During His Campaign Trump Promised: He’d “Rarely Leave the White House"


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Everyone remembers the conservatives’ constant b!tching about the money spent when President Obama would travel for a weekend in Martha’s Vineyard, a vacation in Hawaii, etc. Those expenses averaged a staggering $12.1 million per year.

During Obama’s two terms, Der Gropenfürher b!tched about the about taxpayers “paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One.” He complained how it “cost millions of dollars a day, for politics and play.”

At this point in this post, conservatives are reminded of how much they too complained about those expenses. (Take time to grind your teeth and swear about that dam*ed Obama.)

But now that Der Gropenfürher has the use of Air Force 1, the Secret Service, the Coast Guard, etc., his first month in office is already approaching what it cost tax payers for a year of President Obama’s travels.

Three weekend trips to his private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida are estimated to have cost tax payers $10 million. This includes: “Coast Guard units to patrol the exposed shoreline and other military, security and staffing expenses associated with moving the apparatus of the presidency.”

In addition to the three Mar-a-Lago getaways, combined with the hundreds of thousands of public dollars spent on Secret Service protection during two international trips Trump’s adult sons have taken to promote their father’s business, cost taxpayers about $11.3 million over the first month of Trump’s presidency.”

Der Gropenfürher’s first month’s travel expenses for himself and for the business trips his sons have taken to benefit Dad’s private profits are only $8 hundred thousand less than a full year’s costs for President Obama.

Where is that famous Republican/conservative fiscal responsibility? More over, where is that conservative rage over the tax payer money being spent on lavish trips by the chief executive?

Again, the conservatives’ hypocrisy has the rest of the American people laughing at them. You righties are indeed, the nation’s laughing stock.

All together now, people who didn't vote for Der Gropenfürher, laugh at the righties. (Keep in mind, he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.)

Trump’s first month travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year


Living Blue In a Red State.jpg

This story has been posted, and discredited, about 14 million times on this site alone.

Kill it.
Right wing BS does not discredit the legitimate press, despite what Der Gropenfürher and his minions claim.

That aside, another expense of Der Gropenfürher’s presidency, “taxpayers are also on the hook for protecting First Lady Melania Trump, who has decided to continue living in New York City. According to the Post, police officials estimate the annual cost of guarding Trump Tower could be as high as $183 million.”

But on the up side as far as Der Gropenfürher is concerned (and this should make his fans wildly happy), “Trump stands to benefit from all these taxpayers expenses. In order to have constant access to the commander-in-chief, the military is forced to rent space in Trump Tower at a taxpayer cost estimated to be $1.5 million annually, with the money lining the Trump family’s pockets. Relocating the executive branch to Mar-a-Lago each weekend raises the profile of the club and encourages people to pay for the access a $200,000 membership provides. And the Trump sons’ international business trips generate free publicity for the Trump Organization, while their appearances at the White House reinforce the message that doing business with them is a way to gain access to their father.”

Conflict of interest, definitely. Do conservatives care, of course not, their Gropenfürher is a Republican, so anything goes.

Right wing BS does not discredit the legitimate press, despite what Der Gropenfürher and his minions claim.

That aside, another expense of Der Gropenfürher’s presidency, “taxpayers are also on the hook for protecting First Lady Melania Trump, who has decided to continue living in New York City. According to the Post, police officials estimate the annual cost of guarding Trump Tower could be as high as $183 million.”

But on the up side as far as Der Gropenfürher is concerned (and this should make his fans wildly happy), “Trump stands to benefit from all these taxpayers expenses. In order to have constant access to the commander-in-chief, the military is forced to rent space in Trump Tower at a taxpayer cost estimated to be $1.5 million annually, with the money lining the Trump family’s pockets. Relocating the executive branch to Mar-a-Lago each weekend raises the profile of the club and encourages people to pay for the access a $200,000 membership provides. And the Trump sons’ international business trips generate free publicity for the Trump Organization, while their appearances at the White House reinforce the message that doing business with them is a way to gain access to their father.”

Conflict of interest, definitely. Do conservatives care, of course not, their Gropenfürher is a Republican, so anything goes.


None are so blind as those who will not see. None are so deaf as those who will not listen.

Rant on. Just don't expect us to participate.
View attachment 113450
lame ass resistance....not going so hot.
Looks like all the components of the party are represented though, from right to left, a black woman, the handicap, three unemployed men from the "Y", a "it's what's on the inside that counts" chic, a live garden gnome, and a peta dude trying to save some small animal from extinction and in the back ground are the obligatory "it takes a village" third generation folks from the commune where they were told trump wants to build condos on
View attachment 113450
lame ass resistance....not going so hot.
Looks like all the components of the party are represented though, from right to left, a black woman, the handicap, three unemployed men from the "Y", a "it's what's on the inside that counts" chic, a live garden gnome, and a peta dude trying to save some small animal from extinction and in the back ground are the obligatory "it takes a village" third generation folks from the commune where they were told trump wants to build condos on
also the mentally ill, the homosexual, and the homeless.


Ivanka Trump’s signature perfume soars to No. 1 on Amazon
I'd say its a hell of a lot cheaper to fly to Florida than it is to Hawaii.

I doubt the first lady will be taking all the vacations Mooch, her relatives and daughters took in the middle of the economic meltdown.

Trump could actually be paying for every one of his flights to Florida out of his own pocket. He'd never tell anyone that because that's the guy he is.

Oh and he's not taking a salary either.

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