"Effects of Pornography: The Sunny Side of Smut"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The Sunny Side of Smut - Scientific American

(relevant excerpts below)

"Does Porn Harm Women?
The most common concern about pornography is that it indirectly hurts women by encouraging sexism, raising sexual expectations and thereby harming relationships. Some people worry that it might even incite violence against women. The data, however, do not support these claims. “There’s absolutely no evidence that pornography does anything negative,” says Milton Diamond, director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. “It’s a moral issue, not a factual issue.”

In 2007 researchers at the University of Zagreb in Croatia surveyed 650 young men about their pornography use and sex lives. As they reported in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the scientists found that users of mainstream, nonviolent pornography were neither more nor less sexually satisfied than nonusers. Both groups felt the same degree of intimacy in their current or recent relationships and shared the same range of sexual experiences. But when it came to violent or fetishist porn, the groups diverged. Consumers of these types of pornography appeared to masturbate more frequently, have more sexual partners over the course of their life, and experience slightly less relationship intimacy than their nonviolent porn–viewing counterparts.

Regular pornography use does not seem to encourage sexism, either. In 2007 Alan McKee, a cultural studies expert at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, designed a questionnaire to assess sexist tendencies. He enclosed his survey in shipments of pornographic material distributed by a mail-order company and also posted it online. Responses from 1,023 pornography users indicated that the amount of pornography the subjects consumed did not predict whether they would hold negative attitudes toward women. The survey respondents who were most sexist were generally older men who voted for a right-wing political party, lived in a rural area and had a lower level of formal education.

(explains why it's right-wingers who're so often anti-porn)

Self-Medicating with Fantasy
Perhaps the most serious accusation against pornography is that it incites sexual aggression. But not only do rape statistics suggest otherwise, some experts believe the consumption of pornography may actually reduce the desire to rape by offering a safe, private outlet for deviant sexual desires.

Within the U.S., the states with the least Internet access between 1980 and 2000—and therefore the least access to Internet pornography—experienced a 53 percent increase in rape incidence, whereas the states with the most access experienced a 27 percent drop in the number of reported rapes, according to a paper published in 2006 by Anthony D’Amato, a law professor at Northwestern University.

In 1992 Richard Green, a psychiatrist at Imperial College London, disclosed in his book Sexual Science and the Law that patients requesting treatment in clinics for sex offenders commonly say that pornography helps them keep their abnormal sexuality within the confines of their imagination. “Pornography seems to be protective,” Diamond says, perhaps because exposure correlates with lower levels of sexual repression, a potential rape risk factor.

The findings suggest that suppressing the desire to view pornography, for example, for moral or religious reasons, might actually strengthen the urge for it and exacerbate sexual problems.
The Sunny Side of Smut - Scientific American

(relevant excerpts below)

"Does Porn Harm Women?
The most common concern about pornography is that it indirectly hurts women by encouraging sexism, raising sexual expectations and thereby harming relationships. Some people worry that it might even incite violence against women. The data, however, do not support these claims. “There’s absolutely no evidence that pornography does anything negative,” says Milton Diamond, director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. “It’s a moral issue, not a factual issue.”

In 2007 researchers at the University of Zagreb in Croatia surveyed 650 young men about their pornography use and sex lives. As they reported in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the scientists found that users of mainstream, nonviolent pornography were neither more nor less sexually satisfied than nonusers. Both groups felt the same degree of intimacy in their current or recent relationships and shared the same range of sexual experiences. But when it came to violent or fetishist porn, the groups diverged. Consumers of these types of pornography appeared to masturbate more frequently, have more sexual partners over the course of their life, and experience slightly less relationship intimacy than their nonviolent porn–viewing counterparts.

Regular pornography use does not seem to encourage sexism, either. In 2007 Alan McKee, a cultural studies expert at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, designed a questionnaire to assess sexist tendencies. He enclosed his survey in shipments of pornographic material distributed by a mail-order company and also posted it online. Responses from 1,023 pornography users indicated that the amount of pornography the subjects consumed did not predict whether they would hold negative attitudes toward women. The survey respondents who were most sexist were generally older men who voted for a right-wing political party, lived in a rural area and had a lower level of formal education.

(explains why it's right-wingers who're so often anti-porn)

Self-Medicating with Fantasy
Perhaps the most serious accusation against pornography is that it incites sexual aggression. But not only do rape statistics suggest otherwise, some experts believe the consumption of pornography may actually reduce the desire to rape by offering a safe, private outlet for deviant sexual desires.

Within the U.S., the states with the least Internet access between 1980 and 2000—and therefore the least access to Internet pornography—experienced a 53 percent increase in rape incidence, whereas the states with the most access experienced a 27 percent drop in the number of reported rapes, according to a paper published in 2006 by Anthony D’Amato, a law professor at Northwestern University.

In 1992 Richard Green, a psychiatrist at Imperial College London, disclosed in his book Sexual Science and the Law that patients requesting treatment in clinics for sex offenders commonly say that pornography helps them keep their abnormal sexuality within the confines of their imagination. “Pornography seems to be protective,” Diamond says, perhaps because exposure correlates with lower levels of sexual repression, a potential rape risk factor.

The findings suggest that suppressing the desire to view pornography, for example, for moral or religious reasons, might actually strengthen the urge for it and exacerbate sexual problems.

Greetings, Delta4Embassy,

I think that people who claim that Adult videos are harmful to women/society are just upset about people experiencing the joy that viewing Adult videos brings to fans of Adult videos.

They might as well be claiming that the constant overly-done portrayal of the few negative African-Americans (criminals) among African-Americans in movies is coloring movie-goers views of African-Americans (making them hate or think less of Black Americans,) therefore movies showing criminal African-Americans should not be made. Stupidity...

One might even argue that being in romantic relationships negatively hurts some people making them have negative thoughts/feelings about the opposite sex & sometimes leading to violence between men and women (with all of spousal/significant other killing, wife-beating, etc. that goes on in the world,) so "no one should be in a romantic relationship." Utterly STUPID.

They just don't want people to be happy or are jealous of the relationship between Adult entertainers and their fans I think.

...I wonder if women would say that sex toys that unrealisticly portray the male sex organ ("raises sexual expectations") and lead to some women being content not being in a romantic relationship mean that sex toys should be illegal.

Those people are just coo-coos...
...I wonder if women would say that sex toys that unrealisticly portray the male sex organ ("raises sexual expectations") and lead to some women being content not being in a romantic relationship mean that sex toys should be illegal.

Those people are just coo-coos...

Interestingly, the penis has little to do with a woman's sexual satisfaction. Wanna get your gal off, massage her clitoris. Penis makes her feel good, but wont make her orgasm.
"Does Porn Harm Women?

The pornography industry profits by degrading men and women and sometimes children too. And yet Delta4Embassy cheers the industry on.

Violent pornography and self-reported likelihood of sexual aggression

Internet porn 'rewiring' young brains, Halifax therapists say
Mary and Peter Goodman say they're treating more men who can't be emotionally close to partners

The truth about the porn industry
Gail Dines, the author of an explosive new book about the sex industry, on why pornography has never been a greater threat to our relationships

Psychological, Relational, and Sexual
Correlates of Pornography Use on Young Adult
Heterosexual Men in Romantic Relationships

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"Does Porn Harm Women?

The pornography industry profits by degrading men and women and sometimes young girls too. And yet Delta4Embassy cheers the industry on.

Violent pornography and self-reported likelihood of sexual aggression

Internet porn 'rewiring' young brains, Halifax therapists say
Mary and Peter Goodman say they're treating more men who can't be emotionally close to partners

The truth about the porn industry
Gail Dines, the author of an explosive new book about the sex industry, on why pornography has never been a greater threat to our relationships

Psychological, Relational, and Sexual
Correlates of Pornography Use on Young Adult
Heterosexual Men in Romantic Relationships

Define 'degrading.' Trouble with statements like that is it's entirely subjective. While there are studies suggesting otherwise, we need to consider the source and motives behind the researchers. A study conductive by the Family Research Council (an anti-homosexual hate group) into the effects of homosexuality is going to have a negative-bias, just as studies conducted by people who're anti-pornography is going to have a negative bias as well. Whereas statistical analysis on criminal statistics gives us a much more realistic and unbiased insight into these effects.
Interestingly, the penis has little to do with a woman's sexual satisfaction. Wanna get your gal off, massage her clitoris. Penis makes her feel good, but wont make her orgasm.

Wrong, Sir...women orgasm vaginally and clitorially. They enjoy both, the tongue/fingers on their clitoris as well as a nicely lengthed dong...some women might just lie to men so that their men don't have to feel bad about having a small penis...
Interestingly, the penis has little to do with a woman's sexual satisfaction. Wanna get your gal off, massage her clitoris. Penis makes her feel good, but wont make her orgasm.

Wrong, Sir...women orgasm vaginally and clitorially. They enjoy both, the tongue/fingers on their clitoris as well as a nicely lengthed dong...some women might just lie to men so that their men don't have to feel bad about having a small penis...

Sorry mate but there's no such thing as a vaginal orgasm. All orgasms originate from the clitoris. There's simply nothing in the vaginal canal that can produce an orgasm. The so-called g-spot is there, but not stimulatable by penile penetration. It's upwards towards the mons and not directly stimulated from PIV sex. And the female ejaculation which comes from it being stimulated isn't actually an orgasm.
They just don't want people to be happy or are jealous of the relationship between Adult entertainers and their fans I think.
Do you really think people are jealous of your "relationship" with your favorite porn actresses?! People are jealous because you compulsively masturbate while viewing these pictures? lol
Interestingly, the penis has little to do with a woman's sexual satisfaction. Wanna get your gal off, massage her clitoris. Penis makes her feel good, but wont make her orgasm.
I think you just confessed on a public forum to having an inadequate penis. lol
The pornography industry profits by degrading men and women and sometimes children too. And yet Delta4Embassy cheers the industry on.

Violent pornography and self-reported likelihood of sexual aggression

Internet porn 'rewiring' young brains, Halifax therapists say
Mary and Peter Goodman say they're treating more men who can't be emotionally close to partners

The truth about the porn industry
Gail Dines, the author of an explosive new book about the sex industry, on why pornography has never been a greater threat to our relationships

Psychological, Relational, and Sexual
Correlates of Pornography Use on Young Adult
Heterosexual Men in Romantic Relationships

Degrading is in the eye of the beholder, you LIAR. I avidly view Adult entertainment and I do not think less of women because of female adult entertainers, to the contrary it makes me love and appreciate women more that some women would be kind enough to BLESS all the horny men in the world with Adult entertainment lol.

...if one is sick enough to think less of women because of female Adult entertainers, that is a personal STUPIDITY issue, not the problem of the right-minded lol...
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How to Orgasm Betty Dodson with Carlin Ross

Spend 6 years on this site (as I have) and you'll learn how a woman's body works when it comes to sex.

Well, I have my sources dude lol...the women I have heard talk and SEEN THEM DO IT IN VIDEO orgasm from vaginal intercourse as well as clitorial stimulation.

You said you watch "porn." You have never seen a woman orgasm from vaj intercourse lol?
Do you really think people are jealous of your "relationship" with your favorite porn actresses?! People are jealous because you compulsively masturbate while viewing these pictures? lol

Yes, some pyscho chicks are jealous over the fulfillment that female Adult entertainers give to some men, I believe.
Degrading is in the eye of the beholder, you LIAR.
When did I lie? Was it when I pointed out that you masturbate while looking at porn? Are you claiming you only read Hustler for the articles?

I avidly view Adult entertainment
I have a feeling you do little else.

to the contrary it makes me love and appreciate women more that some women would be kind enough to BLESS all the horny men in the world with Adult entertainment
some pyscho chicks are jealous over the fulfillment that female Adult entertainers give to some men, I believe.
Yes this "relationship" you have with porn actresses is so beautiful.

Women are abused by the ugly porn industry. You watch these women while you play with yourself because you can't handle a relationship with a real women. Charming.

Watch Documentary Films and Television Programs on Pornography Prostitution and Sex Trafficking etc.
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Degrading is in the eye of the beholder, you LIAR.
When did I lie? Was it when I pointed out that you masturbate while looking at porn? Are you claiming you only read Hustler for the articles?

I avidly view Adult entertainment
I have a feeling you do little else.

to the contrary it makes me love and appreciate women more that some women would be kind enough to BLESS all the horny men in the world with Adult entertainment
some pyscho chicks are jealous over the fulfillment that female Adult entertainers give to some men, I believe.
Yes this "relationship" you have with porn actresses is so beautiful.

Women are abused by the ugly porn industry. You watch these women while you play with yourself because you can't handle a relationship with a real women. Charming.

Watch Documentary Films and Television Programs on Pornography Prostitution and Sex Trafficking etc.

LOLOL you're a clown lol; you are a LIAR because you make things up and assert your made up statements as though they are FACTS. The Adult film industry abuses women according to what? (LIAR!)

Get yourself some psychiatric help lolol
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Interestingly, the penis has little to do with a woman's sexual satisfaction. Wanna get your gal off, massage her clitoris. Penis makes her feel good, but wont make her orgasm.

Does projecting your own inadequacies onto others make you feel any better about yourself?

Teaching men how a woman's sexuality works makes me feel good.

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