Earth warning! massive wave of energy 16 days away


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

I've followed BP for quite some time. He's very informative.
Let's hope this thing doesn't cause an earthquake as it did in what was it 2004.
The earthquakes have certainly picked up and are happening more frequently than they use to.
The lives lost in 2004 was a huge amount.
Let's also hope it doesn't take place in the US causing us to lose our power grid. Most of us would have an extremely hard time adapting to no power. It would certainly create chaos.

Does this mean anything is going to happen no, but it could be worth keeping it up front of the brain as a possibility.
Well the energy wave will not do much except make temperatures warmer and maybe knock out some power..

The magnetic field of the Earth has diminished by 30% and thus letting more harmful stuff to get through!
Liberals are in awe of this. They'd rather be dead than live under Trump so they suddenly believe there IS a great and kind God who will save them from that terrible fate (of continuing to pollute the atmosphere with their exhalations).
I honestly don't want to live through the destruction of science in this country. So hopefully this ends it all.
Then stop denying the science Matthew. We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is 1.4C to to 2.4C below the peak temperature of three of the last four interglacials. If you agree with me that we can expect at least a 1.C to 2.4C rise in temperatures due to nothing more that our normal climate cycles, don't respond to this comment.
Which will all have no effect on human culture whatsoever. Right?

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