Duggars' cult exposed


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
In the wake of the molestation scandal, more of the Duggars' cult is coming to light. In particular how Duggar senior said in 2002 while running for political office how rapists and incest-offenders should be executed.

The Bible says death for many things but not rape nor incest. So apparently Mr. Duggar think he knows better than God.

As Duggar Dad Ran On A Political Platform Saying Rape And Incest Merited Capital Punishment He Was Covering Up His Son s Actions

And just when you think cults don't get much worse, they do. In a related story:

Arizona pastor s wife condemns liberal Duggars Sexual deviants should be executed

"The wife of an Arizona pastor who predicted an “AIDS-free Christmas” if all gays were killed has condemned the Duggar family – as “worldly” liberals who promote a “false gospel.”

Zsuzsanna Anderson said she had never met the stars of TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting,” but the mother of eight children has streamed every one of their regular episodes and specials because she likes “seeing and learning from the daily workings of a large family.”

The wife of Pastor Steven Anderson, who bars homosexuals and demands silence from women at his Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, said in a blog post she disapproved of the “deceptive” way the Duggars practiced their faith."

...Reading the article I agree completely with your husband demanding you be silent. ;)
I've always said that people should be allowed to believe whatever they wish and that believing a magical, invisible creatures flying around our heads is mostly a harmless delusion. This quiverfull cult is dangerous and harmful and I suspect other evangelical cults could be somewhat similar.

Its not just that they harm individuals - women and children - We need to be aware that several far right politicians are supportive of them.

There are several links about it in this thread.

The Duggars are now closer to God US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
people supporting diddling little kids.....amazing....and these are the moral americans...the real americans....the christian god fearing americans....
Duggar should run for president on the GOP ticket with all the support he's receiving from Republicans.
Sounds more like running as a Democrat would pay off. Being a Democrat is just a get out of jail free card. Deviant behavior is damn near a resume enhancement to liberals.

Their top candidate lies every time she opens her mouth.....her husband has been accused of rape, convicted of perjury, and she's been taking bribes from our deadliest enemies in hopes that she sells out America's national security.

Their current president lied about his stance on homosexuality, uses the IRS to attack critics and anyone that pisses him off, has secretly been causing riots in big cities all over the country, giving arms to Islamic nutcases, been involved in numerous criminal conspiracies, and committed multiple counts of fraud to get his healthcare bill passed and get re-elected, and is illegally transporting hundreds of thousands of foreigners into this country so they can vote in our elections.

This Duggar fellow may have done some things in his past......but no liberal critic has room to talk considering the scumbags they regularly support for president....much less back up as a private citizen.
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Duggar should run for president on the GOP ticket with all the support he's receiving from Republicans.
Sounds more like running as a Democrat would pay off. Being a Democrat is just a get out of jail free card. Deviant behavior is damn near a resume enhancement to liberals.

Their top candidate lies every time she opens her mouth.....her husband has been accused of rape, convicted of perjury, and she's been taking bribes from our deadliest enemies in hopes that she sells out America's national security.

Their current president lied about his stance on homosexuality, uses the IRS to attack critics and anyone that pisses him off, has secretly been causing riots in big cities all over the country, giving arms to Islamic nutcases, been involved in numerous criminal conspiracies, and committed multiple counts of fraud to get his healthcare bill passed and get re-elected, and is illegally transporting hundreds of thousands of foreigners into this country so they can vote in our elections.

This Duggar fellow may have done some things in his past......but any liberal critic has no room to talk considering the scumbags they regularly support for president....much less back up as a private citizen.
Amazing to see you defending a child molester.
Its not just that they harm individuals - women and children - We need to be aware that several far right politicians are supportive of them.

I suspect there may be many more than just a few, but once aware, what then?

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." ?
Surely it's improper to be involved with these issues, somewhat disturbing that somebody would think to make a TV show about some child molester cult. Maybe a horror movie or something, or if it was a documentary about it, but apparently it's some reality show like to lure people into watching it religiously, and then all of a sudden they hit the audience with a scandal about it. The TV station probably knew about it the whole time, I don't trust anything on there. And that Pastor Steven Anderson from Arizona, I've heard of that guy before, seen some videos on the YouTube where he's standing there giving a lecture about how awful are the Jews, yet the whole time he's got Hebrew writing on the wall behind him. I should find the link to that but I won't because I don't like how he twists the Bible around. They got more hatred for Jews than they have love for Jesus, and that's just backwards. Famous people do not represent true faith, just doesn't happen, not in America.
Josh just needs to ask the jeebus for forgiveness and all will be right with the world.

What's for lunch?
Josh Duggar didn’t make a “mistake” — he’s going to get away with sexual assault

If we accept the family's minimizing language, are we endorsing the Duggar son's crimes?
It is a crime for which Duggar will never be charged; which neither he nor his family will likely ever call by name; and which he’ll get away with committing. He admitted to something — ostensibly, to committing acts of violence against children, against his own sisters — but it doesn’t matter. Duggar might have resigned from his job, but otherwise, the whole situation has been set up to play out in his favor.

Duggar’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle, are well-known Quiverfull adherents, members of an extremist Christian denomination steeped deeply in the purity movement. As several commentators have already pointed out, that movement grants Duggar and other abusers like him a reprieve from ever being held accountable for their actions; it is a culture that places blame on the victims of sexual abuse, and demands not only mercy for abusers, but protection for them as well.

As Stephanie McNeal points out at BuzzFeed, that’s exactly the sort of response Jim Bob and Michelle have already had to their son’s confession, and could cause irreparable harm to his victims. The language the Duggars have chosen to describe the assaults — that they were merely “mistakes” — undermines the seriousness of the abuse, McNeal writes:

Abuse survivors and experts told BuzzFeed News the Duggars’ description of the abuse as a “mistake” diminishes both the effect on victims and the seriousness of the crime.

“I wouldn’t say it’s a mistake, I would say it’s sexual abuse, something that is such a serious crime,” one survivor of sibling sexual assault, who wished to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed News. “You say, oops I dropped my coffee, that’s a mistake.”

[California School of Professional Psychology] Professor [John] Caffaro agreed, telling BuzzFeed News that the incidents described in the allegations against Josh Duggar are “clearly more than a ‘mistake.’”

“[The abuse] potentially signals the presence of individual psychopathology, developmental trauma, and significant family dysfunction,” he said. [...]

The family environment can also play a factor in sibling sexual abuse. Research suggests this type of abuse is more common in large families where there are blurred lines between who is a parent and who is a child, Caffaro said.

“Emotionally and/or physically absent parents may empower older siblings to assume parental roles,” he said.

Parents in these types of families are also more prone to dismissing the abuse, he said.

“If sexual behaviors are noticed, they are likely to be minimized and misinterpreted as a normal aspect of childhood development,” Caffaro said.
the extent you guys will go to attack the duggars is telling and scary


The extent that so-called "christians" will go to excuse child sexual abuse is what is telling.

Honestly, I just don't get it. You are saying its okay with you "christians" that these vile cultists beat and sexually abuse children as young as 4 or 5 years old.

That's reprehensible.
the extent you guys will go to attack the duggars is telling and scary


The extent that so-called "christians" will go to excuse child sexual abuse is what is telling.

Honestly, I just don't get it. You are saying its okay with you "christians" that these vile cultists beat and sexually abuse children as young as 4 or 5 years old.

That's reprehensible.
It is people like avatar that gives Christians a bad name.
the extent you guys will go to attack the duggars is telling and scary


The extent that so-called "christians" will go to excuse child sexual abuse is what is telling.

Honestly, I just don't get it. You are saying its okay with you "christians" that these vile cultists beat and sexually abuse children as young as 4 or 5 years old.

That's reprehensible.

I don't see how owning up to it is excusing it.

Nor do I see your attempt to attack Christians for actually living what they preach by forgiving people or attacking them for what their family members do is giving a Damon about the victims. You're just victimizing them again to attack good decent people. You don't care about them in the slightest. The victim is just a weapon to you to use for propaganda purposes. It's pretty sick and demented
the extent you guys will go to attack the duggars is telling and scary


The extent that so-called "christians" will go to excuse child sexual abuse is what is telling.

Honestly, I just don't get it. You are saying its okay with you "christians" that these vile cultists beat and sexually abuse children as young as 4 or 5 years old.

That's reprehensible.
It is people like avatar that gives Christians a bad name.

Yes those horrible Christians who don't like seeing people lie about decent people. Or smear them for the actions of a family member. Or *gasps* actually forgives people when they confess and forsake their sins.

You guys need to start worrying about your own sins. Cause I can promise you, that the duggars are in a much better position than most of you are.
the extent you guys will go to attack the duggars is telling and scary


The extent that so-called "christians" will go to excuse child sexual abuse is what is telling.

Honestly, I just don't get it. You are saying its okay with you "christians" that these vile cultists beat and sexually abuse children as young as 4 or 5 years old.

That's reprehensible.
It is people like avatar that gives Christians a bad name.

Yes those horrible Christians who don't like seeing people lie about decent people. Or smear them for the actions of a family member. Or *gasps* actually forgives people when they confess and forsake their sins.

You guys need to start worrying about your own sins. Cause I can promise you, that the duggars are in a much better position than most of you are.
Well, that didn't take long. Thinly veiled threats of gawds prescription (as delivered by Avatar), for what awaits the heathens.

Child molesters (as long as they're Christian), are in a "better position" than most of us?

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