'Duck Dynasty' Under Fire Following Star's Incendiary Anti-Gay Remarks

All these cries for censorship are premature.

You libs need to give Your New Messiah a little longer to consolidate His dictatorship then simple executive orders will accomplish all the muzzling for which you so Jones but Congress will not accept.

Patience, boys and girls, patience.....
bullshit! again your total ignorance about the entertainment bizz is hilarious..

Some stations don't like having hippy dipshits on their station, what can I say?
and you'd be talking out your ass....radio stations tailor their music to a targeted demographic..
as you said so ignorantly " hippy dipshits" any radio station that plays " hippy dipshits" music was programmed to do so...what a douche nozzle.

Exactly, hippy dipshits weren't their demographic, so they booted the Dixie Chicks.

Why you mad?
Some stations don't like having hippy dipshits on their station, what can I say?
and you'd be talking out your ass....radio stations tailor their music to a targeted demographic..
as you said so ignorantly " hippy dipshits" any radio station that plays " hippy dipshits" music was programmed to do so...what a douche nozzle.

Exactly, hippy dipshits weren't their demographic, so they booted the Dixie Chicks.

Why you mad?
not mad or angry ...if the dixie chicks were not in the demographic they would not be aired on a non hippy dipshit station..
do you enjoy being wrong?
and you'd be talking out your ass....radio stations tailor their music to a targeted demographic..
as you said so ignorantly " hippy dipshits" any radio station that plays " hippy dipshits" music was programmed to do so...what a douche nozzle.

Exactly, hippy dipshits weren't their demographic, so they booted the Dixie Chicks.

Why you mad?
not mad or angry ...if the dixie chicks were not in the demographic they would not be aired on a non hippy dipshit station..
do you enjoy being wrong?

And they weren't aired. There you go.
Exactly, hippy dipshits weren't their demographic, so they booted the Dixie Chicks.

Why you mad?
not mad or angry ...if the dixie chicks were not in the demographic they would not be aired on a non hippy dipshit station..
do you enjoy being wrong?

And they weren't aired. There you go.
of course they were they never stopped being played here in California... yep you enjoy it!
What's the suicide rate out there in Ontario? I have only stopped to get gas or use the restroom on the way to Vegas. What's it like living there?
I think that it is always a good idea to keep Bush supporters seperate. Bush's mind works in stange ways, and it might be catching. As "Dan" Quayle once said, "A mind is a terrible thing to lose".
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind... or not to have a mind as being very wasteful. How true that is".

--- Vice President of the United States of America, grasping for the United Negro College Fund's slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste".


Can't blame him -- out of the four words United Negro College Fund he was only familiar with the last one.

"oh lordy, I gots to figure out a way to get some of dat A&E and cracker barrel loot"

Jesse Jackson Calls 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson 'More Offensive' Than Rosa Parks' Bus Driver

6:51 AM PST 12/26/2013 by Hilary Lewis

The civil-rights activist and religious leader also wants to meet with A&E and Cracker Barrel about the future of content and memorabilia associated with the show following the star's controversial comments about gays and African-Americans.


A&E placed Robertson on indefinite suspension shortly after his remarks, published in the magazine's January issue, debuted online. But Jackson, his Rainbow PUSH Coalition and GLAAD, which condemned Robertson's remarks and commended A&E for its swift action against the Duck Dynasty star, want to meet with network executives about the future of the show, according to ABC News. They also want to meet with the CEO of Cracker Barrel, which pulled all Duck Dynasty memorabilia last Friday before backtracking two days later.


Jesse Jackson Calls 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson 'More Offensive' Than Rosa Parks' Bus Driver - The Hollywood Reporter

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"Individual people" huh?

>> They disappeared from playlists and became the object of abuse from talk show hosts and newspaper columnists. Maines apologised, say ing: "Whoever holds that office [the presidency] should be treated with the utmost respect." That has not been enough for some.

Ooh, nooes! People talked about what happened! It was NEWS!

Still don't see anyone demanding that they be dropped from their record labels or otherwise deprived of their jobs.

Disappeared from playlists? Yeah, it's like radio stations make money by playing WHAT PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR, and no one wanted to hear them. That's what happens when you piss off your fans. But again, I don't remember any organized demands to the radio stations to ban them from their playlists.

Maines needs 24-hour security? Oh, please. For what? No one remembers her, or cares. If it makes her feel important and persecuted to pay that extra money, that's her business, but don't tell me she "needs" it without providing some evidence beyond her own ego and delusions.

Trash? Really? That's supposed to equal an organized protest to have her fired? I don't think so.

Her tour driver quit? Awwww. So what? People quit jobs.

Last time I checked, Toby Keith qualifies as an "individual person expressing his personal opinion".

I guess this is what one gets when one is stupid enough to read "The Guardian" and then get one's panties in a ruffle on cue when they shout, "Be outraged!"

"General death threats"? What the fuck is THAT? "Hey, let's try to capitalize on the controversy by pretending we're besieged"? I'm seeing nothing here but rumors and conjectures and delusions of grandeur on the part of a trio of really ignorant twats who misjudged their own fan base.

And Wikipedia? Dumbass, please. :eusa_hand:

"Oooh, we felt SOOOOO abused and put-upon. No, we have no proof. Just believe me that I'm a victim!"

Show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers demanding that this radio station pull the Dixie Chicks from the air. No? The business decided what to do on its own? Then I guess we're back where we always are with you: shut the fuck up, you whining moron.

Again, show me the protesters, the call for boycotts, the threats to advertisers, the attempts to FORCE these stations to change their behavior. You're probably too damned dirt-stupid to tell the difference between volitional business choices and extortion, but I'm not.

So what you're saying is that it was THE EXACT OPPOSITE of leftist behavior: instead of a loudly-whinging minority of people making demands and forcing their will on the business, the business capitalized on the controversy and voluntarily chose to take a side and made suggestions to the people.

Well, thanks for proving what I said earlier: you're an idiot.

Yeah, that falls under the heading of "individual people destroying their own property", like I said, shitforbrains. Since I don't see anything about "under increasing pressure from protest groups" regarding the radio stations - and haven't seen it a single time so far - I'm going to assume that, in fact, you have no evidence of anyone doing anything of the sort, and ignore such bullshit from here on.

Dixie Chicks Banned from Air after Bashing Bush ...
Radio Stations Boycott Dixie Chicks ...

Feeling "refreshed" yet?

How 'bout this bunch of "individual people"?
It's kinda weird that for a bunch of individuals who just happened upon a community bonfire, they still have a guy with a mic leading the whole affair...


Who said anything about "happened upon"? Amazingly enough, a group of people voluntarily agreeing to get together and destroy their own property actually qualifies as - let me know if this is going too fast for you - "individual people destroying their own property". I never said a fucking thing about spontaneous coincidences, I'm not interested in your desire to impose that particular random benchmark on what I said, and thank you for this entire, long-winded pissing and moaning that proved me EXACTLY right . . . not that it was needed.

To sum up, you're a fucking moron. Shut up until you figure out how to make your contradictions actually contradict something.

You should have asked what the picture of people back in the 60's had to do with the Dixie Chicks.

That would have required me to pay enough attention to his post to actually look at the picture he linked, and my give-a-fuck wore out about two sentences before that.
Interesting story update:

Cracker Barrel pulls “Duck Dynasty” merchandise, then remembers who its customers are

If there’s been a more embarrassing example of a corporation reflexively bowing before a small pressure group, then getting its boardroom butt kicked by angry customers and reversing their decision, I don’t know what it might be.

Having apparently gone temporarily insane and forgotten who their customer base is, down-home country restaurant chain Cracker Barrel hastily decided to yank “Duck Dynasty” merchandise off the shelves, because avowed Christian Phil Robertson decided to avow his Christianity in public, and also revealed himself as a blatant out-and-proud heterosexual. For some reason, Christians haven’t gotten the message that their religion must be practiced only in basements and remote, secluded areas; they’re not allowed to discuss it openly and retain access to the public square. I guess they’re still hung up on all that “freedom of religion” stuff the powdered-wig guys scribbled into the Constitution with their quill pens.

“We removed selected products which we were concerned might offend some of our guests while we evaluate the situation,” the company said in a statement, declaring that their corporate mission is “pleasing people,” which means they “operate within the ideals of fairness, mutual respect, and equal treatment of all people.”

Except Christians, of course. They seem to have noticed there was no impulse to treat them with “respect,” and they weren’t happy about it. They made their displeasure known to the company in what must have been epic volume, because just two days after ordering the Robertson family erased from its stores, Cracker Barrel issued one of the most amazing statements of apology you’ll ever read:

Dear Cracker Barrel Customer:

When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we’ve done.

You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren’t shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong.

We listened.

Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores.

And, we apologize for offending you.

We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different.

We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family.


Whoops. :lol:
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'Duck Dynasty': A&E resuming show with Phil Robertson

Dec. 27, 2013, 5:39 PM EST
By Tim Molloy


"Duck Dynasty" supporters have won their standoff with A&E: The network has reversed its suspension of star Phil Robertson for making anti-gay comments, and he will not miss a single episode of the upcoming season.

Shooting will resume in the spring, and will be accompanied by a series of public service announcements "promoting unity, tolerance and acceptance among all people, a message that supports our core values as a company, and the values found in 'Duck Dynasty,'" the network said.

The network suspended Robertson last Thursday after he compared gays to "drunks" and "terrorists" in a GQ interview in which he also said African-Americans were perfectly happy before Civil Rights.

But the network suffered a huge backlash from "Duck Dynasty" fans and social conservatives, who said it had limited Robertson's right to free speech.

Also from TheWrap: 'Duck Dynasty': Twitter Apologizes for 'Mistakenly' Blocking IStandWithPhil.com

'Duck Dynasty': A&E Resuming Show With Phil Robertson - MSN TV News
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Finally, something successfully stood in the way of some incredibly sensitive and perpetually-outraged homosexuals.

The Redneck who Lived.

'Duck Dynasty': Willie and Korie Robertson line up Fox News interview

By Pamela Gocobachi on Dec 30, 2013

The Robertson family has been keeping silent since the brief suspension of patriarch Phil Robertson from A&E’s popular reality TV series Duck Dynasty, but that silence will soon be broken.

Fox News announced Monday that Willie and Korie Robertson will participate in the network’s “All-American New Year” special, during which they’ll be interviewed by Bill Hemmer and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

The couple will be interviewed live from Steamboat Springs, Colorado, for their first television appearance since Phil was shortly suspended from the A&E reality show for the comments he made on homosexuality; Willie and Korie are slated to discuss the topic of Phil’s suspension among other things during Fox News’ New Year’s Eve programming.

While there was some question surrounding whether the Robertsons would be back for another season of Duck Dynasty without Phil, A&E quickly put those rumors to rest when Phil’s suspension was lifted on Dec. 27.


'Duck Dynasty': Willie and Korie Robertson line up Fox News interview | Inside TV | EW.com
Do you know why Liberals dont understand the Robertson's? It isn't their religion they just think that's a hoax no they dont understand the family unit. Most come from a broken family or one like mine where we all live in different states and dont get together all the time. The liberal machine has destroyed the family and now when they see what a real family looks like they are puzzled by it. Yes progressives this is what most families used to look like before we taught our boys they didn't need to respect women and our girls that being a whore meant personal power.
If everyone were fired for thinking or even saying anything against gays, we'd be at 95% unemployment. If I were in Phil's shoes, I'd make no more mention of this, and simply sever ties with A&E and move on to another network. or take my money and retire. Unfortunately all this does is once again fuel the idea that the poor gays are "victims" once again. I am sick of it. It plays right into the gays' hands. Once again they are center of attention. They are eating it up. And just because someone doesn't think being "gay" is normal, that doesn't mean we hate them or fear them (don't make me laugh!) or anything else. It is just not normal. Period.

How do you know what is 'normal'? Ten percent of the population is homosexual. Animals engage in same sex sexual activity. Prove, other than what your religion says, that homosexual behavior is not 'normal.' Empirically, with solid, indisputable, scientific evidence.

R U saying that homosexuals are like horny animals, SHAME on you...:eusa_shifty:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6_93gTYWmM]2 Live Crew - Me So Horny [Official Video] Dirty - YouTube[/ame]

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