Dr Ford agrees to testify under oath to Congress


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Sure gonna be fun seeing if old, white Republicans will have the balls to grill this lady; who has btw taken a lie detector test. This is an educated woman well versed in psychology - not Stormy Daniels. She's going to hold up quite well, as old white Republicans bleed more college educated suburban women. :)

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Stormy Daniel didn't lie about anything she's said regarding her and Trump either.
Stormy Daniel didn't lie about anything she's said regarding her and Trump either.

Oh I agree - The US public when last I looked believe her around 65% to Trump's 38 or so. I worded that badly. My point wasn't to berate Stormy. Just that this woman will fare even better.
Kavanaugh and the Republicans will spew some bullshit about the reliability of polygraph machines, as Kavanaugh refuses to submit to a test.
Actually, there is no need to hold any hearings on the matter. It has nothing to do with anything relevant, true or false.

Her story is not particularly credible, on its face. The idea of someone trying to forcibly remove a woman's one-piece bathing suit UNDER STREET CLOTHES is preposterous.
Actually, there is no need to hold any hearings on the matter. It has nothing to do with anything relevant, true or false.

Her story is not particularly credible, on its face. The idea of someone trying to forcibly remove a woman's one-piece bathing suit UNDER STREET CLOTHES is preposterous.

Thank God value voters quit pretending they have values. That was getting old.
Zzzzzzz he will be confirmed, and liberals wonder why Trumps president..

This tit for tat started with Anita Hill ..
Who gave her the polygraph, Comey?


The Post reports that Ford took a polygraph test administered by an ex-FBI agent on the advice of a lawyer, Debra Katz. The Post reviewed the results, which showed Ford was speaking truthfully when she described the alleged incident.
Her lesbian lawyer said that no one from the Judiciary Committee (Dem or Repub) has asked her to testify. I would think that the Dems would be anxious to have her testify if they were confident the allegations were true. Why the reluctance?
Who gave her the polygraph, Comey?


The Post reports that Ford took a polygraph test administered by an ex-FBI agent on the advice of a lawyer, Debra Katz. The Post reviewed the results, which showed Ford was speaking truthfully when she described the alleged incident.
The lawyer said the results of the polygraph had not been released.
Her lesbian lawyer said that no one from the Judiciary Committee (Dem or Repub) has asked her to testify. I would think that the Dems would be anxious to have her testify if they were confident the allegations were true. Why the reluctance?

Only McTurtle can approve of such a hearing and issue such an invitation.
It will come - Likely by day's end because the pressure from his own party is immense.
And Who the F cares about the sexual preferences of her attorney?
Thank God value voters quit pretending they have values. That was getting old.

It made no difference.

You bed wetters held republicrats to higher standards than they had for themselves while you enjoyed having no morals, standards or ethics.

That's why the only thing I care about in a political whore is their willingness to roll back all the insane regressive shit you parasites demanded government enact.

I don't care who or what they fuck, Bill did worse.

I don't care if they harassed some broad, Bill RAPED them.

I don't care if they slapped a woman. Ted Kennedy KILLED ONE. (That we know of)

I don't care if they do queer shit, the DNC is chock full of queers and every sort of sexual deviant known to man and some probably have kinks so depraved and disgusting they haven't been defined yet.

Piece of shit.

Who gave her the polygraph, Comey?


The Post reports that Ford took a polygraph test administered by an ex-FBI agent on the advice of a lawyer, Debra Katz. The Post reviewed the results, which showed Ford was speaking truthfully when she described the alleged incident.
The lawyer said the results of the polygraph had not been released.

Reviewed by The Post - Good enough for me until such time as it's released. It will be seen by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Thank God value voters quit pretending they have values. That was getting old.

It made no difference.

You bed wetters held republicrats to higher standards than they had for themselves while you enjoyed having no morals, standards or ethics.

That's why the only thing I care about in a political whore is their willingness to roll back all the insane regressive shit you parasites demanded government enact.

I don't care who or what they fuck, Bill did worse.

I don't care if they harassed some broad, Bill RAPED them.

I don't care if they slapped a woman. Ted Kennedy KILLED ONE. (That we know of)

I don't care if they do queer shit, the DNC is chock full of queers and every sort of sexual deviant known to man and some probably have kinks so depraved and disgusting they haven't been defined yet.

Piece of shit.

You have anger management issues. Enter a zip code and enroll immediately

Anger Management
Who gave her the polygraph, Comey?


The Post reports that Ford took a polygraph test administered by an ex-FBI agent on the advice of a lawyer, Debra Katz. The Post reviewed the results, which showed Ford was speaking truthfully when she described the alleged incident.
The lawyer said the results of the polygraph had not been released.

Reviewed by The Post - Good enough for me until such time as it's released. It will be by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Don't count on it. Dems don't even want her to testify. That tells me it's bullshit and they're afraid of being exposed for the frauds they are.
Actually, there is no need to hold any hearings on the matter. It has nothing to do with anything relevant, true or false.

Her story is not particularly credible, on its face. The idea of someone trying to forcibly remove a woman's one-piece bathing suit UNDER STREET CLOTHES is preposterous.
Yeah! Black out drunks never try to do anything stupid!
Actually, there is no need to hold any hearings on the matter. It has nothing to do with anything relevant, true or false.

Her story is not particularly credible, on its face. The idea of someone trying to forcibly remove a woman's one-piece bathing suit UNDER STREET CLOTHES is preposterous.
Yeah! Black out drunks never try to do anything stupid!

They are still defending Brett the Breast Grabber's drinking buddy Mark Judge as a credible witness - LoL!

Judge describes an institution where alcoholism was rampant, a theme he detailed in his 1997 addiction memoir, Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk.

That book chronicles Judge’s time as a teenage alcoholic. Like many works of the genre, it devotes a lot of ink to the kinds of debauchery that leads to AA and recovery. While there’s nothing in the book that resembles the incident reportedly described in the private letter given to the FBI, Judge says his own black-out drinking while he and Kavanaugh were Georgetown Prep students “reached the point where once I had the first beer, I found it impossible to stop until I was completely annihilated.”

He describes, for instance, what happened after a night of heavy drinking with friends at a Georgetown bar. “The next thing I knew, I was lying on a bathroom floor. I was curled up in the fetal position with saliva running out of the side of my mouth,” Judge writes, explaining that he had inexplicably woken up inside a nearby Four Seasons Hotel. He writes that he called his mom for help getting home. “I must have come over here and passed out,” he tells her.​


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