Drexel University Professor: "Kill all whites"


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The ideology of tolerance and anti-racism is hauling at it again:


And it is as consistent as ever:

Seems he has privatized his twitter. Wonder why...-

Visiting Researcher @IISUNAM. Books: We Created Chávez (2013), Building the Commune (2016), Decolonizing Dialectics (2017). My views, not those of @DrexelUniv.

Philly // Ciudad de México

  • “George Ciccariello-Maher reminds us of the extraordinary achievement of Venezuela’s communes in fostering direct democracy at the community and workplace scales. Whatever storms may come, they represent the highest level of popular self-organization in modern Latin American history.”
    – Mike Davis, author of Planet of Slums
  • “Democracy has been emptied of its content, and Building the Commune offers an alternative model for political organization: the Commune, whose roots are in 1871 Paris but whose contemporary emergence is in Venezuela. A sharp and important book that puts at center-stage the ambitions of ordinary people to govern themselves.”
    – Vijay Prashad, author of The Poorer Nations

    Send him back to Mexico

Well, this racist communist professor is white.

His last name appears to be Ciccariello-Maher which means he is jewish and his comment is consistent with the celebration of Hannaka.
This is EXACTLY what the Democratic Party represents today.

Republicans couldn't be this racist or bigoted if they actually tried to be.
The ideology of tolerance and anti-racism is hauling at it again:


And it is as consistent as ever:


I heard and seen this story, and the college the prof is employed at, did NOT fire, or remove him.

Hey lefties, if a college prof said this about Blacks, or Hispanics, what would happen!

Point is, WE as people with economic power, need to start bringing down the far lefty house with how we spend our dollars. Rent a Mike Moore movie? Never! Send your kids to a far leftist school so they can be indoctrinated on your dime? No way!

We need to start getting support groups together, and really start pressuring these clowns. Remember, the lefties themselves proclaim YOU have all the money, and they are just poor folk!

Fine, if that is the case, then start STARVING these lefty institutions and lefty Hollyweird big mouths out!
The ideology of tolerance and anti-racism is hauling at it again:


And it is as consistent as ever:


I heard and seen this story, and the college the prof is employed at, did NOT fire, or remove him.

Hey lefties, if a college prof said this about Blacks, or Hispanics, what would happen!

Point is, WE as people with economic power, need to start bringing down the far lefty house with how we spend our dollars. Rent a Mike Moore movie? Never! Send your kids to a far leftist school so they can be indoctrinated on your dime? No way!

We need to start getting support groups together, and really start pressuring these clowns. Remember, the lefties themselves proclaim YOU have all the money, and they are just poor folk!

Fine, if that is the case, then start STARVING these lefty institutions and lefty Hollyweird big mouths out!
What needs to be done is a civil rights campaign for white people. Make the Democrats fight against the progress they claim to cherish.

If you are not rich as a white person, you are subject to unprecedented institutional racism that only grows as the west becomes less white.
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The ideology of tolerance and anti-racism is hauling at it again:


And it is as consistent as ever:


Michael Moore, in his book “Stupid White Men : ...And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!” urges whites to marry blacks and procreate so we can breed the whiteness out of the country. P. 79.

At least this bigot doesn't what whites killed.....
Don't worry, whites will kill each other off.
Right now the corporate whites are stealing from everyone and flooding the country with immigrants. When the time comes, they will let the country fall into civil war, and the whites will be the ones fighting and dying.

If you are not white, all you have to do is sit back and watch.
Don't worry, whites will kill each other off.
Right now the corporate whites are stealing from everyone and flooding the country with immigrants. When the time comes, they will let the country fall into civil war, and the whites will be the ones fighting and dying.

If you are not white, all you have to do is sit back and watch.

Please. It's a New Year and this same "chicken little" narrative from various fringe lunatic nutcases has been circulating for years. No one group of people is going to be exterminated. People put this kind of nonsense on the internet to get gullible fools excited....and it seems to work.
Most blacks feel this way

Well, this racist communist professor is white.

And if he indeed feels that white genocide is the way "forward", perhaps he should start with himself, setting an example for others.

"Ciccaraillo" doesn't sound "White" to me. It sounds like sand negro wop to me. Or maybe he is jewish with a woptalian name. They feel the same way.
Don't worry, whites will kill each other off.

Right now the corporate whites are stealing from everyone and flooding the country with immigrants. When the time comes, they will let the country fall into civil war, and the whites will be the ones fighting and dying.

If you are not white, all you have to do is sit back and watch.
Unfortunately there is much truth in what you've said here.

White America has become so corrupted, degraded and weakened by over-confidence and self-serving, incompetent leadership the only thing that can restore its strength, vigor and pride is the emergence of a leader with the charisma and determination of Adolf Hitler and the decency and sincere good will of FDR.
Most blacks feel this way

Well, this racist communist professor is white.

And if he indeed feels that white genocide is the way "forward", perhaps he should start with himself, setting an example for others.

"Ciccariallo" doesn't sound "White" to me. It sounds like sand negro wop to me. Or maybe he is jewish with a woptalian name. They feel the same way.
Ciccariallo (nickname, "Cheech") is definitely Italian, therefore Caucasian. But presuming this fellow is Italian, his socio-political disposition is oddball.

While there are some Sicilians whose DNA reflects vestiges of the eighth century Moorish occupation, the vast majority of Italians are wholly Caucasian, particularly those in the north. In fact most Italians who derive from the Swiss border region have blond hair and blue eyes.

That aside, what is it you dislike about Italians? Do you resent their physical beauty and artistic inclination?
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Most blacks feel this way

Well, this racist communist professor is white.

And if he indeed feels that white genocide is the way "forward", perhaps he should start with himself, setting an example for others.

"Ciccaraillo" doesn't sound "White" to me. It sounds like sand negro wop to me. Or maybe he is jewish with a woptalian name. They feel the same way.
Ciccaraillo (nickname, "Cheech") is definitely Italian, therefore Caucasian. But presuming this fellow is Italian, his socio-political disposition is oddball.

While there are some Sicilians whose DNA reflects vestiges of the eighth century Moorish occupation, the vast majority of Italians are wholly Caucasian, particularly those in the north. In fact most Italians who derive from the Swiss border region have blond hair and blue eyes.

That aside, what is it you dislike about Italians? Do you resent their physical beauty and artistic inclination?

The majority of italians aren't what I would consider to be White. Neither are Greeks, Jews, Libyans, Egyptians, etc. Thousands of years ago the whole shore of the Mediterranean was settled by semitic types of people. Their chief physical characteristics were big noses, olive colored skin, black curly hair and black eyes. So don't give ME any shit about "physical beauty."

I can give you one reason why I don't like them. Some years ago, there was some italian guy who used to work at some garage. One day he grabbed a very pretty young blond WHITE girl and drug her off into some woods. There he raped and murdered her. (At least that is the order in which I think it happened)

The guy was eventually caught. Under questioning, they got him to admit why he did it. It has been some years since I saw the the TV show in which they talked about this case. So I can't give you his exact words. But basically, he did it because he found that kind of girl to be offensive to the kind of human he was.
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