Drilling Moratorium Extended for 7 Years


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is sure to be a huge saver or creator of Jobs in the Gulf:

The White House has confirmed that it is extending the moratorium on new drilling in the eastern Gulf for SEVEN YEARS.

The White House won't allow any new oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least the next seven years because of the BP oil spill.

A senior administration official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that drilling leases won't be considered in the waters off Florida as part of the change. He spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision hadn't been announced yet.

He said that because of the BP spill, the administration now understands the need to elevate safety and environmental standards. Before the spill, the administration had considered a plan to allow drilling in the eastern Gulf...

Official: Florida Coast Drilling Ban To Be Extended : NPR

But what kind of common sense can we expect from a government that forces a four year old boy who to remove his leg braces at airport security.

TSA apologizes for forcing 4-year-old to remove leg braces at airport screening -

An Obamanoid Motto: never use a scalpel when a chain saw is available.
Yeah just think of all those jobs that we could create cleaning up spills.
Yeah just think of all those jobs that we could create cleaning up spills.

You have GOT to be the DUMBEST person on USMB.

All those spills?


B/c of ONE spill OBAMA is killing 1 MILLION jobs. These jobs will not come back, b/c the companies will close and move on, it will take decades to recover from this stoopidity.

and your happy about it.
TM sees one point of data and thinks it's a trend.

Which 'Splains quite a bit about the lack of complexity in her neural synapses.
This is sure to be a huge saver or creator of Jobs in the Gulf:

The White House has confirmed that it is extending the moratorium on new drilling in the eastern Gulf for SEVEN YEARS.

The White House won't allow any new oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for at least the next seven years because of the BP oil spill.

A senior administration official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that drilling leases won't be considered in the waters off Florida as part of the change. He spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision hadn't been announced yet.

He said that because of the BP spill, the administration now understands the need to elevate safety and environmental standards. Before the spill, the administration had considered a plan to allow drilling in the eastern Gulf...

Official: Florida Coast Drilling Ban To Be Extended : NPR

But what kind of common sense can we expect from a government that forces a four year old boy who to remove his leg braces at airport security.

TSA apologizes for forcing 4-year-old to remove leg braces at airport screening -

An Obamanoid Motto: never use a scalpel when a chain saw is available.

This is simply unreal. They were told that the 5 year moritorium would kill 1 million jobs. So the only logical reason for EXTENDING it is to kill more jobs.

Why? why does obama hate American oil workers?
Obama is a the worse kind of ideologue - a narcissist who cares nothing for how his policies impact "the little people".
What was it Bill Maher said? Oh yeah, "fuck their jobs". Sounds like the Obama administration is taking his advice to heart, plus we have the added benefit of being even more dependent on foreign oil since we can't drill for it in our own backyard. Makes me wonder if this isn't a ploy to make "green" energy look more attractive.
What was it Bill Maher said? Oh yeah, "fuck their jobs". Sounds like the Obama administration is taking his advice to heart, plus we have the added benefit of being even more dependent on foreign oil since we can't drill for it in our own backyard. Makes me wonder if this isn't a ploy to make "green" energy look more attractive.

They launched the Volt last week. Look for gas to go sky high.
Hey maybe we should illiminate Coal mine regulations and create undertaker jobs too.
What was it Bill Maher said? Oh yeah, "fuck their jobs". Sounds like the Obama administration is taking his advice to heart, plus we have the added benefit of being even more dependent on foreign oil since we can't drill for it in our own backyard. Makes me wonder if this isn't a ploy to make "green" energy look more attractive.

I love green energy.

I am 100% behind nuclear power. Of all the sources out there it's the one that gives us the most power for the money and has the least impact

Wind? nope, the mills kill birds and change migration patterns. so that's out.
Wave? for the coasts only and they have to be dredged up and cleaned often.
Solar? Light pollution and the sun sets
Hydgrogen? Nope. Kills the water supply, oxygenates the air, and increases salt levels in oceans. And don't even think of using drinking water.
Dams? oh dear god no, we can't use damns.
Natural gas? oh hell no! You have to, to, gasp, choke 'drill' for that, and that puts money in the pockets of the evil oil companies. Heaven forbid.
Clean coal? pfft, it has the word "coal" in it.

on and on.
Yeah just think of all those jobs that we could create cleaning up spills.
You do realize, moron, that most oil spills come from tankers transporting oil from across the oceans, right?

You've just shoved more pressure to bring more oil from overseas here in this most dangerous form.

Feeling smarter yet?
There are safety concerns here folks.

Some jobs are NOT worth the lives of workers.

Lets remember 11 people died that day.
Well, he gets two years not seven. That's the good news.

When he gets voted out by the unemployed that he did nothing for, he still won't understand.

And TM will also be shocked to learn that most of America has learned that obama just doesn't care about people.

Will you ask TM what this word illiminate is? She gonna light it up or get rid of it? What is this word? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
This is simply unreal. They were told that the 5 year moritorium would kill 1 million jobs. So the only logical reason for EXTENDING it is to kill more jobs.

Why? why does obama hate American oil workers?

I don't think he hates American oil workers. I think he's more interested in getting other countries around the world up to speed when it comes to drilling. Mexico and who else did we send $$ to? I can't remember.

Can anyone say Global Redistribution?

Forget about the jobs in the Gulf. With Obama's help, other folks around the globe will have a better chance at employment.

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