CDZ Economic Development Iran Could do Instead of Building Nukes


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Iran does not need nukes. They could get under the nuclear umbrella of the Chicoms or Russia, and I thyink they would prefer Russia.

If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.

1) Instead of building nukes, why not bargain that to the US in exchange for US tech from our old Thorium Molten Salt Reactors we built back around 1970. It would not take long for the incredibly ingenious Iranians to become the world leader in this peaceful technology that does not produce any fuel useful for making atom bombs.

2) They could then use this TMSR energy to make desalination plants to bring water to the Iranian plateau region and convert it from desert to one of the worlds greatest orchard regions.

3) They could then buiold a dual canal system to connect the Caspian Sea with the Persian Gulf and provide direct access to the oil of the Baku region and the entire Volga river basin, to the benefit of everyone. Constructing the canal at an elevation of 900 meters would allow the canal to have locks only at the entrance and exits of the system and create enormous economic activity and opportunity. Further canals could be built into Afghanistan, with that governments permission and link in Afghan mining res0ources as well.
The attached map leaves everything above an elevation of 900 meters uncolored and shows how the 900m elevation makes a level canal from the straights of Hormuz to very close to the Caspian Sea. This might also help in replenishing the water to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea as well.

Iran does not need nukes. They could get under the nuclear umbrella of the Chicoms or Russia, and I thyink they would prefer Russia.

If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.

1) Instead of building nukes, why not bargain that to the US in exchange for US tech from our old Thorium Molten Salt Reactors we built back around 1970. It would not take long for the incredibly ingenious Iranians to become the world leader in this peaceful technology that does not produce any fuel useful for making atom bombs.

2) They could then use this TMSR energy to make desalination plants to bring water to the Iranian plateau region and convert it from desert to one of the worlds greatest orchard regions.

3) They could then buiold a dual canal system to connect the Caspian Sea with the Persian Gulf and provide direct access to the oil of the Baku region and the entire Volga river basin, to the benefit of everyone. Constructing the canal at an elevation of 900 meters would allow the canal to have locks only at the entrance and exits of the system and create enormous economic activity and opportunity. Further canals could be built into Afghanistan, with that governments permission and link in Afghan mining res0ources as well.
The attached map leaves everything above an elevation of 900 meters uncolored and shows how the 900m elevation makes a level canal from the straights of Hormuz to very close to the Caspian Sea. This might also help in replenishing the water to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea as well.

Oh easily. They could put in place better irrigation systems, improve trade routes, open up areas for mining operations... there are literally thousands of things Iran could be focusing on.
Or Iran can keep on like they're doing now, and we can "build" those waterways for them!!!
The same thing could be said about the US- or any country for that matter. Did Iran start the arms race?
Now, on a more philosophical bent/perspective: By what authority does one presume to tell another what he needs?
Why does one have the right to threaten with Nuclear destruction and another doesn't? Why doesn't the one threatened have the right to protect himself as he sees fit?

I have to question, because I have the right to think for myself, as does anyone; why don't people think think things through before putting them in public? Who has an authority to determine need for another, or define it for that matter? Needs are; air, water, food, clothing, shelter- in that order with the last 2 being optional depending on climate.
So, it comes down to; why does one have the right to tell another what he wants another to do and demand he do it or else?
Iran does not need nukes. They could get under the nuclear umbrella of the Chicoms or Russia, and I thyink they would prefer Russia.

If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.

1) Instead of building nukes, why not bargain that to the US in exchange for US tech from our old Thorium Molten Salt Reactors we built back around 1970. It would not take long for the incredibly ingenious Iranians to become the world leader in this peaceful technology that does not produce any fuel useful for making atom bombs.

2) They could then use this TMSR energy to make desalination plants to bring water to the Iranian plateau region and convert it from desert to one of the worlds greatest orchard regions.

3) They could then buiold a dual canal system to connect the Caspian Sea with the Persian Gulf and provide direct access to the oil of the Baku region and the entire Volga river basin, to the benefit of everyone. Constructing the canal at an elevation of 900 meters would allow the canal to have locks only at the entrance and exits of the system and create enormous economic activity and opportunity. Further canals could be built into Afghanistan, with that governments permission and link in Afghan mining res0ources as well.
The attached map leaves everything above an elevation of 900 meters uncolored and shows how the 900m elevation makes a level canal from the straights of Hormuz to very close to the Caspian Sea. This might also help in replenishing the water to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea as well.

Oh easily. They could put in place better irrigation systems, improve trade routes, open up areas for mining operations... there are literally thousands of things Iran could be focusing on.

The sanctions that are on them keeps them from doing a lot of things. Like developing anything new and better. At the moment their focus is on defending itself. Which is what it has been focusing on for a long dayum time. If our bratty little brothers (Israel and Saudi) would STFU and stop pestering everyone over there, Iran might get back to running their country.
The trade deal that Trump destroyed, was making trading partners out of Iran. Not any more.
The same thing could be said about the US- or any country for that matter. Did Iran start the arms race?
Now, on a more philosophical bent/perspective: By what authority does one presume to tell another what he needs?
Why does one have the right to threaten with Nuclear destruction and another doesn't? Why doesn't the one threatened have the right to protect himself as he sees fit?

I have to question, because I have the right to think for myself, as does anyone; why don't people think think things through before putting them in public? Who has an authority to determine need for another, or define it for that matter? Needs are; air, water, food, clothing, shelter- in that order with the last 2 being optional depending on climate.
So, it comes down to; why does one have the right to tell another what he wants another to do and demand he do it or else?

Our government is soooo used to giving orders, it's forgotten how to take them. The lobbyist have more control over our elected officials than we the people do.
It's pretty obvious, most Americans don't give a crap about Iraq, Iraq or any country in the middle east. Take the names off a map, and I'll betcha $1 to a hole in a donut, that most voters could tell you with one was Iran, and which was Afghanistan.
Iran does not need nukes. They could get under the nuclear umbrella of the Chicoms or Russia, and I thyink they would prefer Russia.

If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.

1) Instead of building nukes, why not bargain that to the US in exchange for US tech from our old Thorium Molten Salt Reactors we built back around 1970. It would not take long for the incredibly ingenious Iranians to become the world leader in this peaceful technology that does not produce any fuel useful for making atom bombs.

2) They could then use this TMSR energy to make desalination plants to bring water to the Iranian plateau region and convert it from desert to one of the worlds greatest orchard regions.

3) They could then buiold a dual canal system to connect the Caspian Sea with the Persian Gulf and provide direct access to the oil of the Baku region and the entire Volga river basin, to the benefit of everyone. Constructing the canal at an elevation of 900 meters would allow the canal to have locks only at the entrance and exits of the system and create enormous economic activity and opportunity. Further canals could be built into Afghanistan, with that governments permission and link in Afghan mining res0ources as well.
The attached map leaves everything above an elevation of 900 meters uncolored and shows how the 900m elevation makes a level canal from the straights of Hormuz to very close to the Caspian Sea. This might also help in replenishing the water to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea as well.

Why do you need a canal for oil?
Iran does not need nukes. They could get under the nuclear umbrella of the Chicoms or Russia, and I thyink they would prefer Russia.

If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.

1) Instead of building nukes, why not bargain that to the US in exchange for US tech from our old Thorium Molten Salt Reactors we built back around 1970. It would not take long for the incredibly ingenious Iranians to become the world leader in this peaceful technology that does not produce any fuel useful for making atom bombs.

2) They could then use this TMSR energy to make desalination plants to bring water to the Iranian plateau region and convert it from desert to one of the worlds greatest orchard regions.

3) They could then buiold a dual canal system to connect the Caspian Sea with the Persian Gulf and provide direct access to the oil of the Baku region and the entire Volga river basin, to the benefit of everyone. Constructing the canal at an elevation of 900 meters would allow the canal to have locks only at the entrance and exits of the system and create enormous economic activity and opportunity. Further canals could be built into Afghanistan, with that governments permission and link in Afghan mining res0ources as well.
The attached map leaves everything above an elevation of 900 meters uncolored and shows how the 900m elevation makes a level canal from the straights of Hormuz to very close to the Caspian Sea. This might also help in replenishing the water to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea as well.

Oh easily. They could put in place better irrigation systems, improve trade routes, open up areas for mining operations... there are literally thousands of things Iran could be focusing on.

The sanctions that are on them keeps them from doing a lot of things. Like developing anything new and better. At the moment their focus is on defending itself. Which is what it has been focusing on for a long dayum time. If our bratty little brothers (Israel and Saudi) would STFU and stop pestering everyone over there, Iran might get back to running their country.
The trade deal that Trump destroyed, was making trading partners out of Iran. Not any more.

But that is just flat out, factually, untrue. We know for a fact, that after Obama put in place the Iranian nuclear deal, that Iran became more belligerent, and more aggressive. It became more aggressive even during the time Obama was still in office.

What you are saying is simply, and directly, contradicted by established documented reality.
Iran does not need nukes. They could get under the nuclear umbrella of the Chicoms or Russia, and I thyink they would prefer Russia.

If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.

1) Instead of building nukes, why not bargain that to the US in exchange for US tech from our old Thorium Molten Salt Reactors we built back around 1970. It would not take long for the incredibly ingenious Iranians to become the world leader in this peaceful technology that does not produce any fuel useful for making atom bombs.

2) They could then use this TMSR energy to make desalination plants to bring water to the Iranian plateau region and convert it from desert to one of the worlds greatest orchard regions.

3) They could then buiold a dual canal system to connect the Caspian Sea with the Persian Gulf and provide direct access to the oil of the Baku region and the entire Volga river basin, to the benefit of everyone. Constructing the canal at an elevation of 900 meters would allow the canal to have locks only at the entrance and exits of the system and create enormous economic activity and opportunity. Further canals could be built into Afghanistan, with that governments permission and link in Afghan mining res0ources as well.
The attached map leaves everything above an elevation of 900 meters uncolored and shows how the 900m elevation makes a level canal from the straights of Hormuz to very close to the Caspian Sea. This might also help in replenishing the water to the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea as well.

Oh easily. They could put in place better irrigation systems, improve trade routes, open up areas for mining operations... there are literally thousands of things Iran could be focusing on.

The sanctions that are on them keeps them from doing a lot of things. Like developing anything new and better. At the moment their focus is on defending itself. Which is what it has been focusing on for a long dayum time. If our bratty little brothers (Israel and Saudi) would STFU and stop pestering everyone over there, Iran might get back to running their country.
The trade deal that Trump destroyed, was making trading partners out of Iran. Not any more.

But that is just flat out, factually, untrue. We know for a fact, that after Obama put in place the Iranian nuclear deal, that Iran became more belligerent, and more aggressive. It became more aggressive even during the time Obama was still in office.

What you are saying is simply, and directly, contradicted by established documented reality.

Care to post that actual "documented reality?" Because there's this little thing called the IAEA report that states otherwise. Iran hasn't been a nuclear threat, or tried to make a nuclear weapon since way before the Iran deal was made. But go ahead, and post what you got.
If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.
And if we would stop wasting time and resources stealing from the military and local landowners to build useless walls, we could take an altogether different route to economic and geographic development. And maybe even drop the Republican lawsuit not active to bring back pre-existing health conditions.
If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.
And if we would stop wasting time and resources stealing from the military and local landowners to build useless walls, we could take an altogether different route to economic and geographic development. And maybe even drop the Republican lawsuit not active to bring back pre-existing health conditions.

Those that support the wall aren't smart enough to figure out how to solves the problem. It's all economics. As in why Canadians aren't migrating to the US. If Mexico and South America's economy was more closer to ours, they wouldn't wanna come here. Trump's smart enough to figure that out. But, if he took on that task, and won, then corporations below our border wouldn't have the near slave labor they enjoy now.
Solving that problem would be easy to do and cost very little. But it would mean going up against big business/big money. Things like that will get a president shot.
If Iran would stop wasting time and resources on making nuclear weapons they could take an altogether different route economic and geographic development of their resources.
And if we would stop wasting time and resources stealing from the military and local landowners to build useless walls, we could take an altogether different route to economic and geographic development. And maybe even drop the Republican lawsuit not active to bring back pre-existing health conditions.
Those that support the wall aren't smart enough to figure out how to solves the problem. It's all economics. As in why Canadians aren't migrating to the US. If Mexico and South America's economy was more closer to ours, they wouldn't wanna come here.
It is amazing how liberals view Iranians as better and smarter than American citizens that have had to emerge through a degenerate public education system controled by liberals through the Department of Education, lol.
Bullwinkle defends terrorist sponsoring nations so quick, I suspect he wears a turban and prays to the ghost of Soleimani!

But the wall is not useless nor stupid. It is a great force multiplier that Border Patrol basically designed. Trump wanted a modern rendition of the Great Wall of China, lol, but BP talked him into the Bollard system so they could visually monitor what those on the other side are doing. By the time anyone climbs over it, BP will be there to arrest them, for example:

Border Patrol shows up in their big white truck to give them free stay in the BP hotel before sending them back to Mexico, which I do not like. They should be put in a work gang cleaning up the border land they trash for a month or two first.

As to economic development, Mexican citizens are not coming so much any more due to the development there. Central America is developing too but so much of it is controlled by leftwing Marxist morons that it will take much longer.
The same thing could be said about the US- or any country for that matter. Did Iran start the arms race?
Now, on a more philosophical bent/perspective: By what authority does one presume to tell another what he needs?
Why does one have the right to threaten with Nuclear destruction and another doesn't? Why doesn't the one threatened have the right to protect himself as he sees fit?

I have to question, because I have the right to think for myself, as does anyone; why don't people think think things through before putting them in public? Who has an authority to determine need for another, or define it for that matter? Needs are; air, water, food, clothing, shelter- in that order with the last 2 being optional depending on climate.
So, it comes down to; why does one have the right to tell another what he wants another to do and demand he do it or else?
Iran signed a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, that is why.
The lobbyist have more control over our elected officials than we the people do.

Newly elected Congresscritters are expected to pay 'dues' that run into the multiple hundreds of thousands USD, and no one can afford them that are just elected, but a corporation will kindly step in and offer to pay it for you if you agree to play ball on their team.

It is just rancid inside DC.
The sanctions that are on them keeps them from doing a lot of things. Like developing anything new and better. At the moment their focus is on defending itself.
Oh, horse doodoo.

Irans training and arming of Hezzbollah and giving the Gaza militants rockets to fire into Isreal every day, or arming the Houthis in Yemen to harass Saudi Arabia is NOT DEFENSIVE in the least.

Wake up dude.
Iran signed a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, that is why.
So only the US can renege on Treaties? Double Standards, by the fed gov't, are not an authorized "granted"/enumerated power. In fact, it is lying. Being an "official lie" makes it no more moral than anyone else lying. Using that as an excuse is weak, as are most excuses.

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