Dueling Prosecutors


Sep 23, 2010
There is not a chance Mueller’s investigation will lead to the Huma Abedin/Hillary Clinton connection to the Muslim Brotherhood.​

Clay Feet In Charge

A shootout at the Federal Corral is the best idea of all:

Writing in National Review, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy suggests President Trump should flip the script on his inquisitors in three bold moves that would turn Democrats from hunters into the hunted:

Appoint a special counsel to investigate political spying, including unmasking and leaks to the media.

Have Congress hold hearings on whether the Obama Justice Department colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Have Congress hold hearings on collusion between the Clinton Foundation and Russia.

McCarthy contends those investigations could succeed where the Trump-Russia collusion investigation failed, because, unlike the latter, there is evidence of actual wrongdoing.​

Trump urged to appoint special prosecutor on Obama's spying
Posted By Garth Kant On 05/24/2017 @ 9:04 pm

Trump urged to appoint special prosecutor on Obama’s spying

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