Dr. King ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Had a difficult time locating this premier Message Board.
It rerouted me to Zoominfo.com
Had to search thru the top 35 message board sites.Then click
on to this boards .com name.
However ... Why is Reverend Martin Luther King jr. always
referred to as Dr.King.He wasn't a practicing physician.
His name is placed in high regard for being a Baptist Minister
and civil rights activist.Not a Doctor.A lot of men and women have
Ph.D's.They aren't referred to by Dr.
The simplist answer as to Reverend King is obviously the most
correct.It's part of what our Country is being " Transformed " into.
In order to make way for that ,than the Notion of God and Religion
or Christianity has to be supplanted.Made less.Eventually hardly even
recognized.Which is precisely what The Party of Big Brother Authoritarian
Goverment wants and now demands. So God-fearing Patriots and
good Americans like Tucker Carlson was spot-on again last night in
reminding us.As to What the Heck is going on.
Godliness and Christianity is under assualt.In league with
Pro-abortion nuts and elimination of common sense.
Never before has such Vile demonstrable talk about the Catholic
faith been so hellfire announced..Straight out of horror movie
legend like - The Exorcist - { 1973 }
Or ... let the Power of Abortion Compel you.
Instead "The Power of Christ ... compels you . " { Father Merrin }
See how all this stuff works.
" therefore within the second circle lie simoniacs,sycophants, and
hypocrites,falsifiers,thieves, and sorceres,grafters,pimps and all
such filthy cheats. " -- DANTE Alighieri { The Inferno }
Doctor of Philosophy.

Academic degree.
I remember about 10 years ago when Miss Laura Ingraham was
starting out in Talk Radio.And she was rather bugged that her fellow
conservative mate { William Bennett } was now insisting that she
and others start referring to him as Dr. Bennett.He had a Ph.D plus
a JD from Harvard.Miss Ingraham had a BA from Dartmouth and a
Juris Doctor from the Virginia School of Law.
She kinda got impolite and said she wasn't gonna now start
by calling a fellow Conservative buddy by that title.Or Dr.
I see her point.
It's kinda like the feud between John Kerry and George Bush
who both attended Yale and were in Skull and Bones.
Bush relinguished his Yale GPA and courses taken.
Kerry Refused to.Even when on - Meet the Press - with
Tim Russert.Kerry kept hedging.Like he would in due time.
He used as excuse that his Military Records are private.
Bush 43 was also in the service.The Texas Air National Guard.
Where Kerry " Johnny Frauds " went to great length to
mock Bush's Service and the supposed hoax of his Absent without
Leave bidness.
Before I was rudely interrupted the utter day by some
weenie-pie and the standard complaint by those of the
ill-ilk about formatting I was about to explain that mornings
Joe Madison Talk Radio performance.I can only stomach
a few minutes each weekday morning.
That morning { a monday } as usual this " Black Eagle "
was as usual rude,arrogant,condescending and acting all
uppity because the caller dared to put forth a question that
says it all.The question was about " return ". As in what Return
did the Black community get for Voting Biden.A pretty fair
question to wonder and ask about.Because we all know the
answer.Biden is all talk and no cattle.The Black Community is
now in total discombobulation.Their Liberal run big city's are
in fever pitch Blackzilla land.NOT because of anything the previous Potus governed.Trump awarded both the Black and
Hispanic Community The Lowest Unemploymen tnumbers on
record { ever recorded }.Gave Blacks hope as far as increased
takehome pay.Shelby Steele,Robert Woodson and Thomas
Sowell only a few notably conservative intellectual.
So how did the outrageously dim black bulb of a
" Black Eagle " respond.His usual Carny act.Demanding
his question be answered first.Since it's HIS SHOW.
Not allowing the caller to respond.Because most sane Americans can smell the coffee.Guys like Madison are incapable of Debate.That's the last God-damned thing they
want.Is honest debate.
Larry Elder gave up years ago with guys like Joe Madison.
Keep in mind one of Joe's most favorite Pols.
Detroits John Conyers.Eventually he became outted.
Was a virtual terror in and around his office.Bossy,harassing
and tempermental.Like Amy Klobuchar.Imagine what
Elizabeth Warren is like around her office.
So I was curious as to how Joe Madison would prey upon
the Mass Shooting in Buffalo.Where 10 died.Mostly blacks.
By a White 18 year old.So the best bellwether as usual was
Sunday's - Meet the Press - where they preyed upon the
mass killing in typical blame game Dimobrat fashion.
Predictably.And of course that meant having Al Sharpton
on to give his lame ass 2 cents worth.The guy still owes a lot of
money in back taxes to the IRS.The press is not interested.
So F.Chuck Todd preyed upon his usual slant.It must be an act
of sheer White Supremacy and that means it must be the fault
of MAGA.They even used the misconstrued comment of Trump saying ...
" There are very fine people on both sides " Trump's initial
statement as to the violence at the Charlottesville rally.
Trump clarifying that whatever one thought of General Lee
he was indeed one of the great Generals.
This Morning Joe Madison wasted little time in making sure
he used the Name Tucker Carlson to spread his version of
Propaganda and Hate.Using the words " Enough Is Enough "
That the Managers who run Fox need to understand that enough
is enough.Like somehow Tucker Carlson can be implicated in the
Demobrat Piling on Blame game.Regarding White Supremacy and
how Blacks are targetted by White Supremacists as if MAGA stands fir dat.

See how this Crap works.

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