Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

this thread is about the MLK who was shot in Memphis after giving a great speech on the national mall. If you want to discuss his kids, start a new thread.
No, he was shot in Memphis after he gave a speech at the Mason Temple Church of Christ...

He was in Memphis in regards to his poor people's campaign, that involved economic boycotts, labor solidarity among the poor whites, blacks and Hispanics...solidarity is the greatest threat to any oppressive government or regime...that is why he was killed..because there is nothing you dic suckers fear most than solidarity against you and your bullshit racist ideology....

"Go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis. Go by and tell them not to buy Sealtest milk. Tell them not to buy – what is the other bread? Wonder Bread. And what is the other bread company, Jesse? Tell them not to buy Hart's bread. As Jesse Jackson has said, up to now, only the garbage men have been feeling pain; now we must kind of redistribute the pain"

funny, solidarity is what made the USA the most successful country in history, and its that solidarity that you libs are trying to destroy. Why do you want to follow the example of Venezuela?

The solidarity I speak of is the solidarity of those who are NOT in the wealth class....the solidarity I speak of are strong labor unions, strong collective bargaining rights, strong regulations -- the shit you dic suckers despise....

and what is it with you morons and Venezuela??

Why do you not mention:


Venezuela isn't failing because of socialism you dumb ass....Venezuela is failing due to corruption, but because people get universal healthcare....but I expect dishonesty from you morons when facts aren't on your side

Big Labor is too strong in this country. Didn't you see what they did to the Steel Industry? Were you around during the Carter Era Steel Collapse? I've drank in the Italian club, I've spoken with Union business agents, and I guess its a nice gig if you can get it. But it doesn't help anyone who isn't in on it.

Republicans have destroyed Big Labor to build a subservient workforce that accepts poor treatment from employers

total bullshit, we have laws today to protect workers from abuse. Unions are no longer needed except as a source of funds for the DNC
THank you for admitting that Eisenhower and Nixon, two conservative REpublicans, had fine civil rights records.

Your claim about Reagan, is simply wrong. Reagan is more recent and thus more timely, thus you can't admit it yet. Give it another 20 years, and once it become moot, more of you libs will be ready to stop lying about him too.
It’s amazing isn’t it?
You have to go back 50 years to find Republican Civil Rights accomplishments

Not really.

50 years ago was when we finally achieved national bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks (and browns).

SInce then, Civil RIghts have morphed into "Civil Rights", and have been increasingly not about fighting against systematic racism,

but instead about fostering racial resentment and tension, and locking in political support for the Dem Machine, all the while fighting for racial discrimination against WHITES.

Naturally people who are ideologically and politically and culturally and religiously in favor of the God Given Rights of All Men, have been less motivated to joint in with that.

YOur pretense that you do not know that, is pathetic and you should be ashamed.
The racial resentment and tension has never gone away
All you need to do is read through this thread to see examples of it

Except now, the "resentment" is not coming from White racists who want discrimination against blacks, but from White non-racists who want equal treatment for whites.

Big difference. That you conflate the two, is just you being an insanely divisive person.

YOu really want your future vision of America, being torn apart along racial lines, don't you?
The “resentment” you speak of comes from whites who grew used to having all the professional and high paying jobs reserved for them.
Like when Jackie Robinson was allowed into the major leagues. The complaint was that he was taking a job away from a white man

Not what I have seen. My generation? Grew up completely indoctrinated in equality, and went into the workforce and was discriminated against, to make up for past injustices.

I have friends who lost YEARS of productive time, because racists like you, were discriminating against whites to benefit blacks.
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.
You know the idea of privatizing gains of the wealthy while privatizing the risks isn't working when even they start to admit how unsustainable it is....but you continue on with your wealth worship...

Hedge-fund billionaire Ray Dalio says capitalism needs urgent reform

I happen to agree that many CEOs are making obscene amounts of money and that the gap between the CEO and the people who do the work has gotten ridiculous in the last decade or so.

But the answer is not more government regulations or tax policy. The answer is to stop buying the products of those companies. I bet you have an apple phone running microsoft software, right? You just helped Gates and the Cook make billions, why are you doing that? I also bet that you envy those who have more than you do, drive better cars, take better vacations, and have bigger houses. Like all liberals, you do not live the life you want to force on everyone else. Are you happy that the Obama's live in a multi million $ mansion overlooking the ocean, or that Gore has a 20,000 sq ft home?

liberalism = hypocrisy. it is proven every day.
No, I don't have an Apple product...

But speaking of Apple and other large companies who have near industry monopolies....who do you think enabled them to have those monopolies?? Government...

and who are the main ones against anti-trust regulations?? Not liberals....

But I like how you claim CEO's make obscene amounts of money -- because when people like Bernie say it -- dic suckers like you attack him...which further lets me know you are full of shit

the difference is that I want to attack that gap through the free market and Bernie wants to attack it by nationalizing all industry.

but you continue to display your stupidity with coarse insults much like those heard on a 8th grade play ground.
The free market doesn't exist moron...

Can you tell me anywhere in the world where a "free market" exists outside of government...

I'll wait....

of course the free market exists, thats why you can choose between a apple phone or a motorola or a samsung, or a jitterbug, or why you can buy a ford, chevy, BMW, Mercedes, or Toyota. You can go to Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy's, or Arbys, YOU get to choose based on products and price. You can by a My pillow or a knock off at walmart. The USA is the biggest free market in the world today.

the government is NOT a free market in any sense of the words. It is a dictatorial monarchy with zero competition.
A pretty good article on why the south turned from being democrat to republican. It's always a hoot to see today's republicans trying to pretend they're the same type of decent individuals who stood up for minorities and their voting rights. They're not and if MLK were alive today he would be leading marches against the likes of trump and mcconnel. Anyway, check out the link.
Why Did The South Turn Republican?
MLK would be fighting for fair wages and redistribution of wealth

While Trump is delivering jobs and increased wages.

Wages have sucked
Trump has done nothing to force business to trickle down the huge tax cut he gave them. He has also refused to enforce worker protections or increase minimum wage

Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Again, why do you keep avoiding what King said??

why didn't you ask MLK, "what the fuck is democratic socialism"??

We already have democratic socialism you moron...

View attachment 301075

"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty
"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

We have quite a massive amount of social spending. An unsustainable amount.

If the results are not to your liking, take it up with the program administrators.
MLK would be fighting for fair wages and redistribution of wealth

While Trump is delivering jobs and increased wages.

Wages have sucked
Trump has done nothing to force business to trickle down the huge tax cut he gave them. He has also refused to enforce worker protections or increase minimum wage

Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Continuing that revisionist history does not make it true

The Stock Market losing half its value is not a market correction
Laying off 700,000 workers a month is not a market correction
Banks and auto companies collapsing is not a market correction
"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

the poor in the US are much better off than the middle class in the rest of the world. Many of our homeless are homeless by choice, not because of anything the government has, or has not, done. There is no "abject poverty" in the USA today. If you want to see abject poverty go to Calcutta India or Guatamala, or parts of Mexico. You have no idea what abject poverty is if you think the people living on the sidewalks of our big cities are living in abject poverty.
"distribution of wealth" ? who do you propose that we give the authority to distribute wealth to? The same people who run the VA? the same people who have put our country 20 trillion in debt?
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

Sure there is. Some people are bums, more interested in sitting on their keisters using their EBT cards and Obamaphones, living in the projects.

Its part of human nature.

BTW, how does Trump's America qualify as the "wealthiest nation on earth"? I thought that libs contended Sweden and Germany and Shithole were a lot better off. Further, as far as natural wealth, the wealthiest nation is the oil rich Liberal Paradise of Venezuela.
While Trump is delivering jobs and increased wages.

Wages have sucked
Trump has done nothing to force business to trickle down the huge tax cut he gave them. He has also refused to enforce worker protections or increase minimum wage

Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Continuing that revisionist history does not make it true

The Stock Market losing half its value is not a market correction
Laying off 700,000 workers a month is not a market correction
Banks and auto companies collapsing is not a market correction

more left wing lies. banks failed because they were forced to issue bad mortgages, the auto companies failed because they were putting out shitty products and were poorly managed. The car companies should have been allowed to go thru bankruptcy, that would have forced them to break up into smaller more efficient units, BUT that would have also required each of those new companies to hold a union representation vote of their employees, and the UAW and the DNC could not let that happen, so Obozo bailed them out with our money to save the UAW and keep its dues flowing to the DNC.

Thats what really happened in 08. your revisionist history is a pile of steaming bullshit.

anyone with common sense made money in your so-called recession. I did very well in the market during those years.
the government already has that authority...that is how wealth has been redistributed to the top -- that is why 10% of the people own over half of the wealth......but you dic suckers don't mind that kind of government welfare....which brings me to another King quote

View attachment 301077
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

the poor in the US are much better off than the middle class in the rest of the world. Many of our homeless are homeless by choice, not because of anything the government has, or has not, done. There is no "abject poverty" in the USA today. If you want to see abject poverty go to Calcutta India or Guatamala, or parts of Mexico. You have no idea what abject poverty is if you think the people living on the sidewalks of our big cities are living in abject poverty.
This is not the rest of the world, this is the wealthiest nation on earth

Wages have sucked
Trump has done nothing to force business to trickle down the huge tax cut he gave them. He has also refused to enforce worker protections or increase minimum wage

Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Continuing that revisionist history does not make it true

The Stock Market losing half its value is not a market correction
Laying off 700,000 workers a month is not a market correction
Banks and auto companies collapsing is not a market correction

more left wing lies. banks failed because they were forced to issue bad mortgages, the auto companies failed because they were putting out shitty products and were poorly managed. The car companies should have been allowed to go thru bankruptcy, that would have forced them to break up into smaller more efficient units, BUT that would have also required each of those new companies to hold a union representation vote of their employees, and the UAW and the DNC could not let that happen, so Obozo bailed them out with our money to save the UAW and keep its dues flowing to the DNC.

Thats what really happened in 08. your revisionist history is a pile of steaming bullshit.

anyone with common sense made money in your so-called recession. I did very well in the market during those years.

Obama's Bailout of GM and Chrysler only saved jobs at the UAW offices and business agent positions.

None at all in the auto industry.

America still needed cars, the Ford and Chevy brands and manufacturing facilities are valuable and would have continued to be used even if the companies were liquidated.
Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Continuing that revisionist history does not make it true

The Stock Market losing half its value is not a market correction
Laying off 700,000 workers a month is not a market correction
Banks and auto companies collapsing is not a market correction

more left wing lies. banks failed because they were forced to issue bad mortgages, the auto companies failed because they were putting out shitty products and were poorly managed. The car companies should have been allowed to go thru bankruptcy, that would have forced them to break up into smaller more efficient units, BUT that would have also required each of those new companies to hold a union representation vote of their employees, and the UAW and the DNC could not let that happen, so Obozo bailed them out with our money to save the UAW and keep its dues flowing to the DNC.

Thats what really happened in 08. your revisionist history is a pile of steaming bullshit.

anyone with common sense made money in your so-called recession. I did very well in the market during those years.

Obama's Bailout of GM and Chrysler only saved jobs at the UAW offices and business agent positions.

None at all in the auto industry.

America still needed cars, the Ford and Chevy brands and manufacturing facilities are valuable and would have continued to be used even if the companies were liquidated.
GM stock was down to 75 cents a share
It was not going to drop much further

Both GM and Chrysler employees accepted major pay and benefit concessions
Wages have sucked
Trump has done nothing to force business to trickle down the huge tax cut he gave them. He has also refused to enforce worker protections or increase minimum wage

Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Continuing that revisionist history does not make it true

The Stock Market losing half its value is not a market correction
Laying off 700,000 workers a month is not a market correction
Banks and auto companies collapsing is not a market correction

more left wing lies. banks failed because they were forced to issue bad mortgages, the auto companies failed because they were putting out shitty products and were poorly managed. The car companies should have been allowed to go thru bankruptcy, that would have forced them to break up into smaller more efficient units, BUT that would have also required each of those new companies to hold a union representation vote of their employees, and the UAW and the DNC could not let that happen, so Obozo bailed them out with our money to save the UAW and keep its dues flowing to the DNC.

Thats what really happened in 08. your revisionist history is a pile of steaming bullshit.

anyone with common sense made money in your so-called recession. I did very well in the market during those years.
Actually...not taking a side here..but it is your view that is clearly 'revisionist' as it is not the accepted history.

BTW..pleased to hear that you did well....many do..in a recession. The market will always pay the person who guesses right. Had you shorted your portfolio prior to the crash...you would have made a ton of money. That, however, is no indicator of the general economic health of the nation.
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

the poor in the US are much better off than the middle class in the rest of the world. Many of our homeless are homeless by choice, not because of anything the government has, or has not, done. There is no "abject poverty" in the USA today. If you want to see abject poverty go to Calcutta India or Guatamala, or parts of Mexico. You have no idea what abject poverty is if you think the people living on the sidewalks of our big cities are living in abject poverty.
This is not the rest of the world, this is the wealthiest nation on earth


I am sure that those people are quite happy living it that house. Its certainly better than living under a bridge in Calcutta with 1500 other people and eating out of a garbage dump.

but maybe Pelosi or Gore has room for them in their mansions, or maybe the obama's or Whoopi can put them in their guest rooms.

You libs post this crap but never criticize your leaders who live in mansions and fly on private planes. How about Maxine Waters who represents the poorest district in LA but does not live in her district but instead lives in a mansion with the hollywood loonies as neighbors.

you libs are the biggest hypocrites in the history of the world.
Can you name a Conservative who marched with Civil Rights protesters?

This was a North/South issue not a partisan political issue

and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.
Can you tell me if they were liberal??

Was George Wallace and Bull Connor along side of those liberal hippies from up north -- marching along side of King??

Can you tell me if Strom Thurman was some radical leftist?? and then when he got older, became conservative??

You do understand the reason dic suckers like you say "democrat" and "republican" is because you too dishonest to use the words "conservative" and "liberal" -- because you are too dishonest to admit that conservatives HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST THE EMANCIPATION EFFORT OF EVERY HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUP -- and it leaves you morons to have to play these words games years after the fact.....because when the true fight was being fought, no conservatives were there marching along side of MLK...

Which is why you can't name one

The GOP of Eisenhower and Nixon, and Reagan, all had excellent Civil RIghts records, and they were all conservative. YOur claims are absurd.
Eisenhower and Nixon did

Reagan used blacks to build his base

Eisenhower could have done much more for Civil Rights while he was President

THank you for admitting that Eisenhower and Nixon, two conservative REpublicans, had fine civil rights records.

Your claim about Reagan, is simply wrong. Reagan is more recent and thus more timely, thus you can't admit it yet. Give it another 20 years, and once it become moot, more of you libs will be ready to stop lying about him too.

Ike was a country club republican and Nixon a paranoid piece of shit.

Both refused to meet with MLK which is why he switched party allegiance from republic to Democratic in the 1950s.
Wages have sucked for a long time, DECADES before Trump took office. They have started to suck less under him, and his policies.

In a sane world, people like you, could offer black voters, "fair wages and redistribution of wealth" and people like Trump could offer black voters "jobs and increased wages",

and blacks that wanted the American dream could vote for Trump and blacks that wanted to live under marxism could vote for the dem.

BUT, you libs know that you can't win like that, so you lie a lot, about "racism".

YOu are dishonest, because you know it is the only way you can win.
Wages were much better under Clinton and the beginning of the Bush administration
Once the Great Bush Recession of 2008 hit, massive layoffs drove down wages. Employers liked the idea of low wages and used fear and lack of collective bargaining to keep wages low

In an economy with 3.5 percent unemployment and a massive tax cut for employers, we shouldn’t be bragging about 2-3 percent wage increases

Nothing in your post is true, not a word of it.

There was no "great recession" in 2008, that is total bullshit. What we had in 08 was a market correction driven by bad mortgage policy put in place by democrats. that policy resulted in massive numbers of foreclosures and bank losses because mortgages were given to people who had no way to make the payments (another failed liberal policy).

You really need some new talking points, winger. these have been disproven many times already.
Continuing that revisionist history does not make it true

The Stock Market losing half its value is not a market correction
Laying off 700,000 workers a month is not a market correction
Banks and auto companies collapsing is not a market correction

more left wing lies. banks failed because they were forced to issue bad mortgages, the auto companies failed because they were putting out shitty products and were poorly managed. The car companies should have been allowed to go thru bankruptcy, that would have forced them to break up into smaller more efficient units, BUT that would have also required each of those new companies to hold a union representation vote of their employees, and the UAW and the DNC could not let that happen, so Obozo bailed them out with our money to save the UAW and keep its dues flowing to the DNC.

Thats what really happened in 08. your revisionist history is a pile of steaming bullshit.

anyone with common sense made money in your so-called recession. I did very well in the market during those years.
Actually...not taking a side here..but it is your view that is clearly 'revisionist' as it is not the accepted history.

BTW..pleased to hear that you did well....many do..in a recession. The market will always pay the person who guesses right. Had you shorted your portfolio prior to the crash...you would have made a ton of money. That, however, is no indicator of the general economic health of the nation.

I fully understand that some "economists" call 08 a recession, but when we objectively look at what caused it and what the results of those years were, it was actually a good thing for the country and the market. Giving out billions in bad mortgages was the dumbest economic action in our history. Actually, letting the country accrue 20 trillion in debt was probably the dumbest, but the mortgage debacle was close.
That same 10% pays 90% of the federal income taxes, and 50% pay nothing. If you want equality then everyone should pay the same tax rate.

How do you propose that the government redistribute the wealth? by taking it by force from those who have earned it and handing it to those who have done nothing? If thats your plan, then why would anyone work in your system? If your system is designed to punish success and reward failure, what kind of country do you think that will create? Please actually think before answering.

We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

the poor in the US are much better off than the middle class in the rest of the world. Many of our homeless are homeless by choice, not because of anything the government has, or has not, done. There is no "abject poverty" in the USA today. If you want to see abject poverty go to Calcutta India or Guatamala, or parts of Mexico. You have no idea what abject poverty is if you think the people living on the sidewalks of our big cities are living in abject poverty.
This is not the rest of the world, this is the wealthiest nation on earth


This home could use some repairs, but a lot of homes can. It isn't dilapidated, and it looks like its in a great wooded location, the folks have space but not that much grass to cut.
and of which party were: Strom Thurman, George Wallace, Bull Connor, Lester Maddox, Bill KKK Byrd? they were all dems, sorry if those facts upset you but they are facts.

another fact, there was a huge KKK contingent in Illinois and there were slaves in most of the northern and western states, it was not a north/south issue, it was a states rights issue created by slave owning democrats and ended by a republican named Lincoln.
Can you tell me if they were liberal??

Was George Wallace and Bull Connor along side of those liberal hippies from up north -- marching along side of King??

Can you tell me if Strom Thurman was some radical leftist?? and then when he got older, became conservative??

You do understand the reason dic suckers like you say "democrat" and "republican" is because you too dishonest to use the words "conservative" and "liberal" -- because you are too dishonest to admit that conservatives HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST THE EMANCIPATION EFFORT OF EVERY HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUP -- and it leaves you morons to have to play these words games years after the fact.....because when the true fight was being fought, no conservatives were there marching along side of MLK...

Which is why you can't name one

The GOP of Eisenhower and Nixon, and Reagan, all had excellent Civil RIghts records, and they were all conservative. YOur claims are absurd.
Eisenhower and Nixon did

Reagan used blacks to build his base

Eisenhower could have done much more for Civil Rights while he was President

THank you for admitting that Eisenhower and Nixon, two conservative REpublicans, had fine civil rights records.

Your claim about Reagan, is simply wrong. Reagan is more recent and thus more timely, thus you can't admit it yet. Give it another 20 years, and once it become moot, more of you libs will be ready to stop lying about him too.

Ike was a country club republican and Nixon a paranoid piece of shit.

Both refused to meet with MLK which is why he switched party allegiance from republic to Democratic in the 1950s.

the civil rights bill of 1964 would not have passed without republican votes, a majority of democrats voted against it.
We do not need to redistribute wealth as much as stop an economic system built around supply side economics. It does not work. Why are we helping people who obviously don’t need it when there are so many who do?

We should help those who are unable to help themselves because of mental or physical limitations. Everyone else should be responsible for his or her life and welfare.

Funny isn't it that republicans and conservatives give much more to charity than democrats and liberals. Could it be that liberals do not practice what they preach?
We are the wealthiest nation on earth
There is no reason some people should live in abject poverty

the poor in the US are much better off than the middle class in the rest of the world. Many of our homeless are homeless by choice, not because of anything the government has, or has not, done. There is no "abject poverty" in the USA today. If you want to see abject poverty go to Calcutta India or Guatamala, or parts of Mexico. You have no idea what abject poverty is if you think the people living on the sidewalks of our big cities are living in abject poverty.
This is not the rest of the world, this is the wealthiest nation on earth


I am sure that those people are quite happy living it that house. Its certainly better than living under a bridge in Calcutta with 1500 other people and eating out of a garbage dump.

but maybe Pelosi or Gore has room for them in their mansions, or maybe the obama's or Whoopi can put them in their guest rooms.

You libs post this crap but never criticize your leaders who live in mansions and fly on private planes. How about Maxine Waters who represents the poorest district in LA but does not live in her district but instead lives in a mansion with the hollywood loonies as neighbors.

you libs are the biggest hypocrites in the history of the world.

Trump claims that he is the most (insert anything here) and you sycophant after it.

Republics claim to be for law and order, but that’s just when they’re out of power.

Republics claim to be deficit hawks, but that only when they’re out of power.

Republics claim to have higher moral standards, but still support men who cheat and divorce.

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