E Jean Carroll ready to sue trump again


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Ms Carroll sued trump for defimation, and was awarded 5 million dollars. Before he left the courthouse, he was still defaming her. She sued him again, and was awarded more than 80 million above the origonal 5 million. Trump as never been able to control himself, as the judge pointed out n court. E Jean Carroll and her lawyers will be monitering every word he says in the future in case another court case is called for. 5 million wasn't enough to make him stop. It's questionable whether the additional 80 million will be enough for him to control his vitriolic remarks. How much do you think the next award will be?
Ms Carroll sued trump for defimation, and was awarded 5 million dollars. Before he left the courthouse, he was still defaming her. She sued him again, and was awarded more than 80 million above the origonal 5 million. Trump as never been able to control himself, as the judge pointed out n court. E Jean Carroll and her lawyers will be monitering every word he says in the future in case another court case is called for. 5 million wasn't enough to make him stop. It's questionable whether the additional 80 million will be enough for him to control his vitriolic remarks. How much do you think the next award will be?

Doesn't matter. These cases are being financed by foreign never-Trumpers and Trump will never pay her a nickel of any of it.
Wtf is wrong with you?
Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Better look into it dolt. One study alone has shown the the inflow of money supporting the Fanni Willis case is TEN TIMES that usually amassed by similar cases in others.

These trials are just more shams of faux "justice."

We now live in a banana state where political opponents are "eliminated" with fake witnesses offering contrived, baseless claims before courts and judges who have already concluded your guilt before the first hearing begins.
Meanwhile, tons of poor white and black men and women in America, many of whom are homeless…

The evilness in this country where this woman and BLM type people get millions of dollars in bogus lawsuits for no good cause … it’s an abomination when you think about it with all these homeless Americans in our country. According to the LA Times a liberal news outlet, we have record homelessness in America.
Better look into it dolt. One study alone has shown the the inflow of money supporting the Fanni Willis case is TEN TIMES that usually amassed by similar cases in others.

These trials are just more shams of faux "justice."

We now live in a banana state where political opponents are "eliminated" with fake witnesses offering contrived, baseless claims before courts and judges who have already concluded your guilt before the first hearing begins.

State DA's are not funded by political pacs, moron.

My God, the stupidity here.
State DA's are not funded by political pacs, moron.

Idiot, I'm talking about the funding she attracted while running for office on THE PROMISE of getting Trump being her highest priority! And indeed, Atlanta languishes in rampant unprosecuted crime now as she centers her efforts on just "getting Trump." The money just POURED IN at a phenomenal rate just to get her in office to attack Trump, despite the fact that at that time, there had not yet even been an investigation proving grounds for a case.

Further, now Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney has excoriated Willis for hosting a fundraiser for a Democratic candidate running against one of the investigation’s potential targets. “It’s a ‘What are you thinking?’ moment,” McBurney said. “The optics are horrific.” Both statements could seriously impact the future of the investigation into Trump.
Seems a cause all would contribute too.
Seriously? Know any other public officials whose campaigns were funded for and they ran on getting just ONE MAN who at the time his guilt or participation in any crime was not even known?

Would you like an AG to ignore crimes against the people?
We have one. DA of Fulton Country Fanni Willis.

Seems the crime there in Fulton Country is over the top and all languishing on the back burner while their DA works on one specious case (in-between vacations with her squeeze she put on the payroll).
Seems the crime there in Fulton Country is over the top and all languishing on the back burner

Seems the right call considering the gravity of the case.
This is not about politics, this is about saving democracy.
Doesn't matter. These cases are being financed by foreign never-Trumpers and Trump will never pay her a nickel of any of it.
He and or his estate will indeed pay the principal and all interest and penalties.
Seems the right call considering the gravity of the case.
So murders, robberies, rapes and assaults can all wait because of one guy whom some tramp claims with highly conflicted dubious details happened 40 years ago yet never said or did a thing until it might help a democrat win an election?

This is not about politics, this is about saving democracy.
You had it right the first time, this is about politics. If a year from now, Biden is under trial for high crimes in office and is treated EXACTLY the same way, you will STILL be crying injustice and an affront to democracy.

How do you turnip-brains argue that you are "saving democracy" (in a sex assault case of all things) by VIOLATING the very laws upon which that democracy demands and depends?!

So murders, robberies, rapes and assaults can all wait because of one guy whom some tramp claims with highly conflicted dubious details happened 40 years ago yet never said or did a thing until it might help a democrat win an election?
You have no clue what is going on. You are confusing civil cases with criminal cases and you are confusing states and cases.
BTW, I know Trump did it and he was convicted by a juror of his peers but to bring charges 30 years later should not be allowed. The law needs to change. You know Trump raped his wife too don't you?
He did more than just grab pussy my evangelical friend.
You had it right the first time, this is about politics. If a year from now, Biden is under trial for high crimes in office and is treated EXACTLY the same way, you will STILL be crying injustice and an affront to democracy.
Biden has committed no crimes hence won't.
How do you turnip-brains argue that you are "saving democracy" (in a sex assault case of all things) by VIOLATING the very laws upon which that democracy demands and depends?!
No one said any such thing and turnip brains are you Jethros who have sacrificed your critical thinking skills for entry to the cult.
Information has come to the attention of some that E. Carroll is not telling the truth. You be the judge.

Is she a Democrat horse to ride to the end of President Trump, or is the fantasy something else?​
Information has come to the attention of some that E. Carroll is not telling the truth. You be the judge.

Is she a Democrat horse to ride to the end of President Trump, or is the fantasy something else?​

So blame the victim?

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