Eco-Terrorism (Poison Ivy): Christian Scrolls


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is my last eco-mural, and it's inspired by FernGully: The Last Rainforest.




America was the world's Big Brother. It was obligated to serve as a 'role model' (lest it become a proverbial 'evil empire'). The American computer company IBM was a monolith and represented all the industry/commerce fervor inherent in modern capitalism. How would production impact Earth's environments?


Angels of heaven were sent to Earth to serve as eco-lawyers (so American companies would be more 'self-conscious' about production practices and hence about waste). These angels wanted to remind modern capitalists that production meditation should be tempered with thoughts about nature and holism. These angels were very worried!


American science-fiction writers invented eerie giant sea-beasts who could travel through time. These 'dragons/leviathans' obviously symbolized new age fears regarding the physical impact of tampering with nature for commercial activity (e.g., cutting down trees to make paper). Science-fiction was a 'billboard' for many Christian scholars contemplating the End of Days.


American artists were borrowing apocalypse-relevant avatars such as Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Unicron (anime-derived super-robot signifying doomsday) to evaluate the spiritual panic created by over-indulgence in capitalism, industrialization, and machinery. Art was reflecting politics for the first time. Eco-terrorism was the new heresy.


The Louvre houses the world's best art, and now modern art was changing the way people conceived of etiquette in the public domain. Politics was more colloquial and hospitable to forms of 'revolutionary graffiti.' The MTV Generation craved venues for free-speech dialogue regarding sexy politics! Pedestrianism had become psychologically loud (so social criticism was much more personal).


An idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay decided to start blogging debates between himself and God (from the Christian Bible) depicting himself as a Job-like civilization-critic and God as a harbinger of doom regarding the dangers of eco-terrorism. Ajay considered how the Gospels reminded humanity of the value of negotiation and the threat of savage corporations.


GOD: Eco-terrorism is a modern problem...
AJAY: Jesus said peacemakers are the true prophets.
GOD: Maybe National Geographic is the new Encyclopedia Brittanica.
AJAY: Humans appreciate 'lifestyle scrolls.'
GOD: Are you a fan of Edward Abbey?
AJAY: Abbey was the father of eco-terrorism philosophy (arguably).
GOD: Terrorism is always a tragedy.
AJAY: It's a necessary evil perhaps...
GOD: How can we end terrorism?
AJAY: We have to solve the problem of political corruption.
GOD: There has to be reliable neutral monitoring groups.
AJAY: The Security Council (of the United Nations) is respected!
GOD: Maybe...
AJAY: Eco-terrorism speaks to a fear of industrial waste.
GOD: It's natural to rebel against commerce!
AJAY: Poison Ivy (DC Comics) is an attractive eco-terrorist!
GOD: Maybe advertising will promote awareness...
AJAY: Pop-culture has to address the social anxiety regarding pollution.
GOD: Poison Ivy is the queen of purgatory...
AJAY: Media will address humanity's concern for free-speech!


Ajay's blogs became quite popular. Ajay started referencing Edward Abbey more, and his fans/followers started calling him 'The Eco-Chauffeur.' Ajay considered why eco-terrorism was the new hot topic and why educators were responsible for dealing with the modern problem of academic cynicism.


American kids were buying water-guns for the summer, and Ajay was blogging that water-guns symbolized consumers' awareness of the subtle but creative perspective on water and water-use by a 'ravenous species.'


As more politically-conscious pedestrian governance-critics started posting photos and hyping the 'concept' of 'guerrilla art,' Poison Ivy (DC Comics) started gaining new followers. Eco-terrorism was suddenly 'fascinating.' How would the MTV Generation respond? Would Poison Ivy become the new Mona Lisa?


Americans cared about civics and law deeply, and Ajay was aware of this, so he started complementing his eco-terrorism blogs with ideas/notions about the social value of endorsing local law-officials (and cops!). Would Poison Ivy measure up against iconic policemen-characters from classic crime-films like The Untouchables?


As laborers cut down trees with chainsaws to make paper for office-buildings, Ajay blogged about God, Jesus, Poison Ivy, Edward Abbey, and The Untouchables! Ajay wondered if chainsaws would be considered weapons by archaeologists in the future...


"My name is Poison Ivy, and I'm a proud eco-terrorist! I like Edward Abbey, and I also like Luciferianism. Eco-terrorism is the sad reality of modern civilization, a necessary evil, which drives apathetic men towards real worry. If I was an educator or politician, I'd change the pop-culture literature! There's nothing avoidable about...the agony of the Earth."


GOD: There's something special about Niagara Falls...
SATAN: Photographers love it, but does that promote eco-consciousness?
GOD: Thinking about earth-scapes promotes appreciation...
SATAN: Why is Poison Ivy so alluring?
GOD: It's fun to critique the government!
SATAN: Maybe there will be eco-terrorism video-games.
GOD: Why not? There's already Rampage and Mortal Kombat!
SATAN: The AntiChrist will arrive soon...
GOD: Maybe Ajay will create some needed social passion!
SATAN: Let's go watch FernGully: The Last Rainforest on Netflix...




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