Dysfunctional California & It's Misguided Ruling Class

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The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Not only does California have an issue with illegal immigration, thumbing their noses at Federal Immigration Law, but they are overly reliant on slave labor and illegal immigrant populations for Federal Dollars to stop it from sinking in to a cesspool it has created for itself. Once Illegals are no longer to be counted in the Census, one wonders how bad things could get for an Out of Control State lead by Billionaire and Millionaire Liberals who think they are a government unto themselves.

Trump is right -- California is out of control

According to the Tax Foundation, California has the sixth-highest state-local tax burden as a percentage of income; ranks 48th in the State Business Tax Climate Index; has the most punishing individual top income tax bracket; and is home to the highest state sales tax. After passing a $52 billion fuel tax hike last year, California has moved closer to having the highest combined gasoline and diesel taxes in the country, though it’s not quite there yet.

If all this isn’t enough to convince the rest of the country that California lawmakers are out of control, add to it legislation that regulates cattle flatulence in the name of the climate; a law that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be cut 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, even though the law’s language says it will “at least” cost “hundreds of millions of dollars” a year; and a $15 minimum wage by 2022 that Brown admitted “may not make sense” economically and will without question depress employment

Packing up and moving out: People are leaving California in droves, including some High Desert residents

“Prop. 47 made a huge impact in our area and people are feeling uncomfortable and unsafe because crime is going up,” Sanchez said. “It’s unsettling to hear that someone was murdered last night, but in reality, this is still a very safe area compared to many places in California.”

Passed by California voters in Nov 2014, Prop.47 reduces certain drug possession felonies to misdemeanors. It also requires misdemeanor sentencing for petty theft, receiving stolen property and forging/writing bad checks when the amount involved is $950 or less.

San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said in 2017 that violent crime had risen over 20 percent in the High Desert since just a year earlier, the Daily Press reported.

With 33 murders last year in the High Desert, the area’s homicide rate jumped by 11 from the previous year, with Victorville seeing nearly half the homicides, with 15 reported. The city’s total equaled the combined number of homicides reported in the city in 2015 and 2016.

Before leaving, Christine Weisman said the couple had multiple conversations about moving because of the “worsening crime” in the Victor Valley, adding that, “You can only tell your scared kids so many times that gunshots are fireworks. ”

“It seemed like the Sheriff’s helicopter was always flying over our house, with the bullhorn blaring some kind of announcement,” Weisman said. “I think the only things I miss are my friends and the sun.”

Weisman’s said she was “surprised and blessed” when she received a call from a fellow mother who asked her about the “760 area code” on a birthday party invitation her daughter had received.

“I called her back and found out her and her husband both attended Hesperia Christian School,” Weisman said. “We go to the same church with them, our kids go to the same school and we hang out all the time. Crazy how they knew exactly why we wanted to leave the High Desert.”

A retired Sheriff’s deputy, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Daily Press “the increase in crime” in the Victor Valley was one of the main reasons he and his wife moved out of the High Desert.

“My wife couldn’t even go shopping at Winco without being accosted,” he said. “Something has to change when you don’t feel safe in public.”

Nevada sees population boost as people leave California in droves

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) - With Clark County reaching a population of 2.25 million, more and more people have been moving to Nevada.

The largest group of new Nevadans are coming from California. Look at any DMV around Las Vegas, and you'll see many license plates of people moving from the Golden State.

One of those new Nevadans is Scott Feidman, a musician and comedian who left Los Angeles because it was too expensive. He's planning to drive for Uber and Lyft while he figures out his next move in Las Vegas.

"Hopefully looking to settle into something permanent and really establish myself," he says.

He says the high taxes and cost of living and taxes were his main reasons for leaving California.

And he's not alone. The Bay Area is also experiencing a mass exodus, with so many people leaving that they're running out of U-Haul trucks.

At latest check, the estimate for a rental truck from San Francisco to Las Vegas is around $2,000. But going the other direction, it's only about $120.

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In case you wanted to catch a glimpse of how socialism will morph into feudalism, lets take a look at vast and rapidly growing skid row of LA.

Better known as the serfs at one time in history.
One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
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One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....
One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....

And I hope you realize that harboring Illegals, giving them Social Services Tax Dollars meant for Citizens and Veterans are why many Veterans are homeless.

Deport Illegals, Deny them Social Service Dollars, and give those Social Safety Net Dollars to American Citizens. For all of the money we spend on Illegals, we could build homes for every American Citizen in The United States and pay for all the mental health treatment they need, as well as vocational training and a full college education.

If you care so much about Veterans, you would be screaming at the top of your lungs to BAN Sanctuary Cities, punish people and politicians breaking Federal Law, and be demanding that all Illegals be deported!

Amnesty for illegal immigrants will cost America

The economist Milton Friedman warned that the United States cannot have open borders and an extensive welfare state. He was right, and his reasoning extends to amnesty for the more than 11 million unlawful immigrants in this country. In addition to being unfair to those who follow the law and encouraging more unlawful immigration in the future, amnesty has a substantial price tag.

An exhaustive study by the Heritage Foundation has found that after amnesty, current unlawful immigrants would receive $9.4 trillion in government benefits and services and pay more than $3 trillion in taxes over their lifetimes. That leaves a net fiscal deficit (benefits minus taxes) of $6.3 trillion. That deficit would have to be financed by increasing the government debt or raising taxes on U.S. citizens.

For centuries immigration has been vital to our nation’s health, and it will be essential to our future success. Yet immigrants should come to our nation lawfully and should not impose additional fiscal costs on our overburdened taxpayers. An efficient and merit-based system would help our economy and lessen the burden on taxpayers, strengthening our nation.
yes i realize that,but you did not until i reminded you,otherwise you would not have lumped all these people into the same group...you said ...
Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
First off, I don’t give a shit what you think about. Get rid of these illegals and take The Citizens who are Veterans and get them the help they need instead of pissing our tax dollars down the drain on illegals.

$6 Trillion is a lot of Tax Money we could use for that instead of wasting it on parasites from other countries here illegally.

yes i realize that,but you did not until i reminded you,otherwise you would not have lumped all these people into the same group...you said ...
Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
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One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....

At one time. Now they are barely human beings. Go there. See it for yourself. Naturally we must help them. The answer is to reduce the number of those needing help by sending those here illegally back where they came from. There is nothing good about an illegal taking a bed in a homeless shelter that could have gone to one of your veterans.
One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....

At one time. Now they are barely human beings. Go there. See it for yourself. Naturally we must help them. The answer is to reduce the number of those needing help by sending those here illegally back where they came from. There is nothing good about an illegal taking a bed in a homeless shelter that could have gone to one of your veterans.

the bright spot is there is hope for california to be reformed with Trump in office.thank god he got elected cause nothing would have changed had the evil witch been elected. Trump is getting rid of the illegals so there is a good chance california can FINALLY be reformed especially since he is draining the swamp which means all these corrupt politicians there will finally get along over due boot in the butt and out of there and be replaced with politicians who serve the people instead of the corporations and bankers.
In case you wanted to catch a glimpse of how socialism will morph into feudalism, lets take a look at vast and rapidly growing skid row of LA.

Better known as the serfs at one time in history.

Did you know that in liberal utopia Portland, OR they grew tired of the homeless camps and mess near a city park so they passed an ordinance making it illegal to camp there and rousted the homeless people out of the area. That's how much liberals care.
Not only does California have an issue with illegal immigration, thumbing their noses at Federal Immigration Law, but they are overly reliant on slave labor and illegal immigrant populations for Federal Dollars to stop it from sinking in to a cesspool it has created for itself. Once Illegals are no longer to be counted in the Census, one wonders how bad things could get for an Out of Control State lead by Billionaire and Millionaire Liberals who think they are a government unto themselves.

Trump is right -- California is out of control

According to the Tax Foundation, California has the sixth-highest state-local tax burden as a percentage of income; ranks 48th in the State Business Tax Climate Index; has the most punishing individual top income tax bracket; and is home to the highest state sales tax. After passing a $52 billion fuel tax hike last year, California has moved closer to having the highest combined gasoline and diesel taxes in the country, though it’s not quite there yet.

If all this isn’t enough to convince the rest of the country that California lawmakers are out of control, add to it legislation that regulates cattle flatulence in the name of the climate; a law that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be cut 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, even though the law’s language says it will “at least” cost “hundreds of millions of dollars” a year; and a $15 minimum wage by 2022 that Brown admitted “may not make sense” economically and will without question depress employment

Packing up and moving out: People are leaving California in droves, including some High Desert residents

“Prop. 47 made a huge impact in our area and people are feeling uncomfortable and unsafe because crime is going up,” Sanchez said. “It’s unsettling to hear that someone was murdered last night, but in reality, this is still a very safe area compared to many places in California.”

Passed by California voters in Nov 2014, Prop.47 reduces certain drug possession felonies to misdemeanors. It also requires misdemeanor sentencing for petty theft, receiving stolen property and forging/writing bad checks when the amount involved is $950 or less.

San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said in 2017 that violent crime had risen over 20 percent in the High Desert since just a year earlier, the Daily Press reported.

With 33 murders last year in the High Desert, the area’s homicide rate jumped by 11 from the previous year, with Victorville seeing nearly half the homicides, with 15 reported. The city’s total equaled the combined number of homicides reported in the city in 2015 and 2016.

Before leaving, Christine Weisman said the couple had multiple conversations about moving because of the “worsening crime” in the Victor Valley, adding that, “You can only tell your scared kids so many times that gunshots are fireworks. ”

“It seemed like the Sheriff’s helicopter was always flying over our house, with the bullhorn blaring some kind of announcement,” Weisman said. “I think the only things I miss are my friends and the sun.”

Weisman’s said she was “surprised and blessed” when she received a call from a fellow mother who asked her about the “760 area code” on a birthday party invitation her daughter had received.

“I called her back and found out her and her husband both attended Hesperia Christian School,” Weisman said. “We go to the same church with them, our kids go to the same school and we hang out all the time. Crazy how they knew exactly why we wanted to leave the High Desert.”

A retired Sheriff’s deputy, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Daily Press “the increase in crime” in the Victor Valley was one of the main reasons he and his wife moved out of the High Desert.

“My wife couldn’t even go shopping at Winco without being accosted,” he said. “Something has to change when you don’t feel safe in public.”

Nevada sees population boost as people leave California in droves

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) - With Clark County reaching a population of 2.25 million, more and more people have been moving to Nevada.

The largest group of new Nevadans are coming from California. Look at any DMV around Las Vegas, and you'll see many license plates of people moving from the Golden State.

One of those new Nevadans is Scott Feidman, a musician and comedian who left Los Angeles because it was too expensive. He's planning to drive for Uber and Lyft while he figures out his next move in Las Vegas.

"Hopefully looking to settle into something permanent and really establish myself," he says.

He says the high taxes and cost of living and taxes were his main reasons for leaving California.

And he's not alone. The Bay Area is also experiencing a mass exodus, with so many people leaving that they're running out of U-Haul trucks.

At latest check, the estimate for a rental truck from San Francisco to Las Vegas is around $2,000. But going the other direction, it's only about $120.

Leaving LA to go to nevada,seriously? might as well just stay in california.same thing,no difference.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

Nevada made the top 10 list where california did not.:haha:

  1. New Mexico
  2. Arkansas
  3. Mississippi
  4. Louisiana
  5. Alabama
  6. South Carolina
  7. Oklahoma
  8. Arizona
  9. Georgia
  10. Nevada
These Are 10 Worst States In America For 2018

Study ranked Nevada as second worst place to retire in the country

its ALSO the worst state to raise a family even worse than california with the worst school system in the country,.:biggrin:

Nevada's education system, again, ranks worst in the nation

EASILY the worst place in the country to raise a family.HEE HEE
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One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....

At one time. Now they are barely human beings. Go there. See it for yourself. Naturally we must help them. The answer is to reduce the number of those needing help by sending those here illegally back where they came from. There is nothing good about an illegal taking a bed in a homeless shelter that could have gone to one of your veterans.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

Blowing our Tax Dollars on Illegals is the Equivalent of Throwing Grandma off of The Cliff!
One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....

At one time. Now they are barely human beings. Go there. See it for yourself. Naturally we must help them. The answer is to reduce the number of those needing help by sending those here illegally back where they came from. There is nothing good about an illegal taking a bed in a homeless shelter that could have gone to one of your veterans.

the bright spot is there is hope for california to be reformed with Trump in office.thank god he got elected cause nothing would have changed had the evil witch been elected. Trump is getting rid of the illegals so there is a good chance california can FINALLY be reformed especially since he is draining the swamp which means all these corrupt politicians there will finally get along over due boot in the butt and out of there and be replaced with politicians who serve the people instead of the corporations and bankers.
The biggest change he has made was to reduce the influence of lobbyists, and make it harder for politicians to leave office and immediately start working for lobbyists.
First off, I don’t give a shit what you think about. Get rid of these illegals and take The Citizens who are Veterans and get them the help they need instead of pissing our tax dollars down the drain on illegals.

$6 Trillion is a lot of Tax Money we could use for that instead of wasting it on parasites from other countries here illegally.

yes i realize that,but you did not until i reminded you,otherwise you would not have lumped all these people into the same group...you said ...
Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i dont think many here give a shit about your anxieties either...
One thing you will notice in this video is that people absolutely ignore traffic lights. They cross the street wherever they feel like it, when they feel like it, forcing you to stop your vehicle unexpectedly anywhere at any given time.

Also, I have never seen a more filthy place. It's a fucking tent city full of dirty gypsies, and that is giving dirty gypsies a bad name, because these people are dirtier and more disgusting than any population I have ever seen.

It's indescribable actually. It's so bad that they had to create "Shit Map" apps to warn people about human excrement on the streets and sidewalks.

Any Government with any sense would burn these tent cities down, and cooperate with ICE and deport all of these parasites, rather than harbor them and let them destroy and deplete the Social Safety net we have for our own citizens.
i hope you do realize that many of those homeless "parasites" are American citizens,many of them Veterans....

At one time. Now they are barely human beings. Go there. See it for yourself. Naturally we must help them. The answer is to reduce the number of those needing help by sending those here illegally back where they came from. There is nothing good about an illegal taking a bed in a homeless shelter that could have gone to one of your veterans.
and of course im sure you went there and saw it for yourself.....
Not only does California have an issue with illegal immigration, thumbing their noses at Federal Immigration Law, but they are overly reliant on slave labor and illegal immigrant populations for Federal Dollars to stop it from sinking in to a cesspool it has created for itself. Once Illegals are no longer to be counted in the Census, one wonders how bad things could get for an Out of Control State lead by Billionaire and Millionaire Liberals who think they are a government unto themselves.

Trump is right -- California is out of control

According to the Tax Foundation, California has the sixth-highest state-local tax burden as a percentage of income; ranks 48th in the State Business Tax Climate Index; has the most punishing individual top income tax bracket; and is home to the highest state sales tax. After passing a $52 billion fuel tax hike last year, California has moved closer to having the highest combined gasoline and diesel taxes in the country, though it’s not quite there yet.

If all this isn’t enough to convince the rest of the country that California lawmakers are out of control, add to it legislation that regulates cattle flatulence in the name of the climate; a law that requires greenhouse gas emissions to be cut 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, even though the law’s language says it will “at least” cost “hundreds of millions of dollars” a year; and a $15 minimum wage by 2022 that Brown admitted “may not make sense” economically and will without question depress employment

Packing up and moving out: People are leaving California in droves, including some High Desert residents

“Prop. 47 made a huge impact in our area and people are feeling uncomfortable and unsafe because crime is going up,” Sanchez said. “It’s unsettling to hear that someone was murdered last night, but in reality, this is still a very safe area compared to many places in California.”

Passed by California voters in Nov 2014, Prop.47 reduces certain drug possession felonies to misdemeanors. It also requires misdemeanor sentencing for petty theft, receiving stolen property and forging/writing bad checks when the amount involved is $950 or less.

San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon said in 2017 that violent crime had risen over 20 percent in the High Desert since just a year earlier, the Daily Press reported.

With 33 murders last year in the High Desert, the area’s homicide rate jumped by 11 from the previous year, with Victorville seeing nearly half the homicides, with 15 reported. The city’s total equaled the combined number of homicides reported in the city in 2015 and 2016.

Before leaving, Christine Weisman said the couple had multiple conversations about moving because of the “worsening crime” in the Victor Valley, adding that, “You can only tell your scared kids so many times that gunshots are fireworks. ”

“It seemed like the Sheriff’s helicopter was always flying over our house, with the bullhorn blaring some kind of announcement,” Weisman said. “I think the only things I miss are my friends and the sun.”

Weisman’s said she was “surprised and blessed” when she received a call from a fellow mother who asked her about the “760 area code” on a birthday party invitation her daughter had received.

“I called her back and found out her and her husband both attended Hesperia Christian School,” Weisman said. “We go to the same church with them, our kids go to the same school and we hang out all the time. Crazy how they knew exactly why we wanted to leave the High Desert.”

A retired Sheriff’s deputy, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Daily Press “the increase in crime” in the Victor Valley was one of the main reasons he and his wife moved out of the High Desert.

“My wife couldn’t even go shopping at Winco without being accosted,” he said. “Something has to change when you don’t feel safe in public.”

Nevada sees population boost as people leave California in droves

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) - With Clark County reaching a population of 2.25 million, more and more people have been moving to Nevada.

The largest group of new Nevadans are coming from California. Look at any DMV around Las Vegas, and you'll see many license plates of people moving from the Golden State.

One of those new Nevadans is Scott Feidman, a musician and comedian who left Los Angeles because it was too expensive. He's planning to drive for Uber and Lyft while he figures out his next move in Las Vegas.

"Hopefully looking to settle into something permanent and really establish myself," he says.

He says the high taxes and cost of living and taxes were his main reasons for leaving California.

And he's not alone. The Bay Area is also experiencing a mass exodus, with so many people leaving that they're running out of U-Haul trucks.

At latest check, the estimate for a rental truck from San Francisco to Las Vegas is around $2,000. But going the other direction, it's only about $120.

Leaving LA to go to nevada,seriously? might as well just stay in california.same thing,no difference.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

Nevada made the top 10 list where california did not.:haha:

  1. New Mexico
  2. Arkansas
  3. Mississippi
  4. Louisiana
  5. Alabama
  6. South Carolina
  7. Oklahoma
  8. Arizona
  9. Georgia
  10. Nevada
These Are 10 Worst States In America For 2018

Study ranked Nevada as second worst place to retire in the country

its ALSO the worst state to raise a family even worse than california with the worst school system in the country,.:biggrin:

Nevada's education system, again, ranks worst in the nation

EASILY the worst place in the country to raise a family.HEE HEE
the cost of living and taxes are much lower here than in cal....and here i can put up top tens too....

15 Worst States in America to Make a Living
15 Worst States to Live in During Retirement
The Worst States to Retire In
First of all illegals can not get assistance from the government. Second we the people of California voted for the tax increase to get back to solvency. Third it was the republican governors who wanted and pushed through measures to reduce taxes and increase subsidies for corporations. Forth it is odd that the envy for the success of California makes you want to always talk about it and not how bad YOUR shithole states are!
First of all illegals can not get assistance from the government. Second we the people of California voted for the tax increase to get back to solvency. Third it was the republican governors who wanted and pushed through measures to reduce taxes and increase subsidies for corporations. Forth it is odd that the envy for the success of California makes you want to always talk about it and not how bad YOUR shithole states are!
i will disagree with you on one point.....illegals do get assistance....i knew a few who were getting aid for their many kids....
First of all illegals can not get assistance from the government. Second we the people of California voted for the tax increase to get back to solvency. Third it was the republican governors who wanted and pushed through measures to reduce taxes and increase subsidies for corporations. Forth it is odd that the envy for the success of California makes you want to always talk about it and not how bad YOUR shithole states are!

Let's begin with your first lie...dumbass.
Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
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