Easy fix for Healthcare

Do you support combining Graham-Cassidy and Alexander-Murry?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • No

    Votes: 5 71.4%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Combine the Graham-Cassidy and Alexander-Murry Bills.
Alexander-Murry will be the transition period, one year or two years
Graham-Cassidy will replace Ocare with block-grants to the States, and be phased-in over the next two years.

They need to make ALL deductibles affordable, they should also regulate the profits that insurers can make, similar to utilities, since everyone needs to have healthcare. Taxpayers get refunds if insurers make too much money.
Combine the Graham-Cassidy and Alexander-Murry Bills.
Alexander-Murry will be the transition period, one year or two years
Graham-Cassidy will replace Ocare with block-grants to the States, and be phased-in over the next two years.
They need to make ALL deductibles affordable, they should also regulate the profits that insurers can make, similar to utilities, since everyone needs to have healthcare. Taxpayers get refunds if insurers make too much money.

Block grants are just a way for Conservatives to pay for tax cuts that don't pay for themselves.

Also, do people in Massachusetts get a different kind of breast cancer than people in Texas? No. So what the fuck do states have to do with health care? Nothing.
How about we just make it easy for folks to go to the doctor and but meds? Wholey fuck I fixed it! Honestly, if they just did that, made drugs affordable and doctors cheap to see that would be fine.
How about we just make it easy for folks to go to the doctor and but meds? Wholey fuck I fixed it! Honestly, if they just did that, made drugs affordable and doctors cheap to see that would be fine.

How does one make doctors cheap, pay them less? And if we did that, who would want to become a doctor?
It is wrong to have people in 1 state have different rights than someone in another state. Also Graham-Cassidy would not have given states enough money to insure the people who are protected now. It would have pitted poor people against old people against people with pre-existing conditions. Republicans are monsters. I no longer want to be a part of the Republican Party. It needs to die.
Combine the Graham-Cassidy and Alexander-Murry Bills.
Alexander-Murry will be the transition period, one year or two years
Graham-Cassidy will replace Ocare with block-grants to the States, and be phased-in over the next two years.

They need to make ALL deductibles affordable, they should also regulate the profits that insurers can make, similar to utilities, since everyone needs to have healthcare. Taxpayers get refunds if insurers make too much money.

They both suck, and more government regulation is the last thing healthcare needs.
It is wrong to have people in 1 state have different rights than someone in another state.

Healthcare isn't a right, so that solves that problem.

Also Graham-Cassidy would not have given states enough money to insure the people who are protected now.

If it gives them all the money raised by Obamacare. How is that not enough?

It would have pitted poor people against old people against people with pre-existing conditions.

That's precisely what Obamacare does. It forces young health people to pay the medical bills of sick greedy old people.

Republicans are monsters. I no longer want to be a part of the Republican Party. It needs to die.

The monsters are the people who defend the monstrosity called "Obamacare."
Combine the Graham-Cassidy and Alexander-Murry Bills.
Alexander-Murry will be the transition period, one year or two years
Graham-Cassidy will replace Ocare with block-grants to the States, and be phased-in over the next two years.
They need to make ALL deductibles affordable, they should also regulate the profits that insurers can make, similar to utilities, since everyone needs to have healthcare. Taxpayers get refunds if insurers make too much money.

Block grants are just a way for Conservatives to pay for tax cuts that don't pay for themselves.

Also, do people in Massachusetts get a different kind of breast cancer than people in Texas? No. So what the fuck do states have to do with health care? Nothing.

Block grants get healthcare back to the states where it belongs. Healthcare is NOT in the Constitution under the divisions and separations of powers. The Feds have nothing to do with healthcare, NOTHING.
It is wrong to have people in 1 state have different rights than someone in another state. Also Graham-Cassidy would not have given states enough money to insure the people who are protected now. It would have pitted poor people against old people against people with pre-existing conditions. Republicans are monsters. I no longer want to be a part of the Republican Party. It needs to die.

When were you ever a member of the Republican party?
Combine the Graham-Cassidy and Alexander-Murry Bills.
Alexander-Murry will be the transition period, one year or two years
Graham-Cassidy will replace Ocare with block-grants to the States, and be phased-in over the next two years.
They need to make ALL deductibles affordable, they should also regulate the profits that insurers can make, similar to utilities, since everyone needs to have healthcare. Taxpayers get refunds if insurers make too much money.

Block grants are just a way for Conservatives to pay for tax cuts that don't pay for themselves.

Also, do people in Massachusetts get a different kind of breast cancer than people in Texas? No. So what the fuck do states have to do with health care? Nothing.

Block grants get healthcare back to the states where it belongs. Healthcare is NOT in the Constitution under the divisions and separations of powers. The Feds have nothing to do with healthcare, NOTHING.

They have nothing to do with marriage and nothing to do with religion in local schools, but look at us now!
How about we just make it easy for folks to go to the doctor and but meds? Wholey fuck I fixed it! Honestly, if they just did that, made drugs affordable and doctors cheap to see that would be fine.

Its not getting drugs and doctors cheaper, its getting premiums and deductibles lower. People are paying for healthcare insurance and can never use it. Fixing liability insurance would help lower doctor costs. Bulk drug purchases by medicare and medicaid and States would help lower drug costs to the global norm.
It is wrong to have people in 1 state have different rights than someone in another state. Also Graham-Cassidy would not have given states enough money to insure the people who are protected now. It would have pitted poor people against old people against people with pre-existing conditions. Republicans are monsters. I no longer want to be a part of the Republican Party. It needs to die.

It is not wrong to have states administer healthcare. It is not a federal responsibility. Get a job with healthcare benefits and there is no problem. The whiny 6% of the population that buys healthcare need to be put in state pools. Problem solved.
How about we just make it easy for folks to go to the doctor and but meds? Wholey fuck I fixed it! Honestly, if they just did that, made drugs affordable and doctors cheap to see that would be fine.

Its not getting drugs and doctors cheaper, its getting premiums and deductibles lower. People are paying for healthcare insurance and can never use it. Fixing liability insurance would help lower doctor costs. Bulk drug purchases by medicare and medicaid and States would help lower drug costs to the global norm.
WHY aren't they using it? They pay nothing for their annual physical, nothing for the appropriate tests for their age and nothing for labs....

And usually a flat amount to visit a doctor ....like $35....?

none of that has to come out of their deductible....

it appears people do not understand their insurance policies and what is actually covered?
The problem with government healthcare is it would become political. Take Commie Care for example. The program was created to take care of likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. If you had a part-time minimum wage job, you were set because the subsidy was so high. But then again, french fry makers likely vote Democrat. If you have a job and make a moderate amount of money, the plans were unaffordable. But many middle-class blue collar people vote Republican.

There are good doctors and not so good doctors. There are good hospitals and clinics and not so good hospitals and clinics. If we went to a government system, everybody would want the good doctor and hospitals. But since that wouldn't be possible, it would come down to constituencies getting what kind of quality of care. With Democrats in charge, Democrat voters would get the quality medical care. Same thing if Republicans were in charge.

It would all be political.
Let's just make health care free for everyone. And let's make housing free for everyone. And let's make food free for everyone. Everyone HAS to have these things to survive - right?
Block grants get healthcare back to the states where it belongs.

Why? Do people in New York get a different kind of breast cancer than people in Arizona? No. Why do state boundaries have anything to do with health care delivery?

Healthcare is NOT in the Constitution under the divisions and separations of powers. The Feds have nothing to do with healthcare, NOTHING.

Health care falls under the "General Welfare" clause. So enough with the faux Constitutionality.
The problem with government healthcare is it would become political. Take Commie Care for example. The program was created to take care of likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. If you had a part-time minimum wage job, you were set because the subsidy was so high. But then again, french fry makers likely vote Democrat. If you have a job and make a moderate amount of money, the plans were unaffordable. But many middle-class blue collar people vote Republican.

Trump's cuts to Obamacare hurts red staters more than blue staters.

There are good doctors and not so good doctors. There are good hospitals and clinics and not so good hospitals and clinics. If we went to a government system, everybody would want the good doctor and hospitals. But since that wouldn't be possible, it would come down to constituencies getting what kind of quality of care. With Democrats in charge, Democrat voters would get the quality medical care. Same thing if Republicans were in charge.

Thing is that you don't know if the doctor you have is good or not, and you will never know that so long as private insurance companies administer reimbursements to your doctors. Under a private insurance system, there is no incentive for doctors to improve outcomes because they get reimbursed by the insurers regardless of the job they do. A single payer system would reverse that and force doctors to be outcome-focused because if all providers are reimbursed at the same rate, those providers must then compete for your care. They don't compete for your care now...all they compete for is which insurer will reimburse them at the greatest rate. Which has nothing to do with their performance.

Conservatives just have no idea how health care in this country actually works.

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