Earth To Biased Democrats Who Support The Absolute Destruction Of Our Nation

I'm for across the board cuts/freezes, with defense ON the table.

How many conservatives are with me? Or, how many conservatives here want to cut elsewhere while INCREASING military spending?

Which conservative are you?
I'll take some of that action.

In fact, we can close every base we have overseas and save money. Our Navy and Air Forces are more then up to the job of moving troops to hot spots anywhere in the world if need be. And if a region goes hot, a government can turn over an airstrip to us or face being destroyed by the hostiles we are there to stop.

Bring all of our people home.

Keep Defense spending at current levels for the next 10 years.

Pare down the Federal government to infrastructure and national parks (interstate highway systems) under the Department of the Interior.

Pare down the Department of State to embassies.

Charge the United Nations our yearly payments to them as a yearly rent with the stipulation that the United Nation becomes the United Free Nations and all countries that do not have governments elected by the people are to be removed.

Rescind all unfunded mandates to the States. Allow the States to govern themselves as they were intended. If they wish to keep an entitlement, they have the power and right to do so AND fund it with monies from the citizens of that state alone.

A good start.

I'm in favor of keeping naval bases overseas, as the Navy has two jobs in peace time: Protect the US Mainland and protect shipping flying USA colors.

A lot of the other stuff I'm in favor of. All told, I'm in favor of flat out withdrawing from the UN and starting from scratch. The General Assembly is a joke and the Security Council's rules are rigged to make it ineffective. Outside of WHO, UNICEF, I've yet to see much come out of the UN that can't be handled by regional alliance and diplomacy.

The rest is details. I think that at the very least food, water, and drug regulatory capabilities should continue at the State level, and the entitlements as the states see fit.
It is now time for you to join those that opposed Bush, and admit increased government spending is absolutely the wrong direction for our nation. Cut spending, cut and reform government, make all public employees contribute to Social Security, look at drastically reducing government salaries, outlaw unfunded government pensions, outlaw government unions period, reduce Medicaid and Medicare payments and costs, get out of Iraq, and other nations, and stop the drug war in Afghanistan. The list goes on, the corruption and theft has to stop.

We need more Scott Brown's elected to fix our nation. Please help if you can.

It is sad that with all of your energy you choose to focus on the shadows on the curtain and not the men and the time they had and the theft they perpetraited and land your vitrol on the guy who with a handfull of advisors and against all odds is the only thing that stands between the complete failure of our country and a modest chance of recover from the evil spread like anthrax on every system we collectively call our government.

What people like you never seem to be able to grasp and hold on to is what we were facing and what absolutely had to be done. With the thinnest of evidence of any wrong thinking or planning and do not dismiss that there was no time to act... You still manage to blame the guy picking up the mess. Astounding!

So what is this problem of which you speak? You have no more inclination to look at the truth than tell it.
I disagree. I think Obama clearly knew what he had to do to fix our nation and Bush, and clearly and deliberately chose not too.

I think the entire world knows America needs to reduce spending, reduce the deficit, and reform government.

Even you know that. Obama is doing everything in his power to stave off government reform, and continue the corruption of government.
The thread title reminds me of Zoolander, 'Earth to...'

It is now time for you to join those that opposed Bush, and admit increased government spending is absolutely the wrong direction for our nation. Cut spending, cut and reform government, make all public employees contribute to Social Security, look at drastically reducing government salaries, outlaw unfunded government pensions, outlaw government unions period, reduce Medicaid and Medicare payments and costs, get out of Iraq, and other nations, and stop the drug war in Afghanistan. The list goes on, the corruption and theft has to stop.

We need more Scott Brown's elected to fix our nation. Please help if you can.

Here you have insurance companies making billions and cutting 2.7 MILLION Americans and giving CEO's millions (73 million dollar bonus to Cigna CEO) and medical bills being the number one cause of bankruptcy.

And you have companies moving overseas and then bringing their products back here to sell to people they fired.

And your solution is to cut Medicare and Medicaid for old people? Are you sure you're looking at the big picture?
And your solution is to cut Medicare and Medicaid for old people? Are you sure you're looking at the big picture?

Actually, that's Obama's Solution - which in quite a few cases will end up being Final due to rationed care.
It is now time for you to join those that opposed Bush, and admit increased government spending is absolutely the wrong direction for our nation. Cut spending, cut and reform government, make all public employees contribute to Social Security, look at drastically reducing government salaries, outlaw unfunded government pensions, outlaw government unions period, reduce Medicaid and Medicare payments and costs, get out of Iraq, and other nations, and stop the drug war in Afghanistan. The list goes on, the corruption and theft has to stop.

We need more Scott Brown's elected to fix our nation. Please help if you can.

if we made retired military personnel wait until age 65 to start recieving their pensions
we would save BILLIONS.

we should tax religions. THAT would TAKE IN billions!

we should legalize, regulate and tax pot.....more money!

disband the DEA and save billions more!

stop paying religious people to preach at sessions of congress. That would save $
we should tax religions. THAT would TAKE IN billions!

Holy shit, YES! TAX THEM! TAX THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS! Everyone in the god damn country has to live after taxes, but wear a funny hat and prattle on about nonsensical fairy tales and you're EXEMPT?!
It is now time for you to join those that opposed Bush, and admit increased government spending is absolutely the wrong direction for our nation. Cut spending, cut and reform government, make all public employees contribute to Social Security, look at drastically reducing government salaries, outlaw unfunded government pensions, outlaw government unions period, reduce Medicaid and Medicare payments and costs, get out of Iraq, and other nations, and stop the drug war in Afghanistan. The list goes on, the corruption and theft has to stop.

We need more Scott Brown's elected to fix our nation. Please help if you can.

if we made retired military personnel wait until age 65 to start recieving their pensions
we would save BILLIONS.

we should tax religions. THAT would TAKE IN billions!

we should legalize, regulate and tax pot.....more money!

disband the DEA and save billions more!

stop paying religious people to preach at sessions of congress. That would save $

If we cut corporate and individual welfare/entitlement programs, we'd save over a trillion
If we had larger fines on drug users and confiscated all property of dealers that are caught, we would have much more coming in
If we would actually have every citizen actually paying income tax, we would be bringing in billions if not a trillion+ more
We should disband numerous unnecessary government departments and programs, saving well over a trillion
If we start withholding payment on contractors who do not fulfill their contracts, we would save billions
[rhetorical question]Does it ever occur to any of you nutroot types that instead of raising taxes on more people, perhaps we'd all be better off with lower taxes for everyone and smaller government?[/rhetorical question]

And another one:

[rhetorical question]Don't you realize that every tax you advocate for someone else will be eventually used to tax you as well?[/rhetorical question]
I'll take some of that action.

In fact, we can close every base we have overseas and save money. Our Navy and Air Forces are more then up to the job of moving troops to hot spots anywhere in the world if need be. And if a region goes hot, a government can turn over an airstrip to us or face being destroyed by the hostiles we are there to stop.

Bring all of our people home.

Keep Defense spending at current levels for the next 10 years.

Pare down the Federal government to infrastructure and national parks (interstate highway systems) under the Department of the Interior.

Pare down the Department of State to embassies.

Charge the United Nations our yearly payments to them as a yearly rent with the stipulation that the United Nation becomes the United Free Nations and all countries that do not have governments elected by the people are to be removed.

Rescind all unfunded mandates to the States. Allow the States to govern themselves as they were intended. If they wish to keep an entitlement, they have the power and right to do so AND fund it with monies from the citizens of that state alone.

A good start.

Totally agree. A very good start.

In fact, we can close every base we have overseas and save money. Our Navy and Air Forces are more then up to the job of moving troops to hot spots anywhere in the world if need be. And if a region goes hot, a government can turn over an airstrip to us or face being destroyed by the hostiles we are there to stop.

Some of the most naive ideas for diplomacy and foreign relations I have ever seen. And he actually found someone to agree
As if you even have a clue.
I'm for across the board cuts/freezes, with defense ON the table.

How many conservatives are with me? Or, how many conservatives here want to cut elsewhere while INCREASING military spending?

Which conservative are you?
I'll take some of that action.

In fact, we can close every base we have overseas and save money. Our Navy and Air Forces are more then up to the job of moving troops to hot spots anywhere in the world if need be. And if a region goes hot, a government can turn over an airstrip to us or face being destroyed by the hostiles we are there to stop.

Bring all of our people home.

Keep Defense spending at current levels for the next 10 years.

Pare down the Federal government to infrastructure and national parks (interstate highway systems) under the Department of the Interior.

Pare down the Department of State to embassies.

Charge the United Nations our yearly payments to them as a yearly rent with the stipulation that the United Nation becomes the United Free Nations and all countries that do not have governments elected by the people are to be removed.

Rescind all unfunded mandates to the States. Allow the States to govern themselves as they were intended. If they wish to keep an entitlement, they have the power and right to do so AND fund it with monies from the citizens of that state alone.

A good start.

I'm in favor of keeping naval bases overseas, as the Navy has two jobs in peace time: Protect the US Mainland and protect shipping flying USA colors.

A lot of the other stuff I'm in favor of. All told, I'm in favor of flat out withdrawing from the UN and starting from scratch. The General Assembly is a joke and the Security Council's rules are rigged to make it ineffective. Outside of WHO, UNICEF, I've yet to see much come out of the UN that can't be handled by regional alliance and diplomacy.

The rest is details. I think that at the very least food, water, and drug regulatory capabilities should continue at the State level, and the entitlements as the states see fit.
I would reduce the number of naval bases at the minimum. Many of them are just ports of call for liberty anyway and we can use allied host nation ports for that.

Like I said. It would be a good start.
You break it and now you are pissed because what we are trying to do is the opposite of what you did to break it.

That's just it, they are not doing the opposite of the Bush administration. The Obama admin is doubling and tripling what Bush et al did.
Kucinich thinks Obama's solution for health care is to feed the health insurance industry 70 billion, and why he opposes that corruption. Obama sold ewe out, start getting used to it. It might make the fall less painful.
It is now time for you to join those that opposed Bush, and admit increased government spending is absolutely the wrong direction for our nation. Cut spending, cut and reform government, make all public employees contribute to Social Security, look at drastically reducing government salaries, outlaw unfunded government pensions, outlaw government unions period, reduce Medicaid and Medicare payments and costs, get out of Iraq, and other nations, and stop the drug war in Afghanistan. The list goes on, the corruption and theft has to stop.

We need more Scott Brown's elected to fix our nation. Please help if you can.

garbage policy... virtually all of that. good luck with that scott brown thing, whoever that is.
The OP, like so many people on both sides of the aisle, finds the political stalwart of the moment and clings to them in idealistic fashion.

Scott Brown didn't magically become an uber-politician overnight. He happened to win the right race at the right time. He helped Dems end the recent he's showing he's not exactly who they're dreaming he is. Looking at the response on his Facebook page, a lot of people think he's a RINO.

But don't wake the OP up from his little dream world.
oh ya, now that the corrupt Red Cross stopped by, regulate "non-profit" salaries or tax the crap out of them. Enough with that liberal scam.

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