of them are outside of casual flipping through the channels for laughs. But if our POTUS wanted to vanish either or both of them, then we'd never see or hear from them again. Doing that would be like removing Rimmer from Red Dwarf. Where's the fun in that?
Trump enjoys humiliating the fake news media too much to want to lock them up.

Seeing self-important Scarborough whine like a bitch about how he thinks he is important enough to the President for him to consider locking Scarborough up is hilarious.
Of COURSE Trump would arrest Joe and Mika, if he didn't just order them killed like his buddy Vlad does to journalists over in the Motherland. Donald would LOVE to lock up everyone and anyone who says anything bad about him. He's a wanna strong-arm authoritarian prick like his idols Putin, Assad, Baby Kim, and Erdogan.
"Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest
Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with"


Scarborough: Trump Would Arrest Mika and Me If He Could Get Away with It

I doubt that our President even knows who either of them are outside of casual flipping through the channels for laughs. But if our POTUS wanted to vanish either or both of them, then we'd never see or hear from them again. Doing that would be like removing Rimmer from Red Dwarf. Where's the fun in that?

Oh hell yes he knows them. He was on Morning Joe ALL THE TIME.

They were invited to the White House and Mar-a-Lago in 2017. But by 2018, they knew he was off his rocker.

Trump lobs attack at 'low I.Q.' Mika Brzezinski, says 'Morning Joe' host was 'bleeding badly from a face-lift' at Mar-a-Lago
...and Trump would. He already labeled journalists the enemy of the state, and refused to tell his cult members not to make death threats or in the case of the Florida pipe bomb guy, NOT try to kill them.

Trump has sued people for as dumb of a thing as a writer saying that Trump isn't really a billionaire, which was dropped after he realized he would have to provide ALL the documents in court to prove it was a lie that caused him harm.

What's sad about this is, most of the Trump cult members on this forum saying he wouldn't actually do it, would be jumping over each other to post how awesome it was, if Trump actually did have journalist like Joe and Mika arrested for talking bad about him.

What's really funny about all this is, Mika and Ivanka used to be friends.
...What's sad about this is, most of the Trump cult members on this forum saying he wouldn't actually do it, would be jumping over each other to post how awesome it was, if Trump actually did have journalist like Joe and Mika arrested for talking bad about him...
You are fabricating something that never happened and attributing your own mental construct as actions and positions of those you wish to smear.

I thought only Schiff did this.
...What's sad about this is, most of the Trump cult members on this forum saying he wouldn't actually do it, would be jumping over each other to post how awesome it was, if Trump actually did have journalist like Joe and Mika arrested for talking bad about him...
You are fabricating something that never happened and attributing your own mental construct as actions and positions of those you wish to smear.

I thought only Schiff did this.

Nothing fabricating about it. Many here brag about Trump violating other people's rights and doing so with punitive intent against those he feels are his enemies. Not to mention it isn't a fabrication of anything other than my opinion of how Trump cut members on the forum would react if something like this DID happen. So despite your attempt to create some kind of psychological breakdown, it doesn't even make sense.
...What's sad about this is, most of the Trump cult members on this forum saying he wouldn't actually do it, would be jumping over each other to post how awesome it was, if Trump actually did have journalist like Joe and Mika arrested for talking bad about him...
You are fabricating something that never happened and attributing your own mental construct as actions and positions of those you wish to smear.

I thought only Schiff did this.

Nothing fabricating about it....
You are claiming to know what they would do in response to something that NEVER occurred. It's the very definition of fabrication.

Let's review some basics:

Things that have NOT occurred are NOT real.
Things that HAVE occurred ARE real.
... it isn't a fabrication of anything other than my opinion of how Trump cut members on the forum would react if something like this DID happen...
Exactly. Nothing like this has EVER happened.
No one has EVER done what you claim.

The event, and their response to the event, are nothing more than your own mental construct.
...What's sad about this is, most of the Trump cult members on this forum saying he wouldn't actually do it, would be jumping over each other to post how awesome it was, if Trump actually did have journalist like Joe and Mika arrested for talking bad about him...
You are fabricating something that never happened and attributing your own mental construct as actions and positions of those you wish to smear.

I thought only Schiff did this.

Nothing fabricating about it....
You are claiming to know what they would do in response to something that NEVER occurred. It's the very definition of fabrication.

Let's review some basics:

Things that have NOT occurred are NOT real.
Things that HAVE occurred ARE real.
... it isn't a fabrication of anything other than my opinion of how Trump cut members on the forum would react if something like this DID happen...
Exactly. Nothing like this has EVER happened.
No one has EVER done what you claim.

No it's called speculation based on a very educated position. What YOU are doing is trying to fabricate a spin to turn things on me, for taking the moral high-ground. That's expected from you and your fellow cult members.
...What's sad about this is, most of the Trump cult members on this forum saying he wouldn't actually do it, would be jumping over each other to post how awesome it was, if Trump actually did have journalist like Joe and Mika arrested for talking bad about him...
You are fabricating something that never happened and attributing your own mental construct as actions and positions of those you wish to smear.

I thought only Schiff did this.

Nothing fabricating about it....
You are claiming to know what they would do in response to something that NEVER occurred. It's the very definition of fabrication.

Let's review some basics:

Things that have NOT occurred are NOT real.
Things that HAVE occurred ARE real.
... it isn't a fabrication of anything other than my opinion of how Trump cut members on the forum would react if something like this DID happen...
Exactly. Nothing like this has EVER happened.
No one has EVER done what you claim.

No it's called speculation...
And that's all it is.
... based on a very educated position....
It's based on nothing more than your bias and ill will.
... What YOU are doing is trying to fabricate a spin ...
No. I just pointed out to you that your claims concern fictitious reactions to fictitious events.
... taking the moral high-ground....
How is attributing made up responses to made up events , taking the moral high ground?
... That's expected from you and your fellow cult members.
See how casually you slander? That's not a marker that indicates that you have taken the high road.

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